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View Full Version : What is dumbest thing you have done with a gun?

02-08-2017, 10:41 PM
For me, it happened about 40 years ago. I was living in an apartment. My neighbor was a very attractive lady I started dating. She came home one day and found her door unlocked. She knocked on my door and asked for help.

Like an idiot, I took out my M52 (yes, a freaking target gun) and proceeded to clear her apartment.

A really stupid decision.

Don Verna

Wayne Smith
02-08-2017, 10:57 PM
Not really, if it shot. Depends on what other options you had at the time. Any gun is better than none, and a 'freakin target gun' at least is accurate and you know where it shoots.

Mine was probably playing with my .31 caliber cap and ball revolver (not even sure what happened to that gun) and shot our couch pillow. Ball stopped in the pillow, I stitched up the small hole and LOML never noticed, or at least never mentioned it.

02-08-2017, 10:58 PM
You might have "found" a target.:D

02-08-2017, 11:01 PM
Shameful to admit...... but yes....and don't spread it around.... but..... I sold one. :oops:

02-08-2017, 11:08 PM
Shameful to admit...... but yes....and don't spread it around.... but..... I sold one. :oops:

Beat me to it, lol. I trade one now and then but would rather give a gun away than sell it.

02-08-2017, 11:12 PM
Shameful to admit...... but yes....and don't spread it around.... but..... I sold one. :oops:

Same for me but I did it more than once.

02-08-2017, 11:12 PM
Beagle333 shame on you... don't ever say that again ok.

02-08-2017, 11:19 PM
Oh my God ! Really? This type of public embarassment? Ok, i will play.....

I was at an age when westerns and twirling sixguns were my fancy at the time. Got pretty good at it too!

One day i went to show off (isnt that how it always starts?) and twirled my loaded double-action Ruger Redhawk and sure enough- BOOM!! Right through the floor!

I learned quite a few things that day....i wont bore you with the details/list.

02-08-2017, 11:37 PM
Well after teaching dear wife to shoot....

I would have to say it was when as a young lad I decide to collect a slug from a pistol, I think it was a 32 or maybe 38 revolver, but pretty sure it was 32. So I put the target box with phone book and foam inside that I used for bow & arrow (about 25# bow) and BB gun plinking and made sure I was close enough that I wouldn't miss and went "pop". Went through the box, then the drywall in garage, then the drywall in the house at the bottom of the stairs and struck the open front door.

I then had about 4 hours to patch the drywall , clean up the mess, and touch up paint before parents came home. Mom noticed the dust on the stairs despite my most excellent work, I said I knocked a chunk out of the drywall and patched it, she said I should let dad do that. Dad got all his fix-it gear out, gave drywall patch a lick or two with some sand paper and told mom it was good to go.

Two things stand out from this:
I got the slug from the floor by the door.
I have never again been anything but OCD about down range and backstop.

Last but not least it proves that if something is going to go wrong it helps an awful lot if your older brother or sister isn't around to know about it. Then you get older and they are the ones you do want around when things go wrong.

02-08-2017, 11:41 PM
Failed to eject all the cartridges out of a .45 I owned and decided to pull the trigger and shot a hole in the floor. The look on my wife's face was one of shock and surprise. Not only did I do it once I did it again about two weeks later and ended up with two holes in the floor. I then traded the gun as I found out it was because the ejector did not work and I was new to guns.

02-08-2017, 11:46 PM
First time my Dad let me clean his snubnose Smith...last thing he says..."Be sure you unload it!"

15 steps later I'm sitting on the bed in my room and I think how I could hit that old black telephone across the room real easy...

KaBlam! . . . I blew that telephone in a couple dozen pieces! You know the rest of the story...

?...Was that an 'accidental intentional discharge'?

Plate plinker
02-08-2017, 11:54 PM
I have lent guns to family. MISTAKE.

02-09-2017, 12:06 AM
About 1969 I was hunting grouse in northern Maine with my Remington model 29 full choke 12 ga. pump. Got to wondering if I could shoot this thing one handed. I lifted it up extended reach and pulled the trigger. I felt it on my rt. cheek as the entire shotgun flew past me going backwards. Holding my cheek I found my shotgun about 6 feet away. I picked it up, brushed off the dirt and leaves and silently snuck out of the woods swearing to never do that again.

02-09-2017, 12:09 AM
Well not a gun but a 12 gauge shell. When I was young, don't remember exact age but still very unwise, I found a 12 gauge shell, cut the top off and dropped the shot (smart enough to do that), grabbed a hammer and nail to see what would happen. Needless to say I never did that again! However there have been many more in my lifetime.

02-09-2017, 12:29 AM
Done a lot of dumb things. Having been an adrenaline junky much of my life, some that could have gotten me killed. Never done anything stupid with a firearm. Never done something stupid that could have gotten someone else killed.

02-09-2017, 12:35 AM
I sold a Colt Python for $400 back around 1990.

02-09-2017, 12:42 AM
I guess the dumbest thing I ever did with MY gun, was when I was 13 I bought a used stevens single shot 12 gauge with a 36 in barrel.
I had it sitting in my lap in the living room and slipped a shell in it and fliped the action closed, like I always did. It went off and put a nice hole in the wall trim just under the window. You could not even slide a 12 gauge hull in that hole, so I learned my scatter gun didn't do any scattering at 15 feet at least.

I always paid close attention to it and made sure it was pointing in a safe direction after that, but since it never happened again, I figure the hammer had to have been back with my finger on the trigger.

I messed up with a friends 30/30 once in high school. Our past time in the little town we lived in was either coyote hunting or jackrabbit hunting, mainly because we could chase them in pickups in farmers wheatfields and pastures.
One night my friend had his 30/30 but told me he only had 3 shells. I had some so I filled up the tube and didn't tell him, thinking nothing of it. When we were heading home he unloaded his gun, and right at the lasy second I just knew he was going to pull the trigger when he got the third shell out. I yelled, but I was a split second too late, he shot a hole in the floorboard, ringing our ears good, and I will never forget the look on his face, when he was telling me, he knew for a fact there was only 3 shells in that gun.

I was driving his dads pickup, because I shoot left handed, so always drove, so I could shoot out of the drivers side, I never knew if his dad ever noticed the hole or not.

02-09-2017, 12:58 AM
Had the bayonet on my K31 and sliced the ceiling up. :rolleyes:

02-09-2017, 01:33 AM
Starting reloading for one to save money!!!!!!! [smilie=1:

02-09-2017, 01:57 AM
The answer to this one will always be "tried to fix it without knowing what was wrong" or "sell it."

Lloyd Smale
02-09-2017, 08:27 AM
had a loaded old model ruger 44 special conversion loaded with 6 rounds (I know better) sitting in the safe and knocked it off the shelf and it fell and hit the floor of the safe and went off. Immediately I did a check of my body shaking like a leaf. Luckily it was pointed the other way and the 250 grain cast bullet put a dent in the back side of the safe! By the grace of God that gun wasn't pointed at my chest when it went off.

02-09-2017, 09:53 AM
started out of the shack door with a 32 cal S&W double action and turned around took aim a shot a bullet through the support on a shelf that is in my shack.I don't know what made me do it but I look at where the bullet went and damage everyday I didn't repair the support and I have to look at it everyday to remind me how stupid I was.

Texas by God
02-09-2017, 10:10 AM
The list is long but I always keep the muzzle controlled so All is ok. Learning experiences! Best, Thomas.

02-09-2017, 11:36 AM
I knew a guy once ...:kidding:that was walking to his deer stand one early morning with his muzzleloader. When all of the sudden a bob cat dashed out of a bush across his boot and without any thought cocked and fired at the lil booger. As the smoke settled and hr could see the hole in the ground about 6 inches from my toe he realized if he was any quicker on the trigger he would have blown his big toe smooth off. Even though he missed the bob cat he still snicker thinking of his scorched rear not slowing down for at least a mile thinking the devil was chasing him.

Another time same fella, I really aught to stop running with the nut job, was doing a trigger job on an old 38. So as he smoothed out the trigger and dry fired it multiple times he finally got it "just right". As we know complacency is the mother of all screw ups, he loaded it back up as his wife came in with groceries and put a jug of vegetable oil in the pantry; that coincidently he'd been dry fire shooting at all morning. Proud of his work he started bragging to his wife pulled up the pistol and slowly stroked the trigger "smooth....as.....glass BOOM!!! After checking each others' britches for leaks a slow pool of oil started to leak out from under the door. The wife just gathered up her purse and keys and said she was going back to the store for more vegetable oil and the name of a good divorce attorney, because if that oil wasn't cleaned up by the time she got back she'd be calling him on Monday.

s mac
02-09-2017, 11:37 AM
Years ago, first time out with my first muzzleloader, after a half a dozen shots I was having fun. reloaded and forgot to remove the ramrod. Kicked like a mule as I watched the ramrod fly downrange. A learning experience to be sure.

02-09-2017, 12:02 PM
The dumbest thing I think I have done, was when I was visiting Monte Mandarino. He was building one of the guns that are on the overleafs of "Steel Canvas". His shop has exposed beams, and as I picked it up, I banged it on one of the beams. I was devastated, but he said not to worry about it, he had done the same thing several times. Good thing I didn't have to pay for it, that gun was $287,000 when finished.

02-09-2017, 12:16 PM
I've enjoyed reading these...and I'm so glad I've never done anything as stupid as y'all have done. :grin:

02-09-2017, 12:16 PM
The dumbest thing I think I have done, was when I was visiting Monte Mandarino. He was building one of the guns that are on the overleafs of "Steel Canvas". His shop has exposed beams, and as I picked it up, I banged it on one of the beams. I was devastated, but he said not to worry about it, he had done the same thing several times. Good thing I didn't have to pay for it, that gun was $287,000 when finished.

Knowing that...I'd have took several steps back from it and certainly kept my nose pickers in my pockets!

Ole Murphy has followed me around more than once in life!

02-09-2017, 12:17 PM
I've enjoyed reading these...and I'm so glad I've never done anything as stupid as y'all have done. :grin:

I hope you are 'knocking on wood' after making a statement like that! . . . :bigsmyl2:

02-09-2017, 12:47 PM
Probably 15 years ago. I was reloading 9mm for a P89 I bought the day I turned 21. I plunk tested a round and was good. I then cycled a few. I was getting ready to put it away and it still had the hammer back. Without thinking I pointed it to the corner of the work bench and floor and pulled the trigger. Bang. Complete ND. Worst part was owning up to my mistake to my father. We had laughed about it years later. I sure do miss him.

02-09-2017, 01:49 PM
http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Triggernosis http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?p=3944863#post3944863) I've enjoyed reading these...and I'm so glad I've never done anything as stupid as y'all have done. :grin:

Followed by OS OK:
I hope you are 'knocking on wood' after making a statement like that! . . . :bigsmyl2:

Not knocking, but more likely whittling 4 or 5 inches off his nose!

Texas by God
02-09-2017, 02:34 PM
A late friend once was explaining the many safety features of a 7.65 FN 1922 to some friends in the living room. He then proceeded to shoot the coffee table in the leg. Tons & years of gun experience out the window. Watch that muzzle-things can be replaced; people can't.

02-09-2017, 02:40 PM
I once twirled a six gun in front of Gramps, I still have scars! From him beating me.

02-09-2017, 04:25 PM
I've enjoyed reading these...and I'm so glad I've never done anything as stupid as y'all have done. :grin:

Don't worry you're in a safe space here. You can about the times you've done worse we won't judge lol

02-09-2017, 04:54 PM
I'd grown tired of this crippled moorehen that wouldn't leave the deks , wouldn't show enough to finish and was too fast for the old dog and her slipping vision .
After an hour or so of this I had had enough .............. Turns out the dog would have never caught that 5# carp without that half moon missing . It was so quick like cottontail in the brush .

I learned the hard way that letting hammer down on the half cock on a HiPower clone is a bad idea . I didn't like that vacuum cleaner anyway .

I never found the bullet from the empty S&W ....... I did get the ejector burr that drug the round back into the cylinder fixed however .......

If you play the game long enough it is certain that you will do it or be there when it happens .

02-09-2017, 05:12 PM
was asked once if I wanted to sell the wife or the gun .. Should have kept the gun ...

02-09-2017, 05:22 PM
Worst I've ever done is nothing compared to you guys. Forgot to check that the suppressor was on tight and launched it downrange.

Well, with an air gun I was shooting at an evil critter in the backyard from the second story window. There was a couch against the wall so I was standing and failed to account for the scope height. There is still a .22 cal pellet in that couch.

02-09-2017, 05:41 PM
I once loaned a gun to one of my brother's kinfolk. The kid literally begged me for it. I kept saying I don't loan out my guns. He kept saying that if anything went wrong, he'd pay for it. Since he didn't have a job or a way to get money, I knew that was just "want" speaking. He hardly knew which end the bullets came out of! Well, my brother called, and berated me for not being "generous" with my guns, and said he'd pay if any damage was incurred. I quizzed him very thoroughly on that, and he repeatedly assured me he'd take the responsibility. So I knew better, but I loaned the kid a M-700 that had a custom Shilen heavy barrel on it. The stock had been hogged out for the heavier barrel, and it was all glass bedded, and it was scary accurate in .223. I figured the mild recoil would maybe help him place his shots. Also explained deer anatomy, but I don't think he really heard a word I said.

Next? You guessed it. He brought it back, and was acting funny. Didn't seem to want to leave. I'd stood it up in a corner pending a good cleaning. He finally walked over, put his finger on the stock, and said, "what's this?" He pointed out a crack in the stock that was serious and very long. I hadn't noticed because of the way I'd handled the gun. But it was nearly broken off, and the split was over a foot long! I didn't say anything, but I think I rolled my eyes, and just told him calmly, "Well, I guess you owe me for a stock now." He kept saying "I'll pay for it" repeatedly until he finally left. Then my brother called and basically questioned my ancestry for accepting the offer HE had made! We had several arguments over this over the course of a week or two. A replacement factory stock would have, at that time, been over $200. I'd wanted a target style stock on it anyway, and could get a semi-finished one for @ $140 IIRC, and as a concession to my brother, decided to just take the semi-finished stock and chalk the rest up to "experience." He STILL railed at me. I just stood firm, and said "Well, you promised. Were you just blowing smoke or what?" He finally paid me the $140. I didn't even get shipping, but called it good. Then he didn't speak to me for 6 months, until he wanted to borrow something. Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth then!

The kid told me much later that he'd propped it up against a vehicle, and it had slid down and fell on the ground. I don't see how that could have cracked a stock like that one was cracked, but just shrugged, and said it had been forgotten. Neither he nor my brother have ever asked to borrow a gun again.

So I did a dumb thing that led to "family problems" as well! When I mess up, it can be a really BIG one!

I won't tell about the AD's I've had. I still can't believe they happened, but ..... well, you know.

Mal Paso
02-09-2017, 05:45 PM
Forty some years ago I lived in town on a paved street in a neighborhood of houses and apartments. One evening a stranger knocked on my door looking for a 30-06 bullet he had lost.

I was impressed by the fellow's owning up to the accident and never thought the same way again about Field of Fire.

02-09-2017, 06:37 PM
I shot myself in the leg with an old Ruger RST4. That was before the magazine disconnect was put in. I still have the bullet in my leg after some 45 years.

02-09-2017, 07:14 PM
I was showing a friend my 45 ACP out in the parking lot at work. Dropped the mag cleared the chamber and handed it to him. When he was done I inserted the mag cycled a round in the chamber and I was letting the gamer down it slipped and I put a round in the ac condenser.

02-09-2017, 08:28 PM
Thought of another one I was talking to my wife in my garage and had a .38 special in my hand I was putting them up and decided to "dry" fire the gun and forgot there was snakeshot in the cylinder. I ended up "killing" the side of the refrigerator without damaging the refrigerator other than leaving dents in the outside and leaving my wife looking shocked and me thinking what the heck did I just do!!!!:-)

02-09-2017, 08:37 PM
Well lets see , I always have had a shot gun loaded in the closet, just because I can , Now this was be for I got a safe ,and my hot water heater went out one weekend and water was leaking under the carpet in the closet so I removed all my firearms from the closet so they wouldn't get the but stocks wet , I have always had the habit of putting the muzzle down if I have a gun loaded so I will know that, that is the one that is loaded....I still do only now they are in a safe. so I took the shotgun into the living room and was going to unload it and for some reason I had my finger on the trigger when I procedded to jack the round out , thanks good ness the muzzel was pointed down and I blew a hole in the living room floor right in front of my wife's recliner, needles to say I had a weekend project on my hands after that and on top of having to replace the water heater too boot LOL, My good natured dog and companion was standing next to me when all this happens , now mind you, this took place 4 or 5 years ago and to this day when I go get a gun out of the safe , he heads for the hills.....LOL, and that my friends is the stupidest thin that has happened to me firearms related , well except for that time I pulled a gun on a cop , but we wont talk about that bawhahahahahahahaha ...... just kidding

02-09-2017, 10:06 PM
When I was about 8 years old my buddy and me thought it might be fun to fire off .22 ammo by balancing the shell on the face of the barrel of a BB gun held upright and pulling the trigger. It works! and sometimes the bullet went sideways and hit the ground really close. To me. And my buddy.
Ole Jack

02-09-2017, 10:46 PM
OK, here is my story, a buddy and I were out hunting blackbirds with .22's when our inquisitive 14 year old minds told us we should shoot into pieces of wood,dig out the bullet for close examination. I held two arm sized tree limbs against a tree ,my buddy fired into them. I looked up to see a freshly cut tree branch fall beside us. Had the bullet went the other way it would have hit me in the forehead. Decided to ride our bikes instead of hunting .

Lloyd Smale
02-10-2017, 08:50 AM
My buddy who is the one that got me hooked on this stuff told me once that if you have never made a mistake like one of these you just aren't handling and shooting guns enough to consider yourself a gun nut.

02-10-2017, 12:31 PM
My buddy who is the one that got me hooked on this stuff told me once that if you have never made a mistake like one of these you just aren't handling and shooting guns enough to consider yourself a gun nut.
....if a bullet in the leg isn't enough, how about the time in winter when your hands are cold, you can't really feel the trigger too well, you cock the gun and you shoot a 44 magnum one inch in front of your big toe?
THAT gets your attention!

02-10-2017, 01:04 PM
I've killed the value of quite a few guns by making them into exactly what I want. I have a habit of doing the same thing w/ cars. Thankfully it's much cheaper to modify guns :laugh:

02-10-2017, 04:16 PM
http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Triggernosis http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?p=3944863#post3944863) I've enjoyed reading these...and I'm so glad I've never done anything as stupid as y'all have done. :grin:

Followed by OS OK:
I hope you are 'knocking on wood' after making a statement like that! . . . :bigsmyl2:

Not knocking, but more likely whittling 4 or 5 inches off his nose!

Y'all did notice that smiley face I put at the end of my statement, didn't you?

02-10-2017, 04:45 PM
I've got two of them for y'all.

I has just gotten a new Chronograph in the mail and was excited to try it out. I tested it a few times with a Ruger Mark III and all was going well. Well, it was until I decided to switch guns. It had been a while since I had shot a DA/SA with the DA trigger, and it showed. I had added a nice centered hole straight through my chrono. It hit everything on it's way through. $100 and a few days later, I had a new chrono again... This time I made a stand and put a 1/2" thick AR-500 steel plate (angled downwards) in front of the chrono so that I wouldn't have to order a third one. The experience did give me a new appreciation for just how much steel a cast 9mm boolit can go through. 4 layers of relatively thick gauge steel and 2 sensors didn't seem to slow it down much.

The second story also has to do with cast boolits. When I shoot handguns, I use a thick stump to shoot into. I have a few of them lying around, so I just replace them as needed. Well, me and some family were out shooting. I had a target at 50 yards for my rifles, and a stump at roughly 15 yards for pistols. By this point the stump has just about had it. It was ragged and needed to be replaced. We were shooting the AR-15 at 50 yards and my cousin told me to hit the target on the stump (think it was a clay pigeon, it's been awhile.). I figured "heck, why not?" There was a decent backstop behind the stump, and it needed to be replaced anyways. Well... After being shot hundreds of times, a nice big ball of relatively loose lead had built up in that stump. Guess what I hit with that 5.56? That lead blew out of that stump and rained down everywhere. No one was hurt, but it sure did scare the poo out of us. I had never seen that happen before, and I'd rather not ever see it happen again. Even if it does make the lead easier to recover. :p

02-10-2017, 05:02 PM
came home from work one night and wife said her cat would not go thru the pet door to the basement, but just set there and stared at the door. I opened the door and there was a huge sewer rat on the landing. I proceeded to shoot it with a short barreled S&W 357 with a 110 grain JHP. After I cleaned up the splattered mess, checked to see if the bullet after it went thru the landing, cut a gouge down the brick wall and knocked a big chunk of cement out of the floor had damaged anything else. After about a week the hiss in my ears calmed down and the wife would speak to me again. Moral of the story make sure you keep water in p traps in the basement bathroom

02-10-2017, 07:06 PM
My buddy who is the one that got me hooked on this stuff told me once that if you have never made a mistake like one of these you just aren't handling and shooting guns enough to consider yourself a gun nut.

I agree 100%. Most folks think only idjits have "accidents," but that's not been my experience. Mostly, it's those who've handled guns all their lives, and done it a LOT, who've had most of the AD's. After all, doesn't it seem rational that those who handle them by far the most, should be the ones who give themselves the most OPPORTUNITY for them to happen? One moment's brief thoughtlessness or misdirection of his attention can, and sometimes do, have "accidents." Only following that age-old rule of never letting the muzzle cover or point at anything we don't want to destroy saves us from dire consequences. Those rules were made for a REASON!!!!

02-10-2017, 08:55 PM
years ago at the western grand American I was shooting 27yd handicap with a guy I knew from the little circuit we used to shoot every year.
he had just shown me his shiny new 500 straight patch [that was sewn on his shooting jacket] about 5 minutes prior to us walking out to shoot our relay.
we got about 3 targets in when he went to pick up his shotgun and flat shot the cement about 2" from his left foot.

if that wasn't enough.
3 months later I was shooting a winter league with him [we would travel to and shoot against different clubs] and he done it again.

02-10-2017, 09:30 PM
The only dumb thing I have done is , My son and were going out hunting and he wanted to use MY 1898 Springfield 30-40 Krag ( the one I have had since I was 11 years old .) well I let him use it and haven't got it back yet (That was 20 years ago) never loan out a gun agin

02-10-2017, 10:02 PM
When I was 16 years old, my old man put a new high-capacity radiator fan on his `72 Chrysler New Yorker. When it spun up, it sounded like a supercharger. Cool as heck to a young hot rodder.

Wanting to replicate the effect with my own radiator fan on my `69 Torino GT, but being too poor to buy one and too lazy to remove it and drill holes in it, I got the idea to simply use my .22 pistol to shoot a hole in a couple of the blades.

Yes, I shot holes in a couple of the blades. Yes, there was a lot of gravel ricochet, and no, it did not work and I got ribbed for months afterwards by my buddies...

Lloyd Smale
02-11-2017, 08:21 AM
again I will say if you haven't shot a chronoghaph you haven't used one enough:lovebooli
I've got two of them for y'all.

I has just gotten a new Chronograph in the mail and was excited to try it out. I tested it a few times with a Ruger Mark III and all was going well. Well, it was until I decided to switch guns. It had been a while since I had shot a DA/SA with the DA trigger, and it showed. I had added a nice centered hole straight through my chrono. It hit everything on it's way through. $100 and a few days later, I had a new chrono again... This time I made a stand and put a 1/2" thick AR-500 steel plate (angled downwards) in front of the chrono so that I wouldn't have to order a third one. The experience did give me a new appreciation for just how much steel a cast 9mm boolit can go through. 4 layers of relatively thick gauge steel and 2 sensors didn't seem to slow it down much.

The second story also has to do with cast boolits. When I shoot handguns, I use a thick stump to shoot into. I have a few of them lying around, so I just replace them as needed. Well, me and some family were out shooting. I had a target at 50 yards for my rifles, and a stump at roughly 15 yards for pistols. By this point the stump has just about had it. It was ragged and needed to be replaced. We were shooting the AR-15 at 50 yards and my cousin told me to hit the target on the stump (think it was a clay pigeon, it's been awhile.). I figured "heck, why not?" There was a decent backstop behind the stump, and it needed to be replaced anyways. Well... After being shot hundreds of times, a nice big ball of relatively loose lead had built up in that stump. Guess what I hit with that 5.56? That lead blew out of that stump and rained down everywhere. No one was hurt, but it sure did scare the poo out of us. I had never seen that happen before, and I'd rather not ever see it happen again. Even if it does make the lead easier to recover. :p

Lloyd Smale
02-11-2017, 08:28 AM
yup id bet more accidents are by seasoned gun people who got complacent then by beginners who are scared of there guns. My wife even gets mad at me. Theres loaded guns all over our house. She finds them and unloads them. I shoot them and bring them back unloaded. We have no kids anymore so nobodys going to pick one up and shoot themselves. Only kids that come here is my granddaughter and she has been trained since birth to pick up a gun and check to see if its loaded immediately. But it still bothers my wife and theres a bowl by the phone that she dumps my ammo in as she unloads them. We made a deal. I don't get mad about it anymore as long as there not guns put in drawers for a reason or guns in vehicles or in the bedroom. To me having a gun in the house or one of my vehicles unloaded makes about as much sense as watching tv in a power outage.
I agree 100%. Most folks think only idjits have "accidents," but that's not been my experience. Mostly, it's those who've handled guns all their lives, and done it a LOT, who've had most of the AD's. After all, doesn't it seem rational that those who handle them by far the most, should be the ones who give themselves the most OPPORTUNITY for them to happen? One moment's brief thoughtlessness or misdirection of his attention can, and sometimes do, have "accidents." Only following that age-old rule of never letting the muzzle cover or point at anything we don't want to destroy saves us from dire consequences. Those rules were made for a REASON!!!!

02-11-2017, 08:34 AM
now mind you, this took place 4 or 5 years ago and to this day when I go get a gun out of the safe , he heads for the hills.....LOL,

Can't say as i blame him! LOL

02-11-2017, 12:21 PM
Y'all did notice that smiley face I put at the end of my statement, didn't you?

Yes I did. I would have put one up as well but I have never been able to master doing so. LOL. Probably should have used purple but I meant to be humorous, not sarcastic.

02-11-2017, 06:18 PM
Released the bolt of the AR10 to check head space. It's D.D., not A.D. Fortunately the damage was to the concrete.