View Full Version : For your consideration

02-07-2017, 10:16 PM
I have told a few that I would keep posting both lessons tell it became a burden, well here we are. It has taken away from my study's, and this encoding thing is just the last straw.

With that said,its a great bible study, and I would love if one of you would take it up.it would be your study! you don't have to use John MacArthur, use whichever study you like. There are many of you that you own wrighting's would equal if not surpass the devotionals I use.

Anyway pray on it. take it and run.

Ronnie Landry

just to be clear I'm still going to post" for thought and meditation"

02-09-2017, 10:08 AM
I understand rl69 , I haven't had much forum time lately . We all do what we can/when we can . Thank you for what you do .


02-09-2017, 12:01 PM
I too understand. You've been SO generous, all I can say is "Thank you" for all you've done. I love your posts. They lift up my whole day. If I could do it, I would, but that's not something I'd be very good at. We all have our respective and differing talents, and I'm just thankful for what all you've given us. It's humbling, and we all need that, I think.

02-09-2017, 10:24 PM
Good to see you boaz I was fixen to come hunting you.

I'm tired T I R D tired plum worn down. I got up around four am Monday morning sick as a dog, I didn't think I was going to be able to make it. I got me some water and layed back down. Alarm whent off at five and sure enough I didn't make it. I got up at six and feed, called in to work, layed back down and slept tell ten therty. Got up ate a sandwich and then took a long nap. Around three I got outside and milled around for a while cleaned out the stalls and such but to be honest I haven't felt that bad in a looong time

im still stoped up and it's hard to sleep when you can't breath. But I've only missed the on day of work, and today was better and if the lord grants me another day it will be even better

I've been treating my dog with going hunting so Saturday at daylight I'm hoping we will be in the woods. It will be his first trip

02-10-2017, 06:50 PM
Hope you get over it, RL. This flu going around now is really awful. Not many I know have had it, but those who have, have really suffered from it. I'm SO grateful I manaaged to avoid it. Thought sure with my wife working with the public as she does, she'd bring it home to me, but the Lord was good to me and that didn't happen. Keep putting one foot ahead of the other, even if it feels like each one is caked up with 20 lbs. of gumbo mud on them. And be gentle with yourself for a while afterward, if the folks I've talked with are any indication. A couple of them had a re-lapse and that was a REAL downer! So be cautious, even when it starts to lift. No sense in repeating something like THAT!!! You're in my prayers, brother.

02-11-2017, 07:48 AM
Thank you Dennis
i need a lot of prayer right now

02-11-2017, 01:01 PM
I had it 2 weeks ago , still hackin up crud but I feel a heck of a lot better . I'm praying for you rl69 .