View Full Version : Tigger my main cat passed away today

02-05-2017, 12:41 AM
I raised Tigger from a tiny kitten who fit in my hand. Full grown he was 22 pounds! He started having thyroid problems 2 years ago and it finally caught up with him. He had a bad seizure Thursday morning, he had came upstairs to find me, walked into my bedroom and flopped in front of me having the seizure. After it he was unable to move much, he could somewhat wave his paws and just barely move his head so it damaged something internally.

I put him on his blanket on his favorite chair, dribbled in water and food mixed with milk but he was to far gone. Today at 2pm he managed to raise his head a little, looked at me and gave me a weak meow like he was asking if he could leave. I told him if it was time to go we would meet again and he gave his kitty smile and passed away with me scratching his ears.

I have a hole ripped in my heart, I had bonded with him far more than any other pet I have had. he acted more like a dog than a cat and seemed to be able to read my mind. I miss him greatly.


02-05-2017, 12:47 AM
Sorry for your loss, I'm sure you have many great memories that will carry you through the hard times .

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02-05-2017, 12:51 AM
Sorry for your loss and peace be with you. I know it would tear me up if I lost my little Princess kitty. We shall see them again, thank the Lord for that. We shall all be together once again.

02-05-2017, 12:55 AM
I've had dogs all my life, some were better than others.
Several meant the world to me.
Just 2 days ago my Husky was shot and killed by my neighbor.
Said he watched her kill 3 of his free range chickens, if so I can't blame the man.
But he said he watched her kill 3 chickens before he decided to shoot her.
Why wait for her to get even 2, why not chase her off and tell me to do something.
Said she walked up to him before he shot her.
I can understand protecting whats yours , but being neighbors I would think he would yell at me and want compensation for the chickens.
I offered to pay damages but he said the hens were old and not of much use.
He probably was within his rights, but that doesn't make it any easier, she was a helluva good dog and will be missed.

02-05-2017, 01:38 AM
I have had 4 dogs, and 7 cats...

Tigger somehow was my soul match, literally we could read each others thoughts on things. He was mostly silent and only meowed at me if I was purposely ignoring him. His favorite spot was the back of my desk chair where he would just hang out with his head on my shoulder. If my neck or shoulder was sore he would bring more of his body down to wrap against it then he would purr. Heat and his purr was a great muscle relaxer!

He also played fetch. I use a lot of distilled water brewing (I need to get an RO water system) and the tear off rings from the jugs were his favorite toys. They would bounce and roll weird and had a tab he could grab with his teeth to bring one to me. He would drop it next to my chair for me to pick up then toss. If I had empty boxes to toss it in he had a blast hunting it. As I said he acted more like a dog than a cat! He would meet me at the door when I got home and he had to sniff my hands to see what I had been doing or touching...

Ithaca Gunner
02-05-2017, 01:46 AM
http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn179/krag1894/15241141_10153913572552063_7577724054719043388_n_z psnl8on8jo.jpg

02-05-2017, 01:53 AM
Sorry to hear this...they sure do get under our skin...all the way to our heart.

02-05-2017, 02:07 AM
I( am sorry for your loss. Others have said things better than I can. They do leave a hole in our hearts. But they are well worth the sadness of their passing.

02-05-2017, 08:39 AM
Go to the local cat rescue place, find a kitty that you connect with and adopt it. It helps fill a void. Cats will react to the caretaker, and will fit right in. Tigger looks like our Scooter that is just over 1 yo. He was bottle fed by us along with his (2) siblings, they were adopted out. Been in your place many times. Filling the void helps. And it gives another kitty a home.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...

02-05-2017, 08:41 AM
Sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts, I lost a great dog last summer. Animals are fantastic and it rips a chunk out of us when we lose one. So sorry.

square butte
02-05-2017, 09:38 AM
I am so sorry that you lost your Tigger. We still have a hole in our hearts from loosing our Stinky in 2003. The good news is that we have a new only child - Jimmy. Thoughts and prayers with you. I hope Tigger is there waiting for you when you get there

02-05-2017, 09:58 AM
My Smoochie R(otten)Cat and I grieve with you!

02-05-2017, 10:02 AM
We had great cats and my little dog loved them. It hurt to lose them. Seems cats have more problems.
It took years to be a cat person since I was very allergic to them. Then I got immune enough to love them.
Sorry for your loss Mary. They are family.

02-05-2017, 10:53 AM
Sorry for your loss. Remember the closeness and maybe it will ease the lose a little.

02-05-2017, 11:08 AM
Sorry for the loss, Mary. We're cat people too, just before we got married, we picked out a little Tuxedo kitten the day after his eyes opened, took him home when he was old enough and all of us started a life together. My wife bonded with him like you and Tigger. Anyway, we had him 17+ years and he traveled all over with us, went through all the family changes of having two babies in the house and when he got old, he really mellowed out; liked human attention a lot more than ever before. I came home and found him in real bad shape one day and when we took him to the vet, got the verdict and we all went in when they put him down. Sad times for the family, but, almost exactly a year later, a maintenance worker at the city office where my wife works brought it this pathetic little flea infested stray who was a tuxedo kitten that was the spitting image of the old one asking someone to call the city shelter. Obviously, that wasn't gonna happen. He's our favorite cat now, almost ten years later and has a lot of the same little personality quirks as the old one, we both even mistakenly call him by the old cat's name now and then.

Pets do get into your heart. I hope when the grief subsides a little, you get another good one.

02-05-2017, 11:09 AM
Sorry to hear of your loss Mary. Wife & I both have cats for our pets, and both of us have a favorite one as well. They are a member of the family and I truly believe both you and the both of us will meet them on the other side.

God Bless! jcwit

Petrol & Powder
02-05-2017, 11:11 AM
Very sorry for your loss. I've been there many times and it still hurts.

I give my pets the best life I can and take some relief in knowing that I did give them a good life. Unfortunately, we outlive them so we are the ones that suffer when they're gone.

Take comfort in knowing that Trigger was never hungry, cold or otherwise uncomfortable during your watch.

02-05-2017, 11:22 AM
Very sorry for your loss. I've been there many times and it still hurts.

I give my pets the best life I can and take some relief in knowing that I did give them a good life. Unfortunately, we outlive them so we are the ones that suffer when they're gone.

Take comfort in knowing that Trigger was never hungry, cold or otherwise uncomfortable during your watch.

This is how I try to feel when we loose one. It still hurts. I'm sorry for your loss. Its like loosing a family member. Tigger looked like a Handsome Fellow!

02-05-2017, 11:51 AM
From your past discussions I had taken a special notice of Tigger and honestly I have often thought of him and his plight when I was with my own cats so his touch had extended a lot farther than maybe you imagined, I had truly hoped he would recover but some things are just not to be however.

Sorry for your loss

02-05-2017, 12:10 PM
Very sorry to hear that your Tigger passed MaryB. Thoughts and prayers your way. As hard as it is to loose a pet, remember what a loving home you provided and that that love was returned to you many fold. Over the years, my wife and I have lost many pets that we loved dearly - they were our "kids" and none of them can ever be replaced . . . but remember there is a special one still out there that needs your love and a good home . . . and I have a feeling that Tigger will have a hand in getting the two of you together. Our thoughts are with you.

02-05-2017, 12:20 PM
We had to have the last of our three rescue cats put down just over a year ago, so we know how you feel. We are so sorry to hear of your loss.

Gail and Ralph.

02-05-2017, 12:20 PM
Awww sorry to hear this but it is unique and touching the way he communicated his need to say goodbye.

I had a really good cat once, I was working construction and just got out of the shower at the motel, sitting outside on a chair when this little orange tabby comes skittering up the sidewalk all sideways and puffed up just full of himself. I let him in the room and he went straight to an open beer I had sitting on the carpet and began licking the top. I thought now there's a cat after my own heart! Named him Bocephus after the beer drinking incident, a name which he lived up to countless times. He took NO GUFF off anybody.

He knew about 20 words, he could identify all his toys, and when he wanted a certain one, he would dig in the toy box until he found exactly that toy, and play with it. You could say "where's your ball?" and he would go to the wooden entertainment center and meow at the 2" gap along the bottom where the balls would roll and enter that special place where they were un retrievable and since he couldn't get them they must now be sacred.. Then he would go to his toy box and fetch out a ball and engage himself in playing.

My roomate at the time was ailing from COPD, she eventually moved back to Indiana to be near family as her condition worsened, and she took Bocephus who made a wonderful companion for her. He was leash trained and would walk on a leash just like a dog, and was very protective of her especially if a dog came near while they were walking. Running and hiding was not in his vocabulary, as he would just start growling real low and deep and the dogs got the message rather quickly to stay clear.

Here is Bocephus showing a bit of that attitude he was well regarded for...

http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb374/DougGuy/The_Bocephus_attitude_showing_Aug_2005_zpsc3487579 .jpg (http://s1202.photobucket.com/user/DougGuy/media/The_Bocephus_attitude_showing_Aug_2005_zpsc3487579 .jpg.html)

I hope you get you a new kitty MaryB, no a new kitty won't replace Tigger but they will in time grow to take their own place in your life..

02-05-2017, 12:22 PM
I'm not much of a cat person, but I do understand losing a long-term pet.

It does get less painful over time. Sometimes it takes a great deal of time, but it does get better.

02-05-2017, 12:57 PM
Mary,you gave him a good life and though it hurts you are amongst those with compassion for the creatures that share this planet with us.Stay strong it will bring good memories of your times together.

Teddy (punchie)
02-05-2017, 01:00 PM
Sorry for the loss, Mary. God Bless !! It is so hard, I think losing a pet friend , Sole Mate as you worded it is so hard. Be there done it and changed me forever I was 15 and I didn't understand what happened and or why. Grow up on a farm and was not suppose to feel this way. So I just dealt with it in my own way. Much better to mourn, and talk about it. Take Care !! Teddy

02-05-2017, 01:05 PM
Cats can be extremely lovable and loving little critters if given a chance, a lot of folks miss this because they aren't around cats enough to get to know them and how they think. A cat is usually quite independent and secretive by nature so they all too often are misunderstood and folks may think they have no feeling toward their owners, not true! Cats do indeed bond with a person if given a chance and make very loving companions and when they do bond they become VERY close to their owners, they may not outwardly act like folks have come to expect from a dedicated dog but make no mistake they can and do get just as close.

02-05-2017, 01:11 PM
Sorry for your loss I have had to let go of so many pets over the years. the last one was a cat that came into my life as a 2 year old and lasted for 20 years when life just got to be to hard for her. I still miss all my pets, but that one was with me the longest of any cats I have had in my life.
Yes I like dogs too and yes there are some of them that I miss dearly also
the problem with pets is they understand when we are down and don't need to be told, they try as best they can to comfort us, to help us deal with whatever is wrong in our life and most of all we can talk to them about anything that is troubling us and they never tell.

I have two cats right now and both meet different needs. One is around to make sure I get up and get some things done each day the other helps me get some rest at night as my arthritis is a real drag most nights and this cat seems to know where it hurts the most and curls up there so I can rest and when he decides that it is time for me to be up he purrs in my ear that usually gets the job done

02-05-2017, 01:37 PM
Mary, I am so sorry for your loss. My Tigger is a rescue cat I adopted soon after the loss of my beloved friend Punkin.

I recommend that you visit a shelter soon and find a kitty in need of your abounding love. We all cry with you today.

02-05-2017, 02:00 PM
Mary... I feel for you... When my Black and Tan "Jughead" was killed..... it was almost too much. I was working at a bin hauling grain and he would, as a tiny puppy, run out and lay on my feet as I loaded the truck. Any dog that wanted to be with me that much was welcome to go home...the owner agreed.

02-05-2017, 02:09 PM
Always tough to lose a pet.

Some more than others.

When I lost my dog Nala 7 years ago, it was the worst day of my life.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

02-05-2017, 02:24 PM
I feel your pain and am sorry for your loss. I have a cat that was like your Tigger, fit in the palm of my hand when we got her. Nursed her to health and now she is 11 years old. She always wants to come in the house and sit in my lap and sleep. She did that alot as a kitten.

Sounds like you had one of those "special" cats that is way and above others. Glad you had so much time with Tigger, but no matter how much time you get with them, its never enough.

02-05-2017, 03:12 PM
I'm sorry for the loss of your kitty. My cat is curled up sleeping beside me now, I'm definitely more of a dog person but love this little rascal.

02-05-2017, 03:25 PM
Mary, so sorry to hear of your loss. A guy had a website called coug2wolfs, where he gave a eulogy to his springer. He titled it footprints on my soul. A good way of saying how much of an impression any pet can make on our lives.

I just lost my best buddy by the name of Arrow, a G.R. . 11-29-16 was his last day. The cancer he had been fighting finally did him in. He was a rescue that I had for 10 years, the best ten years of my life.

Here's a way of remembering him, it was therapy to build this shadow box, gives my restless hands something to do. It contains his cremated remains, his paw print, collar with tags, and the figurine(http://www.animalden.com/ ). The figurines are available for just about ANY animal, are fordable, and very well done

02-05-2017, 03:46 PM
I had a big orange cat that looked a lot like Bosefus in DougGuy's earlier post. He had double paws on all 4 feet I raised him from a kitten, too. My back yard is bordered by a Christmas tree farm, and plenty of woods in back of that. Tuffy used to like to hunt out there, and if I called him by his name to come in, he'd come running. Once, when i was out back hunting grouse in the woods on a nice foliage-pretty fall day, I was coming home through the rows of Christmas trees and happened to startle a half-grown fawn, who ran directly away from me. The next thing I saw was Tuffy--all 16 pounds of him, chasing that little deer. Don't know what he'd have done if he ever caught it, but he gave it a try, kind of like a midget lion. When his time came, I cried like a baby. I'm no poet, but something made this come into my mind: "Where's my cat? Where is he? There he is, up there! He's up there, but he won't come to me. He's up there..sitting on God's knee." And so it is, all of the cats mentioned today. They are up there, waiting for us to show up when our time finally comes.

02-05-2017, 03:52 PM
So sorry for your loss, Mary. I know how you feel--exactly. But give it a little while, then go to a humane shelter and adopt another one and give him or her a chance at the good life that you gave Tigger. He had a great life, and he'd want you to give another of his species a chance at the same.

02-05-2017, 04:41 PM
So sorry for your loss. Hearing that you were petting Tigger when he pasted brought tears to my eyes....he knew he was well loved.
My wife and I love cats and they hold a special place in our hearts. A lost like that takes time for the heart to heal.
But your good memories will continue last.

02-05-2017, 04:42 PM
Sorry for your loss. We have 4 cats and love them all.

02-05-2017, 04:44 PM
Here is a link to Rainbow Bridge.
The music is also soothing.


02-05-2017, 07:09 PM
Not so easy but take comfort that you are not alone and that you made Tigger's life better. My Wife...Mary..is the cat lady....pockets full of treats...cat's with her wherever she goes...and they are all better for each other...one big stray orange tom was hard to get tamed down...Mary had breast cancer surgery and when she came home and sat down in her chair he came right over, jumped in her lap and stayed "glued to her" until she got better...that's what they give us.

I wrote this for my Mary a number of years ago...you might get a kick..our best!!

Cats...10-28-10...Written by the husband of the Cat Mommie

The process begins with a cat on the fence
It just creeps along all hungry and tense

It hasn't a home and little to eat
but soon it's life will become more complete

For living in the house where the little cat shows up
is a lady that lives to fill up it's cup

She loves all the strays that come in the night
her heart is open and she knows just whats right

Her house coat pockets are filled with some treats
she spreads them all out and bids it to eat

Soon there's a dish in the garden with wet food and dry
Some water to drink and a watchful "mom's eye"

She's got her another to care for and tend
and her other cats now have a brand new friend

They fuss and the growl and make quite a stir
but soon they quiet and all of them purr

And that's how it goes at Mary's cat house
and there's even a place for a lizard and mouse

It's cats galore all peaceful and content
and they are all glad to Mary's they've been sent

To be cared for and loved with care and compassion
is Mary's way ... it's just her great passion

It's a lucky cat that strays to our place
to live out it's life with some style and grace

But be very careful if you be a tom
for your gonna find out about the big hidden "bomb"

To the vet you will go with questions as to why
and your will come home with a tear in your eye

Your balls will be gone and you will always wonder
as you spread your hind legs and look back and under

There missing you see and you'll never get laid
but that's part of tough love as you join our parade

Caring for strays isn't all fun and games
but it's worth all the trouble and they all get names

So if you are a kitty and lonely and cold
please come to our house and here you can grow old

You will make yourself happy and comfy and warm
and Mary will protect you from the heat and the storm

It's her life you see and she just loves to give
She's the best cat "mommie" that ever did live

02-05-2017, 09:33 PM
Sorry for your loss. I ask God's comfort on you in the coming days. Soon another one will steal your hear.
Ole Jack

02-06-2017, 01:40 AM
No shelters around here, I have been checking Craigslist and a local trader paper that comes out once a week. Oreo keeps meowing at the pantry door I carried Tigger through to put him in the freezer until spring(morbid yes but I cannot dig 36" of frozen ground by hand) wanting him to come and play... so I have to find hi a companion be it puppy or another cat. Keeping an eye out for a 4-5 year old lab of I can find one who needs a new home, but a puppy would work too. I like dogs and cats and have had my share of both.

Driver man
02-06-2017, 04:46 AM
Sorry to hear of your loss Mary. Some pets are just so unique as to be part of your family and the loss is just as real. Words wont help you but sharing your grief will. You cant replace a loved pet but a new pet with their own character can add to your household. I have always been a dog man but when my last dog died I was given a ginger cat who turned into my best friend and filled my home with that companionship that is hard to describe. He also filled it with rats mice and rabbits but that is just what they do .

scarry scarney
02-06-2017, 04:17 PM

Like others, I feel for your loss. A few years ago, I had to put down one of my cats after she had a stroke. The dog and other cat kept looking for her (along with my heart) for many days. It is always a sad day when one of our little ones pass over the bridge.

02-06-2017, 04:27 PM
So sorry for your loss Mary, i feel your pain. We finally had to take one of ours, Baby, a flame point siamese to be put to sleep, she was about 18yrs old. So sorry!

02-06-2017, 05:54 PM
If I could figure a way to mail one, I'd send you one of the 20 around here.

02-06-2017, 06:00 PM
our " pets " are actually family

the hardest thing is putting a pet down or watching them die. i pray my current pup will die in her sleep. the pain will never get easier for me.

02-06-2017, 11:25 PM
Oreo is just listless and not himself. He used to play tag with Tigger and they raced all over the house... looking at a 9mo old orange Bengal kitten...

02-07-2017, 12:21 AM
Dam it all Mary, can't tell you how much I feel your loss. Tigger was lucky to go with Mommy touching him and talking to him.

02-07-2017, 12:30 AM
My heart goes out to you for your loss.
It is so hard to lose a pet which has been your best friend for so many years.

02-07-2017, 11:37 AM
Oreo is just listless and not himself. He used to play tag with Tigger and they raced all over the house... looking at a 9mo old orange Bengal kitten...

I think a Bengal kitty is just what you need! I really want a Bengal, i love the ornery and inquisitive cattitude they are known for. A Bengal would probably make a good companion for Oreo to play with.

02-07-2017, 12:17 PM
If you want a cat that likes people and has a tendency to do the unexpected

selkirk rex might be just right
http://www.cat-breeds-encyclopedia.com/Selkirk-Rex-cat.html sorry about the bold couldn't get it to turn off
don't believe them when they say they are not vocal mine lets me know when I have missed time with him and doesn't like it I like cats, dogs really any animal that has a personality and isn't afraid to let you know that they do.

02-07-2017, 07:58 PM
Hi MaryB.Sorry for your loss.I also had a "Tigger",could have passed for a brother of your Tigger.He was about 12 years old when he left this old world.
I guess that his most favorite treat was to jump up in my sidecar with Pooch dog and go for a ride around the neighborhood when I got home from work.Got some really funny looks from the neighbors about that pair of passengers.The loss of a pet really leaves a hole in ones life.

white eagle
02-07-2017, 08:08 PM
I am so sorry for your loss I know the empty
spot you speak of it does close but thankfully
the memories last forever he sounded like a true friend

02-08-2017, 12:21 AM
From the photo I can see that Yigger was mostly Mau. The Mau is the oldest domestic breed of cats dating back to ancient Egypt. My Mau is as full blooded as you could find.
These cats were noted for loyalty and intelligence, acting more like a good dog than like a cat.

My boy is over 16 now, and from all appearances as healthy as a horse. he leaps six ft to the top of a kitchen cabinet with ease and from there to the top of the refrigerator about five ft away like it was nothing.
I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. On the upside a full blooded Mau can live over 24 years. He might yet outlive me.

I feel your loss Mary, I've got quite a Pet cemetery in my back yard.

02-08-2017, 11:58 PM
Tigger was a leaper too, in his prime he could dead jump 6+ feet straight up. I caught him up on top of the upper kitchen cabinets one day and wondered how he got up there... next day I saw him take a running leap to the tops about 7' up... Yes I think he was mostly Mau, he had that extremely loyal temperament they exhibit and yes he was very smart. He knew a couple dozen words and had about 50 vocalizations I learned from him for what he wanted. Often all he had to do was look at me and I knew what he wanted but we had a very deep mental connection, I have an absence in my mind with him gone and I felt him pass away. My neighbor has his brother who is all black(that mamma cat had a lot of lovers!) and he is exhibiting the same thyroid issues so I think it is a hereditary thing. My neighbor also has his sister who is a tortie... he had 2 other brothers who looked like him who died at 9 years old on the farm and he was 9 when the thyroid issues started. I treated him with diet and kept him going 2 more years but it took its toll on his kidneys and other organs finally. Treatment for it was far more than I could afford(they quoted $10k) and required me to leave him at the UofMN for 8 weeks for the radiation sequence that might have killed him. Better he was with me if he was going to die.

I got in the granite tile for his marker today so when I do a laser run this weekend I am going to get that made so it is ready for spring.

02-12-2017, 01:45 AM
Sorry for your loss. I have a house full of them and 1 by 1 they're going. Never a good day dealing with that stuff. At least you gave him a good home and life.

02-12-2017, 11:34 PM
Hard when they bond with you as deeply as Tigger did with me. There is still a presence missing in my mind, we were that connected.

gray wolf
02-13-2017, 09:03 PM
Hello Mary,
So Sorry for your loss. Julie and I know how important our fur kids are,
as do many other members here.
Please accept our condolences.

The Goose
02-13-2017, 09:42 PM
May God bless!

02-15-2017, 12:13 AM
Found a shelter 45 miles away, going to go look at this guy Saturday. He is between 9 months and a year old. https://drpem3xzef3kf.cloudfront.net/photos/pets/37144521/3/?bust=1484171513&width=632&no_scale_up=1 they also have some kittens and other cats if our personalities don't mesh. Thought about a dog but I do not have the energy to chase one anymore...

02-15-2017, 12:35 AM
That is one fine looking cat, wishing for a good home, hope you and him hit it off!

Beau Cassidy
02-15-2017, 01:53 PM
A mackerel pattern tabby! Very good! Sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my buddy of 17 years on 1-22-16- a white cat I named Bones because he was skin and bones when I caught him in a live animal trap. He took up with me from day one. He knew I loved him. Lymphoma got him.

02-15-2017, 10:47 PM
He reminds me of Tom Cat when I was young.

02-16-2017, 11:30 AM
Found a shelter 45 miles away, going to go look at this guy Saturday. He is between 9 months and a year old. https://drpem3xzef3kf.cloudfront.net/photos/pets/37144521/3/?bust=1484171513&width=632&no_scale_up=1 they also have some kittens and other cats if our personalities don't mesh. Thought about a dog but I do not have the energy to chase one anymore...

He looks like he would appreciate a good home! Hope you and him hit it off!

02-21-2017, 03:23 AM
Here is he is destroying my recycling bin full of cardboard(he was having fun so I let him!). We figure he is 6 months old, they had to bottle feed him when they got him so he was separated from momma to soon. He tries to suckle my finger yet...


Very unusual fur pattern


02-21-2017, 08:30 AM
Looks like you got a good one. Hope he is long lived and healthy. I love cats, wife and I would be lost without ours.

02-21-2017, 11:07 AM
He's a good looking fellow. Looks like you guys hit it off pretty good together. Congratulations on the new family member!

02-22-2017, 12:01 AM
:D Judging from the look on his face,he will be a fun companion.My Morris pretty much has the same look.He likes to chase the poka dots on my bed sheets along with his buddy Snowball.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

02-22-2017, 12:46 AM
Kitty love bites... gotta cure him of that! He just chomped on my chin hard lol bites at my fingers to. Almost like he is teething but he should be past that stage...

Teddy (punchie)
02-22-2017, 01:33 AM
He reminds me of Tom Cat when I was young.

Same here but name was Pete , he was first and last cat pet. An other downer story

Glad to see you found a buddy Mary !!

05-10-2017, 12:55 PM
That picture looks a lot like my Skippy--who grew up to be just shy of 20 pounds and is a loyal, indoor-cat buddy to me and anyone who comes to visit, except for dogs. Can't blame him--he was mauled by a cocker spaniel when he was about a month old and a vet rescued him. The vet patched him up, decided I needed another kitten to replace another orange cat that passed away, and so it went. He's the cat in my avitar picture. Two of my nieces are vets, and both say that orange cats are generally males and they grow to be pretty big.

05-11-2017, 01:05 AM
Oliver turned 9 months old today, and he is 16 pounds... and 2' long not including tail... he is going to be a big kitty!

05-11-2017, 07:44 PM
That would be big for a middle aged cat. One of ours might make 20 pounds and he"s only two years old, most haven't gotten there yet.

05-11-2017, 10:20 PM
Sorry for your loss, hope the one you look at works out. Our current Grey can not be around cats, our first( my avitar) tolerated cats. Daughter has a cat that took to me when I visit, feed it chicken at the bar. Got kitty to sit in bar chair and eat off paper towel on bar. Good cat.