View Full Version : copper and age softening

Oklahoma Rebel
01-31-2017, 06:34 PM
I have some lyman #2 (5%sb 5% sn) with about .05-.075copper. will the copper slow or stop age softening associated with heat treated, high tin alloys? also when heat treated, will it increase the bhn much? I know it will make it tougher, just not sure about hardness. to begin with I have been told that lyman #2 will only heat treat to 20bhn, since I use this at 1900-2000+fps the extra hardness would help, but not sure it is necessary. I am more concerned with terminal performance ( where lead meets meat)

01-31-2017, 10:34 PM
IMHO yes. Sn softening is slow. I use 4% Sb, 1/2% Sn, 1/2% Cu for 308 up to 2700 fps, stuff loaded a yr ago still works. I did use 2% Cu in BO @ 2100 PB but don't need to shoot through triceratops skulls. Squished in a vice, dented super hard ingot.

02-01-2017, 02:31 PM

02-01-2017, 03:18 PM
Been tinkering with alloys lately, found 40sw does good with Pb/Cu at full jacketed loads. GCd 185gr almost worked good in 30/30. Tried some Pb/Cu/Zn for rifle this week. Cast the same as just the 1/2% Cu doped stuff but are really hard, AC. Now to PC some and compare with my normal H.T.d BO alloy. If good then try in the 308. Fun, fun. Don't drink but I could find a 6-pack of Bud for somebody local to do XRF.
This is ~0.5% Sb/0.5% Cu/0.2% Zn alloy. I think! 6# Pb added to 2# of the Zn/Cu/Pb mix. Normal BO alloy is 3%Sb/0.5% Cu/0.5%Sn - H.T.d

Oklahoma Rebel
02-04-2017, 12:24 AM
This is ~0.5% Sb/0.5% Cu/0.2% Zn alloy ) why so little antimony and no tin? and your normal bo? alloy has very little tin also? just curious, is it for just pistols or do you plan on using it in rifles too?