View Full Version : Chamber Casting Alloy

01-31-2017, 12:03 AM
I have no Cerrosafe but DO have a bar of Wood's metal. Can Wood's metal be used for a chamber cast? If not, can I add pure lead to it and get a functional approximation of Cerrosafe?

Cerrosafe is .425 Bi, .377 Pb, .113 Sn and .085 Cd
Wood's is .500 Bi, .267 Pb, .133 Sn and .133 Cd

I figure that adding about 20% pure lead to Wood's would get a close approximation to Cerrosafe but I don't know how critical are the minor components and what would be the effect on shrinkage.

Any dabblers out there?

01-31-2017, 08:34 PM
I can't help with your question but Ive had good luck with pound casts using goodsteels method. Exact measurement and no shrinkage.

Theres a sticky on it somewhere here.

01-31-2017, 11:41 PM
You might get better or at least more informed responses on the lead alloy forum. Might not, too.

I've never done a chamber cast with anything; although I have read about it a lot, so here is my take on it. A pond of Cerro Safe and shipping doesn't cost all that much in the long run, I would buy new before I took the chance of getting a solid slug of something that was close stuck in the chamber.

Good Luck,


02-01-2017, 05:19 PM
Also, any variation in the alloy from standard would have an unknown affect on the size. It would probably work for chamber casts but you could not be 100% sure of the accuracy. A search through about 40-50 results did not show any information on shrinkage. The melting point is low enough that there should permanent damage done.

02-03-2017, 02:07 PM
I saw 1/2 lb of Cerrosafe on ebay for $16.xx shipped - same as bismuth. Life supply, and it's properties are understood.

02-04-2017, 09:07 PM
Roto Metals has block of chamber casting alloy for $12.99. link at top of this page

02-04-2017, 10:04 PM
Roto Metals has block of chamber casting alloy for $12.99. link at top of this page

Big +1 on that! Low cost and it is the right stuff for the application.

02-08-2017, 12:03 AM
Thanks for all the feedback. I decided to drive down to Rotometals and get some of their alloy instead of trying to make my own "close but no cigar" version and having to bring everything up to lead melting temperature (concern about the cadmium) just to try.

02-09-2017, 09:55 PM
The impact cast method is really worth considering, I just did my first one and I can't find any fault in the method vs the other ones I have read about. And, it doesn't change size over time since you're using pure lead, so that's a really nice advantage.