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View Full Version : The Price of FREEDOM (aint cheap)

01-30-2017, 10:32 AM

smoked turkey
01-30-2017, 11:32 AM
God bless the USA, and especially those who go into harms way to protect this great country. All gave some, some gave all. May they rest in peace. Words are so inadequate to express my feeling in watching the video.

Plate plinker
01-30-2017, 01:02 PM
Great Uncle Thomas McMenamin Ball Turret gunner
POW survivor.

Grandpa was a Destroyer man he told me some stuff before he died. I think it was kinda rough on those old tin cans.

01-30-2017, 02:00 PM
Smoked sums it up for me also. My Dad was an old 3-war Marine - China (7 yrs.), WWII and most of Korea. He served in the Pacific campaign, mostly on board ships, including aircraft carriers. I know he was on the Yorktown for a while, but have never learned if he was on it when it went down. He would never talk about any of it around anyone but some of his buddies who'd also went through it with him.

And my best life-long friend Ray's father was with the 8th Air Force, squadron navigator for his unit. He'd gone to England to try out for pilot with the Eagle squadron. He figured we'd get in it, and didn't want to wait. He washed out of the pilot program because he was a bit too heavy handed on the stick for the landings, and had occasional "hard landings," so they made him a navigator, then transferred him to a bomber unit (B-25's mostly) when we finally declared war after Pearl Harbor.

Both were the "lucky ones" who came through it all alive, or I and my buddy Ray wouldn't be here today. The word "courage" just doesn't cover what those men showed in that long and drawn out and very deadly conflict! Time and time again, good men sacrificed themselves, knowingly and willingly and deliberately, so that their buddies and the folks back home might live, and live so abundantly as we have since they did what they did. And so few now, seem to even know anything at all about what they did! Our education system long ago was taken over by those who don't WANT their acts and sacrifices to be known. Take one little, rare incident where the carnage got to a few, and they committed some "attrocity," and it's spread all over the news, while the real heroes, who were so common, never get the least treatment, other than very rarely and in a most cursory manner.

Those guys have always been my heroes, and even as a kid, I knew the difference between real heroes and "celebrities." Mickey Mantle was a celebrity. Those guys were REAL heroes. Every last one of them! And they always will be, and I think their place in Heaven is assured. What they did was so much like what Christ did for all of us on that cross on Galgotha, that I can't imagine any of them not going to Heaven. What a man says, and what he DOES, are often two different things, and what those guys DID do ..... well, it's immaculate, and will stand for all time as the most gallant and brave and courageous thing I think mankind is capable of here in this realm. God bless them one and all, and be gentle with the few we have left, who are now all in their 80's or older. If any of you read this, consider yourself saluted by an old one-time swabby. Thank you SO much for what you did, and the example you set for all time and for all freedom loving people. It mattered, and it mattered more than words will ever be able to say, so .... just "Thanks," and though it's inadequate, I think you understand.

01-30-2017, 02:48 PM
They were called the greatest generation, and they were, because America meant something to them.

It's a different generation now, our nation is divided and full of hate, people unable to discern the truth from lies. People who don't care or don't know what is going on here in our government, more willing to believe a lie than the truth.
People who have an opportunity to make a difference but won't take the time because they think it doesn't matter.

Right now America is at a turning point in history, a lot of people feel that with Donald Trump in the White House, he will make the difference and undo most if not all of the wrongs of the last 8 years. If you think that you are wrong as can be. Donald Trump is not god or a king, he is only one man, and one man can only do so much. Trump needs the full support of congress to get anything done. The republicans in this congress are the same weak kneed, turn coats RINO's as the were in the last congress. They need to be pushed and shoved down the road to get the things that Trump said he wants to do, done.
Call your congressman and senator and have them to stand brave and do what's right for America and Americans. Let them know if they do you will support them as much as you do Donald Trump.

I'll get off my soap box now and send out another e-mail.

01-30-2017, 04:01 PM
My Grandfather was in WWI. Uncles in WWII. Brother killed in 'Nam'. I was in the 82nd for a while but never had to see combat. Great great granfather was in the "war of Nothern aggression". Family has a tradition of service. I can hardly type because of the tears for all those brave people who have fought and died for our country in all the wars or "conflict, police actions". Please God, Keep us safe as they tried to do.

01-30-2017, 07:27 PM
Many gave all,All gave some

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

For our tomorrow,They gave their today

01-30-2017, 07:58 PM
Watching that is truly something of value. My cousin from Conn. was a Combat photographer with the 8th in WW2 tks KEN

01-30-2017, 08:55 PM
I can't watch those kind of films anymore, when I see a plane going down, or a position being overrun, ship sinking, my heart feels like someone is squeezing it and tearing it out of my chest. The thoughts that go through my mind are "Please Lord Jesus come soon and stop the insanity." and "Please help me bring in those who will call you Lord."
Ole Jack

01-31-2017, 12:18 PM
My family has stood up for America since General George Washington was leading the troops. Dad missed WWII as he was deemed to be more important on the home front. Me I got to enjoy time in the military during the Vietnam War thing. My grand daughter is currently learning how to be a Coast Guard Weapons Expert.

If you don't have the courage to stand up for your country and protect those who are older, younger and unable to defend themselves just what kind of citizen are you??

Freedom is a state of mind, a sense that when you go to sleep at night you will wake up in the morning and still have everything you did when you went to sleep.

Today we are fat, lazy, ill informed population, we are split apart on almost everything you can think of. Reminds me of the 1860's and 1960's seems we have never got it right that we are all in this fight to keep this nation free. Yes during two world wars we did band together but it was short lived. Since then we seem to think we can buy or talk our way out of anything. The sad part is ISIS wants us dead, gone off the face of the earth, only way to deal with that situation is to make it really costly for them to move forward anywhere in the World.

Have a great day and may we always live in a free nation with sons and daughters who stand for us old farts that because of age and injuries have some difficulties doing it.

I spent 7 years of my life in uniform, hated a lot of that time and you know I would do it all over again to keep my sister, mother, father and friends safe. I never saw my life as any more valuable then those who I instructed. They got to see what I talked about in class up close and personal and many never came home. Some that did struggle even today with what they saw, did and lived. May the good Lord keep them in his loving arms

Nuf said maybe to much

Bad Water Bill
01-31-2017, 03:58 PM
Best post of the year award

02-01-2017, 09:20 PM
A good series of books to read is Rick Atkinson's Liberation Trilogy, the titles are as follows An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943, The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 The Guns at Last Light: The War in Northwest Europe, 1944-1945. All of these books are really good accounts of the war against the Germans in World War II. Makes you really appreciate how tough it really was for these very young men.

country gent
02-01-2017, 10:30 PM
I agree the troops deserve a lot of respect and admiration for their service. But also don't forget those who kept the machines running to support them at home. WW2 retooled a lot of factories to the war equipment in a very short time. In reality even those who couldn't serve did in the home effort to arm and equip the troops.

02-02-2017, 01:37 PM
[QUOTE=3band53;3935318]A good series of books to read is Rick Atkinson's Liberation Trilogy, the titles are as follows An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943, The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 The Guns at Last Light: The War in Northwest Europe, 1944-1945. All of these books are really good accounts of the war against the Germans in World War II. Makes you really appreciate how tough it really was for these very young men.[/QUOTED) Have all three and read twice, I have an uncle burred a Bastone he was in Patton's 3rd Army one who gave all.