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View Full Version : Part to make your AR Legal under CA law

01-27-2017, 10:21 PM
An inexpensive part to put in your AR, to comply with the new CA law that you can't take a magazine out without disassembly of your AR.


Gun Owners In California Find Simple And Cheap Way To Get Around CA’s Stupid New AR LawIt’s like clockwork. The government puts in a dumb new regulation, private enterprise immediately starts looking for a way to get around it legally. Name a regulation, you can probably find someone looking for a legal loophole to get out of it (Obamacare was a popular one. Plenty of accountants went looking for – and found – ways for their uninsured clients to get around having to pay hefty fines while also avoid overpaying for useless heath insurance plans).

The latest example? According to this, (http://www.krcrtv.com/news/local/shasta/shasta-co-men-create-new-part-to-make-guns-like-an-ar-15-legal/293100142) a couple of gun store owners in California started looking for cost-effective ways to deal with a restrictive new gun law passed in that state.

See, the new law redefined what would be considered an “assault rifle.” Semi-automatic center fire rifles now have to be registered as such, as does anything with a pistol grip or other features that evidently make California lawmakers pee their pants when they see it on a gun.

(To be fair, lawmakers in California probably need a new set of skivvies whenever they see a freaking Nerf gun.)

Enter John Bastiani of Bastiani Arms in Redding, California. Rather than make his customers pay $50 for new parts and upgrades to make their now-assault-rifles legal, he and friend Mike Schroeder went looking for more cost-effective ways for people to become compliant with state law –

First off – I was surprised that there are still gun stores operating in California (my hat goes off to these gentlemen for their tenacity).

Second off – I’m not surprised that these guys went to the drawing board to come up with a way to make their guns and their customers’ guns compliant with the new regulation. I swear, leftist lawmakers have this idea that gun owners are going to show up and register their previously-legal-now-criminalized firearms, like they’re a bunch of sheep or something.

But where government meddles in basic human rights, the free market finds a way. That is the one thing you can count on. And now, Bastiani Arms is going to be the go-to place for legal California gun owners looking to stay on the right side of the law.

I will say one thing – you’re probably not going to find any gang members or criminal elements lining up for this product. What do they care about obeying the law?

- go to the link and watch the video

REDDING, Calif. - New gun laws in California have gun enthusiasts and companies looking for ways to make guns, like an AR-15, compliant with the law while still retaining a relatively quick and simple way to remove a magazine.

Under the new law there is a new definition of "assault weapon", which means any semi-automatic center fire rifle, such as an AR-15, is considered an assault rifle if it does not have a fixed magazine but has features like a flash suppresser and pistol grip.

John Bastiani, with Bastiani Arms said there are products in the market right now that can modify an AR so it is compliant, while still allowing it to be disassembled quickly to take out the magazine. However, he feels those products are expensive.

"Things that are on the market now cost upwards of $50, per gun to convert and make them legal," he explained. "There needs to be a cheap solution. There might be people out there with 10 guns that they need to convert and at $50 per gun that's cost prohibitive."

Bastiani and his friend Mike Schroeder decided they would find an easy and inexpensive solution.

"This is something that is legally necessary if you don't desire to register your weapon as an assault weapon," Bastiani said.

For months the two researched and designed parts that they could patent. They realized other people had the same idea, so they hit the drawing board once again. Then in less than two hours they came up with a new idea. They decided to replace the bolt catch on the left side of the gun.

"I cut some stainless steel... traced around, laid it out, cut it out with a dremel and a file, put it in the gun and said, 'Oh my god, it actually does what I thought it would!'," he said in disbelief. "We kind of lucked out because no one was thinking of the side of the gun we developed our lock for."

He explained their small steel part does the exact same thing as the other products out there, but only requires one piece of steel.

"It requires no skill at all to install," he said.

He added the part should only cost around $10 and would fit on any AR.

As he laughed and looked at the gun he said, "I hope everyone else thinks its as cool as we do. It's supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be cheap. It's supposed to be desirable in everyway".

Bastiani mentioned he might sell them from a vending machine.

"It kind of emphasizes even though this was a really big problem everyone has been trying to tackle for the last few months, of like how to do this there is so many different ways of doing it, it's kind of comical it could be done this simple," he explained.

To their knowledge they are the first ones to come up with this idea and to submit it to be patented.

The unofficial name of this part is MOD 1.

"It out first modification and MOD also being an acronym for Mandatory Orwellian Device," he said. "It's kind of a government over reach to make us jump through all these hoops to own something, legally, that should be a constitutional right."

They want to start selling the MOD 1 by March 1.

Love Life
01-27-2017, 10:29 PM
Holy moly it took a bunch of reading to finally get to what the article was talking about.

01-28-2017, 12:32 AM
Holy moly it took a bunch of reading to finally get to what the article was talking about.

I watched the video! They should be wildly successful.

01-28-2017, 01:53 AM
they'll probably sell some in California.

01-28-2017, 02:24 AM
Wonder how long before you'll need one in New York or other spoiled state.

Rick Hodges
01-28-2017, 07:30 AM
It will only last until someone in the legislature sees it work...then they will outlaw it too.

01-28-2017, 09:10 AM
Ok, for those not interested in reading all that, it's a modified bolt catch that prevents the magazine from being dropped while the gun is assembled.

01-28-2017, 12:09 PM
Ok, for those not interested in reading all that, it's a modified bolt catch that prevents the magazine from being dropped while the gun is assembled.
much appreciated.

I started reading that twice yesterday...and never got to the end to know what the heck it was...I just didn't have the patience or time.

01-28-2017, 12:31 PM
so now you pull a pin, flip the latch, and insert a new mag then close the rifle.
wow now it's like 1 second slower than pushing the button and inserting a new magazine.
I hope they feel 1% safer up there in Sacramento.

DerekP Houston
01-28-2017, 12:33 PM
man I posted this yesterday and no one saw it :D no fair! fake news!

01-28-2017, 12:41 PM
Smart guys

Don Verna

Lloyd Smale
01-28-2017, 03:33 PM
:kidding:I'm sure they will be a hot seller for the terrorists, mass murderers, and school shooters in California!:Fire:

white eagle
01-28-2017, 04:09 PM
mine is legal I just won't go to Cali

01-28-2017, 04:21 PM
That is a lot of words. Just glad I live in a free state.

01-29-2017, 03:51 AM
There may be one major flaw with that device!

Someone on Calguns pointed out wording in the new law that requires a permanently attached magazine. If that is the case, then that part is useless since the mag is not permanent and the rifle is also capable of accepting a detachable magazine (not allowed).

It is all about the details in the wording and I think it was less than a month ago that we found out that the bullet button can not be removed when registering. We were thinking that the new registration would follow the old one and allow all evil features. Right now, my rifles are in legal configuration and do not need to be registered. Originally I planned to register two of them so I would have more options, since you never know what the traitors who run this sorry state will do next.

These laws will do nothing to help prevent innocent people from being shot, only harm law abiding residents and citizens and are supported by the same people pushing for sanctuary cities, obama care, and all the other leftist **** this state is known for. They must all live in a utopia, but for the life of me, I just can't find it. Hopefully, Trump will make the USA a better place because some of us need to move there and get out from behind enemy lines.

Plate plinker
01-29-2017, 06:07 AM
You poor Californians are so oppressed by leftist tyrants.

01-29-2017, 02:11 PM
cgt80 if you read the law it says magazines that cannot be readily detached from the weapon, without partial take down of the weapon are outlawed. That is why the original bb is no longer good but the new ones would be as they recquire that you pull the pin and tilt the receiver. Since this is an election year, I doubt the fools in Sacramento will risk any other changes. The court cases will start soon.

01-29-2017, 05:39 PM
Wonder how long before you'll need one in New York or other spoiled state.

Well Artful, as a NY inmate (resident ain't quite the word anymore) I can say that we have a direction on the Stupid Act, sorry, SAFE Act, and it's hilarious!

We, in NY have been denied collapsing stocks and suck since 1994. Well, after four years they finally hashed out what the meanings on their new law means. Any semi auto with a detachable mag and any one feature on their naughty list is an assault weapon. Ok, fine. Because now it's been determined that this new definition supersedes the previous definition going back to 1994.

Therefore, if one has a rifle that is not semi auto, it cannot be an assault rifle. If you have a rifle where releasing the mag requires a tool or partial disassembly, it cannot be an assault rifle.

It passed, in court, that since the SAFE Act is in effect, if the owner makes either of those changes he or she can then add whatever toys they want. Telestock on a manual AR... fine. Vertical forgrip on a fixed mag AR... fine too.

So, it's a minor annoyance here now, but we actually have fewer restrictions than before.

I love the Law of Unintended Consequences!

01-29-2017, 06:01 PM
I live in NY, I can deal with the assult ban but I big problem is I can not buy ammo online without sending it threw a ffl. The added cost totally counter acts any savings unless I place a huge order. Kinda glad there is no ammo deals going on right now.