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View Full Version : Questions for a poll about PC Coating Methods...

01-26-2017, 05:13 PM
This poll is to determine whether or not anyone is interested in seeing a poll all about how's and why's of our various methods to PC Cast Boolits.
I keep seeing threads calling out for help, that they have a failed batch and so on.
If we could see a poll of all the aspects of coating perhaps we could see for ourselves where we and others go right or wrong...or perhaps not, I am not sure exactly how to conduct this poll or all the proper questions to ask.
For me, I followed the original directions and all has been fine ever since the first batch but I still see so many commenting on different ways and different success levels...maybe we can figure out why?
I have seen the picture thread and can tell immediately for myself what brands of PC work well and which are mediocre or less than.

***First I suppose a poll to determine whether anyone is interested and wants to take part by offering up suggestions for questions to ask and the proper formatting of the questions as to the various methods. If so vote (yes-do a poll) or (no-forget about it)

* The following questions I suggest are about PC coating our casts...methodologies and details of our processes.
These questions pertain to your current method...NOT what you have tried in the past.
What do you want to add or change ?

* I follow PC Mfgr's directions for temp. & time.
* I pre-heat the oven
* I don't preheat the oven
* I bake longer
* I bake shorter
* I use higher temp.
* I use lower temp.
* I have verified my oven's temperature w/separate thermometer
* I use a PID Controller on my oven
* I use a convection oven
* I use a toaster oven
* I use a full size kitchen oven

* I use recomended #5 tub
* I don't use #5 tub but I use a tub
* I ESPC with the casts on a jig
* I ESPC w/out a jig
* I put them in a container, place it in the vibratory cleaner bowl...let it shake them
* I put them in a rock polisher type drum and coat them
* I shake them less than a minute
* I shake them more than a minute
* I slurry coat

* I use recommended Black air-soft BB's
* I use any color BB's
* I don't use BB's

* I stand casts individually to bake
* I use a jig and bake
* I dump and bake

* I shake/tap off excess PC
* I don't shake/tap off excess PC
* I bake on non-stick Aluminum foil
* I bake on Parchment
* I bake on silicone mat

* I dump and bake on wire or mat and oven cool
* I dump and bake on wire or mat and air cool
* I dump and bake on wire or mat and water drop
* I stand or jig and bake and oven cool
* I stand or jig and bake and air cool
* I stand or jig and bake and water drop

* I use Harbor Freight PC
* I don't use Harbor Freight PC
* I use Smokes PC
* I use Powder by the Pound PC
* I use Eastwood PC
* I use Prismatic PC
* I use Sherman Williams PC
* I use ___________________PC (give name in comments for here and I'll include it)
* I use hi-tec or other than PC coating

* I get good coverage in hi-humidity
* I don't coat in high-humidity
* I get good coverage only in low-humidity
* I get good coverage rain or shine makes no difference

* I am satisfied with my coating results
* I am not satisfied with my coating results
* I want perfect looking coatings
* I don't care about perfect, I want quantity
* I put more effort into coating high velocity casts than lo-vel pistol casts
* I treat them all the same...hi or lo velocity
* I PC only the drive bands of my cast

* I gas check before I PC
* I gas check after I PC
* I leave the base of the cast bare of PC
* I coat the base of my casts with PC
* I have trouble with the PC flashing, making a skirt at the base

* I PC as it is my only option
* I PC as choice over a Lube-sizer
* I still do both
* I lube size or tumble or pan lube, to heck with this PC business...gerrrrr!

* I cast, size, PC and size again before loading
* I cast, PC and size before loading
* I cast, size and PC before loading
* I cast, PC and don't size before loading
* I nose size also

* After PC I wait some time before sizing
* After PC and-/or not- sizing, I wait some time before loading
* To heck with waiting for anything...I load them immediately or whenever I'm ready to use them

* I do a smash test for every batch
* My method has already passed the smash test long before and now, I don't bother
* I smash test only if I think something is wrong
* I never smash test

* I am satisfied with the accuracy of pistol casts and PC
* I am not satisfied with the accuracy of pistol casts and PC
* I am satisfied with rifle casts with PC
* I am not satisfied with rifle casts with PC
* I am not decided yet about accuracy

* Most of my problems are attributed to the quality of the PC
* Most of my problems are attributed to my oven temp. control
* Most of my problems are attributed to unclean casts

* I use nitrite gloves to handle my PC'd casts
* I use tweezers or some other tool to handle my PC'd casts
* I wear a respirator when I do PC coatings

If we see higher votes on these various questions 'are we seeing the most successful methods'?

What is your input?

01-26-2017, 05:28 PM
Do it...I would like to see the results...just out of curiosity. I think we have all arrived at what works for us, or at least, I have and I am sure most do it differently.

However, I honestly do not see how people fail at this...and there is not just ONE way to do it.

01-26-2017, 06:41 PM
You may have already answered the question. You followed the original instructions and have been fine ever since. Isn't that amazing!!

BTW, most of the cheap ovens are notoriously inconsistent. Temperature settings will vary from unit to unit....make to make.

Don Verna

01-26-2017, 06:49 PM
It's 'dang amazing' dverna...we gentlemen do not read directions, never have - never will...after a few blunders and a whole lot of cussin...that's why we have womenfolk around!

01-26-2017, 07:06 PM
Why not..I'd like to see other methods, might pick something up that would make things better, I like to learn.

Agreed on the toaster over being the #1 cause of failure, #2 being certain powders.

01-26-2017, 08:19 PM
Interesting questions when you consider that much of the experimentation for the BBDT/ PC Powdercoat methodology was born right here. Much of it probably came about from a "I wonder what would happen if ?" experimental mindset. I personally attempted at least a dozen different ideas of my own that were complete and utter failures. To this day I still play with all the variables to try and improve the end product. Just my nature, I suspect most here share that "what If " curiosity. Just see my signature that says it all!

01-26-2017, 08:53 PM
i have been a lurker here for years. This is where I first learned about casting. I am very interested in PC and how to do it. Just one more part of what has become an addictive habit. Plus it will allow me to save even more money. LOL

01-26-2017, 08:59 PM
No one thus far has any thing in particular that they would like to add on the poll?

Nothing to add or change?

DerekP Houston
01-26-2017, 09:17 PM
No one thus far has any thing in particular that they would like to add on the poll?

Nothing to add or change?

Sorry...I voted "yes" just to see what others thought, but I'm in the same boat as you. I read the instructions, followed directions, and it just works fine. My "unreliable" toaster oven was fixed by drilling a hole and adding a TC + PID. If I can get HF Red to work with ASBBDT in Houston humidity, I can't see how any other method wouldn't work equally well.

01-26-2017, 09:17 PM
You may have already answered the question. You followed the original instructions and have been fine ever since. Isn't that amazing!!

BTW, most of the cheap ovens are notoriously inconsistent. Temperature settings will vary from unit to unit....make to make.

Don Verna

I, for the most part, didn't have directions on "how to do it"...the way I do it. I just decided to try it, to see if it would work with my minimalist process and it worked well enough, for me...so, I have continued for last 3yrs. For the last year or so, I see some others referring to things they do similarly...but it has never been established practice for most folks, here. I have never jumped through the hoops that the majority of folks here seem to.

01-26-2017, 09:31 PM
Looks like this will be a go...I'll let it ride as is through Saturday night or so and put it together on Sunday.

I just want to include all questions about the details you fellas want to account for...otherwise once the poll starts someone will come back saying . . . "You shoulda _______!" So I want to get it right from the start.

01-26-2017, 09:36 PM
Looks like this will be a go...I'll let it ride as is through Saturday night or so and put it together on Sunday.

I just want to include all questions about the details you fellas want to account for...otherwise once the poll starts someone will come back saying . . . "You shoulda _______!" So I want to get it right from the start.

I think that you had a good idea.

It will be interesting see the results.

01-26-2017, 09:58 PM
Shucks OK, it seems you already have all the good questions covered in your first post. PC is dead simple for sure - I started with HF red, wasn't super happy with it, but it did work. I ordered some of Smoke's clear and it works GREAT. Just tumble 20-30 seconds in plastic tub, pick them out, sit on tray, put in toaster oven at 400ºF as Smoke says and it works. My toaster oven is the convection type (isn't that the fan that runs?) and has a TC and PID control from knifemaking so it does hold 400ºF nicely.

Looking forward to your methods.

Ken H>

01-26-2017, 11:02 PM
A couple are a yes/no question with the no just below it. Seems redundant.
* I use recomended #5 tub
* I don't use #5 tub

Other thoughts, feel free to reword:
When done I keep them in oven to slowly cool
When done I immediately drop in water

I do the smash test for each batch
I use hitek/ other method of coating

After coating I wait (time) before sizing
After coating I wait (time) before loading

01-27-2017, 12:06 AM
A couple are a yes/no question with the no just below it. Seems redundant.
* I use recomended #5 tub
* I don't use #5 tub <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<MEANING THEY USE SOME OTHER TYPE TUB AND #5 IS NOT IMPORTANT TO THEM

Other thoughts, feel free to reword:
When done I keep them in oven to slowly cool
When done I immediately drop in water

I do the smash test for each batch
I use hitek/ other method of coating

After coating I wait (time) before sizing
After coating I wait (time) before loading

OK I think I got you covered...review the additional changes and suggest a change if I did not do it right...

01-27-2017, 12:17 AM
sounds good to me

01-27-2017, 05:50 AM
I think it Is a fine idea,and voted yes. As I am about to embark on my maiden PC voyage.
I have read,read,read and read some more on this topic, It seems I got the shake and bake version burnt into my head. However there is ALWAYS something new or a different way that may ,or may not work better than how some are doing it now. I for one am always learning, adapting,tinkering,testing stuff. Thanks OS OK for a great idea.

01-27-2017, 07:49 PM
OC OK , other poles would be interesting also , I like the Idea about it allowing you to see what is most common and whats not , would be a great way to start something new If you could get an idea of whats out there,

03-14-2017, 11:04 PM
The only pole i like.


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03-15-2017, 06:25 AM
Might want to add what type of powder ( maker) and what method used for that powder.

03-15-2017, 09:36 AM
Not that it matters but, I put a pan on the bottom rack so that the bottom coil is covered. This way I don't get direct heat to the bottom of the tray that I am baking them on. I seam to get and hold a more even temp at the bullets better.