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01-26-2017, 07:51 AM
"I pray that . . . you may know . . . what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints" (Eph. 1:18 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/Eph.%201.18)).

How you perceive your spiritual resources dictates how you live.Throughout Ephesians 1 Paul is clearly struck with the magnificence of our inheritance in Christ. Here he prays that we will know the riches of its glory.
Some commentators see "His inheritance" as a reference to believers, who are God's inheritance or special possession (v. 14). That view stresses the value God places on us as believers, as demonstrated in Christ's death, the forgiveness of our sins, and the abundant grace that He lavishes on us (vv. 7-8).
Others see it as referring to the believer's inheritance, which Paul calls "His inheritance" because God is its source. Just as "His calling" (v. 18) issued from Him and was received by believers, so His inheritance issues from Him.
Both views are theologically sound but the second seems more consistent with Paul's emphasis in verses 11 and 14. In either case Paul's point is clear: redemption and its accompanying blessings are so profound that we must have supernatural help to understand them. That's why he prayed for our enlightenment (v. 18).
Such enlightenment is crucial because how you perceive your spiritual resources dictates how you live. If, for example, you realize you have every resource for godly living (Eph. 1:3 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/Eph.%201.3)), you are less likely to succumb to temptation. Knowing God has given you His very best in Christ (Rom. 8:31 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/Rom.%208.31)) assures you that He won't withhold lesser things, so you'll not tend to worry about earthly needs. Understanding that you have already received "grace upon grace" (John 1:16 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/John%201.16)), abundant life (John 10:10 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/John%2010.10)), and "everything pertaining to life and godliness" (2 Pet. 1:3 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/2%20Pet.%201.3)) gives you confidence that God's future grace and resources will be more than sufficient (2 Cor. 12:9 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/2%20Cor.%2012.9)).
Let that motivate you to praise your rich and glorious God for His rich and glorious inheritance!
Suggestions for Prayer

Thank God for the privilege of being His child.
Memorize Ephesians 1:3 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/Ephesians%201.3) and 2 Peter 1:3 (http://biblia.com/bible/nasb95/2%20Peter%201.3) and recite them often as anthems of praise for the Lord's abundant grace.

For Further Study
Read 2 Corinthians 11-12.

What kinds of trials did Paul face?
How did God respond to Paul's prayer to remove his "thorn in the flesh"?
How might Paul's response influence you when you face difficulties?

01-26-2017, 09:04 AM
Amen, A great lesson !

01-26-2017, 06:11 PM
That second line really sums up a lot. Our perceptions of what we know is so often too lowly rated by us! We often need to be more bold, so that we can LEARN to use it more effectively. It's often from applying what we know, that we learn so much more, and learn how to use it all in the process. Being "humble" does NOT mean underestimating the value of our own, personal faith and edification. Oftentimes, all we really need is the simple courage to not be PC and just speak of our faith as best as we know how, and do it unapologetically, and very cordially, as though we were discussing what type of paper envelope is best for certain purposes. Only in doing do we really learn the value of what we have. And our faith cannot progress much until it overcomes our fears of how folks will take us. We're not here to be loved. We're here to enjoy the wonders God provided for us, yes, but ALSO to speak frankly and unapologetically to others about our faith. After all, if we don't, evil will, and whichever gets discussed and promosted most .... "wins," at least in a terrestrial sense. The Lord has graciously given us life and a mission. If we abandon that mission, how can he really bless us? How can we truly learn? Of what value is real faith unshared? We have so many reasons to speak to others of our faith. We mostly just need to do it as casually as we would discuss what flavor of coffee we prefer. No big deal. Just our unshakable beliefs. Others can choose as they will. God decreed that. But if we've made a choice, how can we NOT let it be known? Mostly, we often need only a little courage and faith in our faith. And once we've begun, it always winds up being SO much easier than we'd ever imagined it would be! Is our Lord a wondrous Lord, or what?