View Full Version : Lead in lee alignment pins?

01-25-2017, 02:13 PM
Howdy all,

Newer member here, been dabbling in casting for five or so years, starting to pick up speed and work up loads for everything we own. The first mold I bought a lee two cavity 230 gr RN managed to get some lead in the alignment pin cavity yesterday. Tried to pry it out with a small awl but didn't want to scratch the mold face if it slipped when I pressed harder on it. Curious how more experienced members think I should get it out? I'm considering trying to take the pins out and then following the instructions in the lee-menting sticky. You can see it in the close up, giving me a bit of a headache mold doesn't want to close flush on the first try because of it. Thanks.

01-25-2017, 02:35 PM
Heat the mould to casting temperature, then use a dental pick to remove the softened lead.

01-25-2017, 05:29 PM
Heat the leaded area with a fine, narrow flame propane torch...as soon as it melts, flip it to expel the molten lead. It takes but a few seconds....once the mold has cooled..press the pin in all the way in and peen so it cannot back out again.

01-25-2017, 06:24 PM
Heat to soften the lead and brush gently away with a brass brush. Final clean with a Q-tip & Kroil.

Dusty Bannister
01-28-2017, 02:48 PM
Have you tried holding the mold half under the flowing stream of melted lead to heat it and flush out the problem? No need to pick, brush or scrap if you use the stream of a bottom pour pot. Might use a large catch pan for the overflow.

02-02-2017, 10:26 PM
Have you tried holding the mold half under the flowing stream of melted lead to heat it and flush out the problem? No need to pick, brush or scrap if you use the stream of a bottom pour pot. Might use a large catch pan for the overflow.

I did but just one pour with my little Lee ladle and I didn't increase the temp before doing so. Plan on fixing this my next day off hopefully.

too many things
02-02-2017, 10:38 PM
soak in Kroil over night and all will fall off with a light tooth brush . at most a very light rub with a small pick