View Full Version : Learned a thing or two yesterday.

01-24-2017, 10:00 PM
It was 30 below, and the wife apparantly ran through some screws, getting 2 flats on her pickup.
I didn't have the option of leaveing the tires inside long enough to warm up before patching them.
A few years ago our lovely powers to be outlawed tire patch glue that you lit and let burn to make it stick. In other words the stuff that works has been outlawed and is no longer attainable.
The replacement is the pits at best, you are suppose to put a very light coat and wait a minute or two before putting the patch on.

First try didn't even attempt to work, I think you could wait a week at 30 below and it still would not get sticky.
Try two, I sprayed some either on the tire and let it burn in an attempt to warm it up, absolute fqail again, just not happening.
Try three, I smeared the glue and then sprayed it with either and lit it till it burned off. SUCCESS at last.

Now this I learned and learned quick, this new safe glue puts off a noxious gas while and after you burn it, getting a whiff of it will literally put you on your knees, which at least get your head out of the tire into fresh air. lol I have no doubt if a guy somehow breathed more than one breath of this gas, he would be in serious trouble.

01-24-2017, 11:04 PM
Aren't you glad they're so concerned with our well being?

01-24-2017, 11:42 PM
Reminds me of when they outlawed R12 and we had to get a license to work on any auto with it, and replaced it with 134A, which they had to put warnings on the cans that it would kill anything big enough to die that breathed it. lol
We used to in an emergency use r12 to cool down our beer.

01-24-2017, 11:46 PM
Remember the r12 powered full auto bb guns? Funny we aren't all extinct by now.

01-25-2017, 09:29 AM
Rubber cement is still the same. Had to buy new when my tube dried out. Still works great for tubes. Also plugs for tubeless, need the lubrication as well as the glue.
Now a patch in the inside of tubeless tires is tough, too much crud so the glue acts more like a cleaner to reach rubber. We would put it on and scrape the dirt off. The soap used to mount tires gets on the rubber too.
I never burned it.

01-25-2017, 11:00 AM
I tried to patch a Bicycle tube with some new safer stuff and it ate the tube and of course didn't work several times so I got a new tube. I have some tires on some bikes that are 25 years old and still holding air. I have some not a year old that seem to rot and go flat. Made in China of course. Might be the tubes themselves causing the problem.

mold maker
01-26-2017, 03:07 PM
China makes everything to a price point. In other words it's made to hold together till its sold. Anything beyond that is a bonus that they didn't get paid for.
When you examine the responsibility we place on a bicycle tube/tire (our life in traffic) do ya really want a China made unit being the only thing between you and the pavement?

01-26-2017, 05:47 PM
With all the " protections" the gov. has come up with....I wonder how we all managed to live this long.

01-26-2017, 06:27 PM
You Alaskans really have my respect. You HAVE to know things that the rest of us have no need to know and will never need to apply to our situations. And being willing to experiment with what you have to work with is a hallmark of anybody who's ever been hard pressed to "git-r-done" under adverse conditions, or specialty conditions, like you guys often have to deal with. Temp makes more of a difference in more things than most of us in more temperate climes will ever truly appreciate! My father in law was an old Seabee, and was one of the guys who built the landing strip at Midway, and other islands in the Pacific campaign. It constantly amazed me how you could give him a hammer, a screwdriver, a wrench, and a piece of bailing wire, and he could make just about anything work! "Improvise and overcome" is NOT the way ONLY Marines work!

01-26-2017, 07:44 PM
Love them SEABEES!!