View Full Version : The Lord's Prayer

01-24-2017, 08:40 PM
*Over the years, from time to time, rather in the church or just some type of meeting. I've heard the Lord's Prayer recited almost word for word. In ways that almost seem mindless or heartless at times. Not that reciting it is bad, but I think it was meant to be so much more than just a passage at the beginning or ending of our gatherings.

*I think Jesus was giving us more of an example of the model prayer. Which starts by acknowledging the Father. He gave us steps to prayer,* for it was written, pray in this way, not with these words. Each part having its own purpose, like His will, giving Thanks or forgiveness and so on.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with humbly reciting His prayer for it's His words. I just think there's so much more to it than that.


01-24-2017, 09:11 PM
As I recite the Lords Prayer, I think of each part as I go through it....I just dont mindlessly recite it....This is a perfect prayer and I do dearly love it....Thanks for the post....Paul

square butte
01-24-2017, 09:30 PM
I have been reciting it ever since I was a small child - And I suspect I will be reciting on the day I die.

01-24-2017, 09:33 PM
Many folks recite it as learned or remembered....Automatically; but they never really think about each verse!
Much of it's meaning is lost doing that

01-24-2017, 09:35 PM
I understand, 1john. I too have seen many prayers, not just this one, that I had a feeling didn't get past the ceiling. Recently, I started to pray, and stopped. I felt a need to pray, but frankly, just wasn't in the right mood for it. So I stopped, and told the Lord I'd be back shortly. When I'd gotten my mind and mood right, I went back into my prayer, and I believe this is the way the Lord would have us pray - ONLY when we really mean it.

I used to get rather bored in church often, when the preacher was covering "old, settled business" for me, and it's very difficult for me to pray when I'm in such a mood. I suspect we've all been there and done that, or when other things going on put us in something less than a proper mood to talk to our Savior. When a part of a meeting, I think we've all gone through the motions, in spite of our less than optimal mood, and I've long wondered how Christ takes those type prayers. I know he's forgiving, but I've long wondered if it wasn't at least a little "sacreligious" to pray in such a manner.

I've also noted that some very devout members sometimes take a while before launching into their prayer. I believe they're just doing something similar, and gathering their thoughts, and sorting them out, so their prayer might be as appropriate and genuine as possible.

If anyone has it all figured out, please explain it to me. I wonder about a lot of things, but often, have to keep searching for the answers, because I don't believe I fully have a grasp on many things. But the key, I think, is in the effort, and in keeping on trying, and asking, and thinking about it all. "Study to show thyself approved." I don't think we have to have all the answers to be "approved," as used in that admonition. I just think we have to be really searching for answers, and trying to apply what God HAS given us to work with.

It's always struck me as "funny" how one person, who may not be nearly as knowledgeable about scripture, can get through to an unbeliver, and bring them into the fold. It seems to us like the more knowledgeable people would be the best "armed" to gain converts. But often, what I've seen has been quite the opposite. The knowledgeable certainly edify the budding and studious Christian better, simply because they have more to provide in insight and understanding, to those of us who need it. But in bring in the sheaves, it's more one's attitude and "presence" that makes all the difference. I know from my experience in sales, that you can feed facts to a prospect from now to doomsday, but unless and until you spur their emotions, they'll sit like a frog on a lily pad, mostionless and unmovable. But tough those emotions, and BINGO! You just made a sale!

Most folks already know plenty of scriptures. They just don't have the MEANING within them, and some won't allow themselves to "see" those meanings. But spur someone's emotions, and BINGO! You have just pierced to their heart, and made a real difference. Sometimes, for those who don't have sufficient knowledge or experience to teach, that's the time to bring in the "expert" in scriptures, but FIRST, you must ALWAYS move them emotionally, or find them in a state that allows them to be reached. Then, you have a real chance to make a new convert. That's how most of us began, really, I believe. It's as if a big curtain were lifted, and all of a sudden, we can see what was previously hidden from us. How's that for a real "miracle" that occurs time and time and time again amongst us?

01-24-2017, 10:06 PM
I still from time to time recite it word for word. I'm definitely not condemning anyone for doing so. Sometime when I'm in prayer it's all I can think of praying until I recite it and sometimes I can spend 10 to 20 minutes just on the first part. Our Father in heaven Holy is your name. And take it and just declare His greatness and who He is to me and how much I love Him. Basically ministering unto Him, see we always want Him to minister to us. Sometimes we need to step outside the box and do like King David and have a heart ( chasing after, winning over) after God's heart. For David danced before the Ark of the Lord and the people criticized him, but he didn't care for he wanted to minister to the Lord. I think sometimes we just get stuck in religion and forget it's about a relationship and being pleasing unto the Lord. I'd bet God laughed so hard at David and David put a big smile on His face.

01-24-2017, 10:13 PM
I would say that reciting is better than not doing anything.

And, who is to say that whomever is reciting it, is not actually taking the word...meaning...to heart?

Is it true...that Christian's really do shoot their wounded?

Cause they surely judge their brother.

Talk about being "holier than thou"..."self righteous"...and whatever else comes to mind.

01-24-2017, 10:22 PM
I think of it as the one stop prayer. It covers all bases, lets the Lord know I am thinking about him.

Now if that was ALL I had perhaps I should be concerned.

But I have no problem using it like that.

9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
(Hallowed or Holy, the only truly holy one)

10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
(Thy will be done, not mine, yours. I await your coming.

11 Give us this day our daily bread. (We all have daily needs, remind me to remember those poorer than I)

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (In order for us to be fully forgiven, first we must forgive.)

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

(Lord lead us not the wrong way, we are having hard enough times already. Deliver us from evil. We know well we have brought it on our ourselves.)

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

(Thine is the kingdom, I long for it, You have the power, to GOD be the glory for ever. Amen)

This is a prayer that can mean as much, or as little as you desire it to.

I know for me it has often been used as a littany against fear and trouble.

Saying it even inside my head makes me feel better, closer to the Lord.

As such it has earned a special place in my heart.

And when I have remembered to turn to the Lord in times of trouble. I have always been rescued in one way or another. Even when sometimes I did not want to be. (But needed to be)

01-24-2017, 10:31 PM
That you recite it shows it's worth . One of the most comforting pieces of verse in our bible . It simplifies our faith in GOD . Whatever is...whatever has come before...whatever comes...whatever ...HE IS WITH US . Praise GOD , the one true living GOD

square butte
01-25-2017, 07:10 AM
I think that if the Holy Spirit moves in you whether you say it - recite it - think it - pray it - or any combination of those - Then it works as a prayer and brings God closer.

01-25-2017, 09:15 AM
Great post, I too love to sit and think about each line and let it sink in as what Christ was teaching.

Pine Baron
01-25-2017, 10:14 AM
This is my prayer before all else. The words have sustained me, saved me and given me the patience to think before speaking, acting impulsively, well, not always.

01-26-2017, 11:48 AM
Many times I recite the Lords prayer before I give my thanks or ask for blessings from him to my family and neighbors.