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01-24-2017, 04:59 PM
DARN, Joe came to make boolits and holy smokes, no control of hands at all. I showed him over and over but he could not hold a mold level and poured lead all over. It is like sticking a fork in your face instead of your mouth.
Yet he did make good boolits. I had to leave him, could not watch any more.
It really is funny to watch. Move one hand and the other follows.

Oklahoma Rebel
01-24-2017, 05:45 PM
mmight not be too funny to him. especially writing about it on a forum, I have tremors and it does make it a lot harder for me to do things that you wouldn't have to think about, and if someone makes light of it, or heaven help them, makes fun of me for it, it don't turn out too good. I know you probably didn't think about it like that before you posted, but try to put yourself in someone elses shoes. just think about it next time, will you? have a good day, and good for you for showing a newbie the ropes. thanks, Travis

Teddy (punchie)
01-24-2017, 05:59 PM
Maybe just nerves?? LOL would be funny to watch. How he at the range?? Pray his health is good !!

01-24-2017, 09:35 PM
Maybe just nerves?? LOL would be funny to watch. How he at the range?? Pray his health is good !!
He shoots very well indeed. But he understands my laughter.
Now he is not alone, maybe the hardest job I take on is showing casting and to have anyone pick it up. Coordination is the biggest problem so it makes me wonder how many more guys have a problem. It really is funny. I poked him a lot! :kidding:
Not as bad as my friend Pete who will have enough lead on the bench and floor to make 1000 boolits and none made are shoot able.
Joe would try to tip off the ladle and he dumped it out every time. Mold tipped so the sprue poured out.
Sorry guys, it is funny.

Oklahoma Rebel
01-25-2017, 04:32 PM
well you never know when someone might be laughing along with you because they want to be accepted or something, even though it really bugs them on the inside, just looking out for this guy, Travis

Oklahoma Rebel
01-25-2017, 04:34 PM
and as punchie mentioned,you never know what kind of neurological problems might be going on

DerekP Houston
01-25-2017, 04:44 PM
I thought I was the only one with that coordination issue starting out ;). Then I found you can use the mold guide and it was much easier. I still feel like a noob when I forget to adjust the flow from making ingots vs bullets and the lead goes everywhere.

01-25-2017, 06:38 PM
in 2010, I started with the 20lb Lee pot and a few Lee two cav molds. I had the shakey hand (mold grip) issue for several casting sessions. Getting the best sitting or standing position so you can see the stream. Then getting use to the mold shelf and getting use to the the motion needed to move the mold from one sprue hole to the next, in a timely fashion, along with operating the valve handle.
THEN, doing this in front of a fellow with decades of experience and expertise...daunting...I've be nervous as well. Leaving him alone, as you mentioned probably helped him, as much as you. Joking around is all fun and good, but I hope you gave him some praise when he produced some nice boolits.

Anyway, good for you...for mentoring a new caster.

Oklahoma Rebel
01-26-2017, 10:52 AM
well said jon, thankyou