View Full Version : Linotype and monotype

01-22-2017, 10:14 PM
I got a new cabinet for the shop and was moving things around making room and well trying to clean up the old reloading shop. I picked up a box full of linotype I got awhile back and decided to dump it in a bucket for better storage since I had two flatrate boxes full. Well I dumped one then dumped the other then noticed one was labeled lino the other mono. One box was just a bunch of single letters the other was more in stamp form and ingots. Been so long I can not remember if there is a difference I want to say there is but how much. Or would I be alright to smelt it down together ?

01-22-2017, 10:26 PM
If you are confused, or not sure, then if you smelt it all together , then you will end up with a Hard Linotype if they are both Lino and Mono.
If you have other ingots, test the hardness and see if they are as hard as either of the other ingots of the Marked Material.
Use your best judgement and smelt the not so clearly marked ingots all together, and just call that stuff #2 Lyman.
Mono is harder than Lino.
When I smelt up a batch, I try to make all Mono with the lead Tin and Antimony that I have.
Then down the line, I get free lead flashings off my construction jobs.
So I can then smelt the proper weight of lead to Mono and make Lino or # 2 or any other blend I choose to use.
Lino and mono are great Base Materials to have, and you have harder lead at hand if your reloading dictated that hard of mix.

01-22-2017, 10:31 PM
don't know if true but rule of thumb I remember is mono equals single letters and lino equals line of letters(all one piece) probably not right so hopefully somebody with more knowledge will chime in.

01-22-2017, 10:50 PM
There's a difference. rancher1913 is correct about single letters being mono, and linotype is just that (lines of type).

This will tell you the difference for casting.

01-22-2017, 11:50 PM
Thanks guys it will be easy enough to sort it back out I was thinking there was a difference and looks like it is enough to make it worth the time which is under 5 mins I guess.

01-23-2017, 12:07 AM
Now now.... there's no reason to go through all that fuss of sorting. Just put em back into two flat rate boxes like they were, send em to me for a buck/pound shipped and I'll sort em out and cast/shoot em and you won't have to worry about all that stuff of sorting and alloying and headache. ;-)
