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01-22-2017, 08:09 AM
“No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:1-14 (v. 6)

We make the claim once again – Christianity is unique. It is unique in the sense that it is the divinely appointed way to enter into a relationship with the one true and living God. There is only one way, only one Name, only one God, only one Lord, only one Mediator. Our claim that Christianity is unique comes not from arrogance but from simple empirical fact. W. A. Visser’t Hooft, in his book No Other Name, says: “There is no universality if there is no unique event.” Uniqueness and universality go together. It is because God has exalted Jesus to the highest place in the universe, “far above all rule and authority,” and given Him the unique Name of “Lord,” that He towers over every other name. That, too, is the reason why every knee must bow to Him. And it is precisely because Jesus Christ is the only Savior that we are under an obligation to proclaim Him to as many as we possibly can. In whatever culture we live, we must endeavor to make Jesus known. We must set our face against the faction in today’s church that aims to modernize the gospel and says: “Let us recognize all religions as being authentic before God and seek not to convert people from their religion but encourage them to be better adherents of it.” Have these people no regard for the honor of Jesus Christ? Do they not care when Christ is seen as just one among many Saviors rather than, as God declares, the only Savior. No true Christian can ever worship Christ without minding that others do not.

Prayer: Father, help me understand that it is not enough to know about the faith into which You have brought me by Your grace: I must seek also to share it. Help me grasp every opportunity that comes to make the way clear to others.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen

01-22-2017, 09:43 AM
We serve a risen living Savior which is unique because every other god that has been served is in the grave "dead". Thanks for the great lesson, We are to always witness to who God puts in our path. Amen

01-22-2017, 04:33 PM
Great post. All these pleas for "diversity" in religious belief are maddening. Of all the religions in the world, one MUST be true, and the one that's true, MUST indicate that all the others are false. Yes, they may contain good morals and ethics, but morals and ethics do NOT constitute a real "religion." Religions deal with a supreme diety. Those that promote "ancestor worship" (I think it's actually more of a reverence or revering than a real "worship") stop short of even trying to know a real, bonafide God. Other religions speak of all sorts of strange beings that act suspiciously like men with some extra power, which Christianity might view as demons. One other major religion claims to worship the God of Abraham, but fails to exhalt or accept Christ as a real, risen savior. I'm not sure whether they revere a dead Jesus or what, but don't have any intentions of delving into it too deeply because what kind of answer you get from that religion depends VERY heavily on just who it is you ask. They even advise killing each other!!!

Only Christianity contains a real, risen Savior and Redeemer. And how logical is it that when God saw man was unable and unwilling to obey the laws He gave them, what could be more appropriate and effective than to have his only Son give His life as a sacrifice to pay our debts, that we might live. And He's risen from the dead. Nobody else worships a risen savior anything near like Christianity does.

People who advocate liking "all the religions" simply haven't made up their minds yet. And without commitment, what is any religion really worth? Christianity is unlike any other religion in a myriad of ways. It is unique. And even science now, or many in its ranks, are seeing more and more reasons to believe, right up to the point of being on the threshold of proving that a god very much like ours in the Christian Bible MUST exist, and MUST control the universe by some supernatural force and methods. No other religion can rightfully claim that. And that's just one of the things that makes our Faith so unique.

But you know all this, already. How reassuring to know that even science, now, is proving our Faith to be so very well placed! What deniers once hoped would "prove" Faith to be false, has instead turned the tables on them, and proven the opposite, and supports heavily the proposition that we have accepted by faith for so very long now. What a wonderful world it is within Christianity! Almost like God planned it that way, isn't it? ;-)