View Full Version : AFL-CIO endorses Nobama

06-27-2008, 02:23 PM
Read yesterday in the paper where the AFL-CIO endorsed Nobama. And to make sure there was no dissent there were no other candidates listed on the information sent to members for approval of its choice.

Sounds like another union is selling out its members and using tactics typical of a third-world banana republic dictatorship.

I was a card-carrying Steelworker for 9 years, but I will never, ever belong to another union again. Most don't truly represent their members and are slaves to the Dumbocratic party.

06-27-2008, 02:46 PM
The unions always endorse the Democrat, no matter who it is. But history has shown us that the individual members give lip service to the endorsement at union functions,... and then vote the way they want to. Unionism, like other political functions, is only skin deep.

06-27-2008, 03:04 PM
Scrounger -

I hope you're right.

06-27-2008, 03:33 PM
The unions always endorse the Democrat, no matter who it is. But history has shown us that the individual members give lip service to the endorsement at union functions,... and then vote the way they want to. Unionism, like other political functions, is only skin deep.

Art, you have a lot more faith in the Union man than I do. I think I told the story about the DHS guys who were all for Ron Paul- pro gun, pro Constitution, a real true man! "Well, who ya vote for if he doesn't win?" Their answer-"Hillary. She's for Unions." Typical.

06-27-2008, 03:50 PM
Art, you have a lot more faith in the Union man than I do. I think I told the story about the DHS guys who were all for Ron Paul- pro gun, pro Constitution, a real true man! "Well, who ya vote for if he doesn't win?" Their answer-"Hillary. She's for Unions." Typical.

You of all people should know that what people say is often far different from what they do.

06-27-2008, 04:20 PM
Don't worry, Union Bosses always go for the Demoncrap. For 40 years I paid Union Dues, was on the negoitation committees, was a Steward, and have never, ever voted for a Demoncrapic presidental nominee. I bet I'm not alone either.

06-27-2008, 05:00 PM
Don't worry, Union Bosses always go for the Demoncrap. For 40 years I paid Union Dues, was on the negoitation committees, was a Steward, and have never, ever voted for a Demoncrapic presidental nominee. I bet I'm not alone either.

You aren't.

The union split is about 60-40 democRAT or a little closer. Still more than half, but not all union guys and gals are brainwashed. The Union leadership are mostly hard core leftists.


06-27-2008, 09:23 PM
There are many reasons why I am no longer a card-carrying member of local 26. This is one.

MT Gianni
06-27-2008, 09:44 PM
A lot of it has to do with how many have ties to the party before the Chicago Convention of 68? or 72?. The Dem. party sold out to the radicals, hippies, and leftists at the expense of labor. If the family has ties and traditions to an earlier Dem. party they remain. Later Union members do not feel the same ties. Gianni

06-28-2008, 11:27 AM
Unions, like ANY "body" run by elected personnel, are only as good as the people the electorate allow to hold power. I spent many years as an elected union officer in a "local" that had 7500 members. We held local meetings once a month and we were lucky if we got 75 people to turn out (and we encouraged participation). If people do not take an active part in the union (or any other democratic) process, it allows self-serving individuals to make policy and/or decisions that are not always indicative of the wishes of the general membership. Most (and I stress most) of the union officials that I know put the best interests of their members first. People who work for wages "sell" their labour, just as an small business entrepreneur or a huge multinational company sells it's product. Everyone who sells wants the best price for the product, and if anyone here thinks big business doesnt work together on pricing, just look at the price of gas at the pump in all the major gas stations! Unions, through negotiation, endeavour to get the best price (wages and working conditions) for the product (labour) they sell. Do unions sometimes protect/fight for people who don't deserve it? Yes they do, but you need to look at the overall picture in the individual case before you decide that protection was unwarranted. If all union members went to meetings regularly and if we all belonged to a political party (and were active) we would get leaders who would have to represent the will of the majority!
Having had my morning rant, let me say that I agree with the previous posters who have pointed out that most folks, including union members, will make up their own minds once they have (or think they have) enough information.