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View Full Version : Lord thank you for anwsered prayer .

01-20-2017, 07:57 PM
I'll start out saying when Trump said he would run I thought it laughable . The shape we are in and this egotistical blowhard billionaire wants to be president ! I considered it a joke . Things have reached the boiling point and this idiot is only muddying the waters . I prayed , many here and across this country have prayed and asked our Lord to spare and save us .

Our future and the future of our children looked bleak , there only seemed more evil coming down the road . More robbery of our freedom and GOD given rights in the name of Globalism and political correctness . Freedom , independence , free thought , free speech and individualism were being washed and eroded away . It looked hopeless . There was no relief , I wondered if we had angered our Lord so much that he would simply allow us to reap what we had sown through our non caring and personal indulgence . Times were good and GOD's gifts had spoiled us . All things come from him .

In my humble opinion our Lord has given us reprieve , he has saved us and through his mercy given us a leader . Our prayers were answered . Donald Trump seems an unlikely choice for GOD to give but when you consider others he chose such as Moses , David and many more you see his same thing over and over ...he picks the least expected .

Let us Praise God for his mercy and constant love for us . Let us thank him for giving us a new leader . Let us be vigilant like the watchman in the tower . Let us speak our mind in his name and what is right . No more political correctness . We must uphold GOD in all things . I fear we may not get another reprieve . Praise him .

Please pray for Donald Trump . Pray that GOD will hold him in his light . Pray that he seeks GOD's help . Pray that GOD will guide him . We are at a critical juncture in our country , many of the youth are lost . They did not grow up with our freedoms ..with our GOD . Help them .

01-20-2017, 08:01 PM
Yes, God be praised
Trump to be prayed for!

01-20-2017, 08:42 PM
I watch him on his swearing in and he dose pray to god and also went to church before his swearing in.There is hope for him.

Preacher Jim
01-20-2017, 08:45 PM
do not stop Prayers he needs the grace and wisdom of God as well as the protection of the Holy Spirit every day to right this country and return it to a Godly nation.

01-20-2017, 10:19 PM
I was not sure of President Trump, not then, not now.

What I have become sure of, over time, is that Donald Trump is the LORDS pick for the job.

I listened to his speech today, he mentioned God several times, and called on him to protect and bless America.

A president can do a lot. My question is this. Can President trump start a revival? Can he put the GOD back in "GOD bless America!"?


If he can slow down planned parenthood it would help. I see abortion rates are already dropping.
That would be a big step in the right direction.

Can he live up to his promises? I certainly hope so.

Because I don't think anyone wants to live through what happens if he does not.

So now that he is sworn in my prayers will change. Up to now it has been asking for the Lord to protect him, to see him sworn in. To keep anyone from pushing the Nuclear button.

I think President Trump will negotiate in good faith with Russia. I don't believe any of the media hype they have been putting out. Speaking of which if the mainstream media is not careful all those corporations will go broke and those people are all out of jobs.

So now prayers will be to protect the people who voted for trump.

If the Lord has to rain wrath down on this country let it be California and the big cities.
Who would miss Detroit?

If we do not turn back to the Lord as a nation I fear Sodom all over again on a much larger scale.

I don't know for sure what will come. But my heart is heavy at what people have been doing to people.

Be ready, the Lord when he comes will be like the thief in the night. Unanticipated, unlooked for, the unready will suffer.
Every night before you sleep you should make sure that you are right with the Lord. When in doubt turn to the LORD. Let him guide you. Be sure every day that you are ready at a moments notice.

Be prepared, if Tribulation comes, food is the least of your worries. 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter depending on the situation, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. Water, medical, a way to heat, cook, purify water, shelter. Preferably something like a small tent. Times are hard but the LORD helps those who help themselves.

Be ready to feed his sheep, lend aid where and how you can.
It is my opinion that belief is good, but faith that lives and acts is better.

Interesting times indeed.

To GOD be the Glory, for ever and ever amen.

01-21-2017, 02:42 AM
I agree completely with you Ghosthawk and well said sir!

01-21-2017, 08:26 AM
Thank you, Charlie for starting this post and thank you gentlemen for adding to it! I too will pray for Trump and pray that our Congress will put their hidden agendas aside and do what is good for this wonderful country.....I have always lived by the words that J.F.K. said when sworn in: "Ask not what this country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!" It seems that over the years that we have moved away from doing what is right for the country to what is good for me....a most selfish approach. I put God first; Country second, family and friends third and myself last.

01-21-2017, 09:01 AM
Boaz I couldn't agree more with what you said in your post.

01-21-2017, 09:11 AM
I agree with most everything said so far. Every leader boasts what he "Will Do As president". Hopefully Trump will keep his word and work for the people.

Pine Baron
01-21-2017, 10:07 AM
Amen, Charlie.
And Ghost. Can President trump start a revival? Can he put the GOD back in "GOD bless America!"?
Only we, the people, can do this. After all we are the ones who put him there and we are the only ones that have that power. That's the exciting part. We, the people, are finally being heard again. Don't stop, keep pushing. Praise God indeed.

01-21-2017, 10:14 AM
I agree, Prayers for President Trump and our other authorities.

01-21-2017, 11:36 AM
Amen, Charlie.
And Ghost. Can President trump start a revival? Can he put the GOD back in "GOD bless America!"?
Only we, the people, can do this. After all we are the ones who put him there and we are the only ones that have that power. That's the exciting part. We, the people, are finally being heard again. Don't stop, keep pushing. Praise God indeed.

Amen Pine Baron ! We are the deciding factor , our support will make or break what is started . We wanted it.....well we got it .

Preacher Jim
01-21-2017, 11:43 AM
It will be when we the people begin to do 2nd chronicles 7:14.
Spiritual revival is up to you and I not a president. God gave us a chance we must take advantage of the window God gave us. Quit using excuses it is on our shoulders.

01-21-2017, 01:40 PM
What a great and wonderful thread! And every comment has been a righteous expansion of the whole thing. I heard recently that Trump was interviewed on EWTN, the "Catholic channel," and he was asked what he prayed for when he prayed. He casually remarked, "That's none of your business. I believe a man's religion and faith is his alone, and that what he does should tell everyone much more about what he thinks and believes, than what he says." Or something to that effect. THIS is the kind of man I most respect. Words are cheap. Acts always show what's REALLY inside a man, where his sympathies and concerns and beliefs truly are. And he's never been bashful about using God's name. He just doesn't throw it around too cheaply and often, as we've all seen a few do at times.

So I believe he has a strong and solid central core of belief, whether he talks about it or not. "Ye shall know them by their actions," is what Christ told us.

And throughout the whole inaugeration process, he seemed a bit bored and reluctantly restrained by it all. He seemed to me to want to GET TO WORK. This was reinforced when he signed all those Presidential Orders with all the minions gathered around him. And another example where I think his central core came forward was in how he dealt with that very young girl that was there at his right elbow. He was gracious, cordial, and seemed genuinely and obviously happy she was there. How many politicos do you know who'd have even ALLOWED that young lady to even BE there?

Trump doesn't seem to want to defend himself, unless absolutely necessary, and wants his promises and his actions serve to SHOW people who and what he really, truly is. That, my friends, is as rare as hen's teeth in politics! I was a latecomer to the "Trump train," but I am SO glad I did! What convinced me was a conversation with a friend who'd dealt professionally with two of his children, and he is NOT an easy person to convince about another person's character. He said they were the most professional and knowledgeable builders he'd EVER dealt with. He asked them technical questions, and they were familiar and gave him solid, professional and knowledgeable answers, and they did exactly what they said they'd do, and ahead of schedule and under budget, which seems to be a hallmark of most of his building. What a rare thing THAT is!!!! No milking of a project for more money - just a good, professional job EXACTLY as agreed, and a little bit quicker and cheaper than promised.

A man's habits don't generally change, and they reflect his true, inner values and beliefs. I believe we may well have just installed one of our greatest Presidents EVER! I absolutely HOPE so, but like Ghost says, we always have to watch ALL our representatives and leaders. Some, like I'm thinking and hoping Trump will be, just get better and better the more he's challenged. Who could NOT respect a man like that? And trust him, too? I trust NO man like I do God, for we're ALL fallible, but with God's grace and with Him as a guide, I honestly believe Trump may well and truly, "make America great again."

Thank almighty God for his Grace and Mercy upon us in giving us Donald John Trump! And may He lead and guide him to make us what we were always intended by Him to be. He can't do it by himself, and it'll take ALL of us to achieve the lofty goals he's set for all of us. May God grant that WE will be up to OUR part in it all!

square butte
01-21-2017, 02:55 PM
Well I don't know about you guys - But when I see and hear the Star Spangled Banner being sung in the National Cathedral as part of the Day 1 Inaugural Prayer Service this morning - I could have only imagined that just a year ago. I believe the tone has been set and the priorities are in the right place for what we are asking for - A revival - Praise be unto God

01-22-2017, 12:13 AM
It was no small miracle Trump won, picked an evangelical as a running mate, proclaimed God several times during his inaugural address, called out the media and Dems, and began his first day in office with prayer! Our job now more than ever is to pray for Trump and and all conservatives to have unwavering integrity and righteousness.

01-22-2017, 05:14 PM
As Christians, we've become used to seeing others as Christian ONLY when they voice their beliefs. But I have known a few whose belief was so strong, that even when they quit going to their chosen church because of a preacher who they knew things about that many did not, they continued to pray and practice their faith more scrupulously and consistently than 90+% of the professing Christians I've known. They've all told me that they believed a man's faith and belief should be SEEN in his works, and NOT just in his voice. There is much to be learned from these good, and faithful people. They prayed, and prayed often, and earnestly, and in belief that their prayers are heard.

"Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." If we believe that, then we MUST accept that many may believe, and may not show many overt signs of it, like "wearing their faith on their shirt sleeves," like some tend to today. We are also told that "many will come in my name and say yea, yea, but they do not know me." So ..... it looks to me like those who hold their beliefs inside, and just try to practice the tennets and principles of it, are NOT wrong in their judgment. For many years, centuries even, churches have had to fight tooth and nail for the funds to keep operating. This has polluted many of them, and many of their leaders. We've all seen it. I would argue that Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart are two of those types, or at least seem to be. It's not my job to judge these people, but we HAVE to make some assessments of who is truly devout and inspired, and who is not. But God will judge them, and all the rest of us one day, and His judgment will be infallible and just. I'll wait for that for the judgment about what happens to people like Bakker, Swaggert, etc.

Trump really seems to be, in quite a number of ways, a man who doesn't care what others think, provided he sees they can do what is needed. But he seems obviously to have settled the matter of his soul long ago. Like many, including us here, he's faltered and intentionally taken the bit in his mouth, and strayed, but there really seems to be a core deep within him that I believe and hope, will be chastened and refined by the Presidency itself, and all the righteous battles that lie ahead of him now.

That's my assessment, and I'm not infallible by ANY means. But it's what I have noted and what I've made of it all. And it may be worth noting that I was HEAVILY against Trump to start with, so I'm a convert, or sorts. I CAN be persuaded, where there seems to be good evidence. I'm just a fairly hard sell. YMMV.

01-22-2017, 08:08 PM
It will be when we the people begin to do 2nd chronicles 7:14.
Spiritual revival is up to you and I not a president. God gave us a chance we must take advantage of the window God gave us. Quit using excuses it is on our shoulders.

I'm working off Jim's post . Yea great news ! But talk is cheap . Jim got it right . Time for action , reaction ..interaction . 'WE' will be responsible , If believers can not back up what GOD has given to save us .......well ?

TIME FOR ACTION ! Back Trump . TALK TALK AND TALK SOME MORE . Try to make up for lost time ...lost opportunity Forget political correctness that has restrained us , TALK GOD ! And try to make the misunderstood ...understandable . Raise your voice . JUST PRACTICE WHAT YOU >>>BELIEVE .

Green Ghost
01-22-2017, 08:51 PM
Well said, Boaz. Preacher Jim, I believe as you that God is showing us that we have a chance. It's on us not to squander it away.


01-23-2017, 02:50 PM
All any of us can really know at this point, is that we obviously have a good chance to reinstate what was once the "better angels of our nature." That is SO different from the dispicable qualities we've HAD for the last 8 years - nothing but haughty self-importance and didactic "lessons" and behind the scenes actions that did NOT match the words spoken in speeches - that we cannot but react with new hope, new aspirations, and new appreciation for the blessing God has given us. If it's true that Trump is a "minority president" that didn't get the popular vote, then that makes it even more miraculous, and indicates even more clearly that the Lord had a heavy hand in bringing it about.

God bless our new leaders, our nation, and give us the power and will to become good and faithful followers. A good leader is without power if he has no faithful and diligent followers, and there WILL be times, most certainly, when his detractors WILL make it easy for many to "jump ship," and begin to defame him and cease following his efforts. We live in an imperfect world, and even our greatest leaders throughout history have been imperfect, just as Kings David and Solomon were imperfect.

But following a good, even if flawed leader, is ESSENTIAL if we're EVER to truly "make America great again," for America has always been "great" ONLY when "we the people" demonstrated the greatness to follow good leadership. It's all or nothing, in the end, and there are many, many ways to weaken ourselves, and make us something LESS than truly great. I pray God will give us inspiration, directly and through the leaders he's given us now, to help US to be a truly great people - a people who can and will, follow loyally, even if and when we don't see the end that's being planned for us. That's never been easy, and ONLY a truly "great people" can bring that about. And it always takes all our strength, wisdom and abilities to bring that to pass. May God help us bring it all to fruition, and bless us and our new leaders. Without Him, we can achieve nothing. With Him, nothing and nobody can defeat us. If that's not a strong motivation to be good followers, what could be?