View Full Version : Smith 629 help

01-18-2017, 11:36 AM
I purchased a used Smith 629 from my LGS for what I thought was a good price. When I got home I cleaned the gun up grabbed some ammo and did some shooting. Unfortunately the cylinder would start to drag after 4 rounds then lock up after the 5th. After inspecting the brass I noticed the primers were not flush but protruding out a few thousands. When I looked at the revolver I noticed the peace the firing pin protrudes through was recessed and not flush with the rest of the recoil shield. Can this be fixed by a novice or is this gunsmith only territory?

01-18-2017, 11:42 AM
I guess I should of gave some more details the revolver is a 629 - 2 with a fixed firing pin. Any help would be appreciated thanks John

01-18-2017, 11:49 AM
Sounds like excessive headspace from shooting overloaded ammunition that stretched the frame.
If you got it for a good price, the seller knew of the defect and decided to dump it.

01-18-2017, 12:06 PM
It sounds like the FP bushing is setting back in the recess a tad. While this is not common, it does happen. About the only cure is to have a new one installed. These are available from Brownells, among other places, at a rather nominal price. However, it really isn't a DIY kinda fix but any reasonably competent gunsmith should be able to do it for you. Sending it back to S&W could be a LONG process from what I've been hearing lately.

Also check to make sure that a small burr has not been turned up due to dry firing. That is not nearly as common with frame mounted FPs as with the good old hammer mounted FPs, but still can occur causing the primer to drag a wee bit.

01-18-2017, 12:51 PM
Have you given the gun a really thorough cleaning, especially under the extractor star? Not saying that's the problem, but I've "fixed" a lot of used guns just by getting the crud and dried oil out of them.

01-19-2017, 07:20 AM
The firing pin bushing is moving. Your 629 is covered by Smith & Wesson's life time warranty. Call S&W customer service 1-800-331-0852, explain the problem and they will issue a shipping label. This should go back to the mother ship for repair.


01-21-2017, 03:56 AM
My cousin from Sweden is a smart... but his S&W 629 would spin the cylinder when fired. The solution is to call S&W as Stu1ritter said. They charge a premium for the revolvers and they will throw some help troubleshooting at any problem.

01-22-2017, 01:05 PM
My cousin from Sweden is a smart... but his S&W 629 would spin the cylinder when fired. The solution is to call S&W as Stu1ritter said. They charge a premium for the revolvers and they will throw some help troubleshooting at any problem.
Easiest of all, little spring in the cylinder stop is too light.

01-22-2017, 10:15 PM

01-23-2017, 02:09 PM
Well I sent her off to S&W today. Unfortunately probably not going to fix it for free since they didn't start offering warranties till 1989 and my gun dates 1984☹️

01-23-2017, 02:47 PM
My experience with SW over the last forty-five years is that even if they charge you, it won't be that much. I've bought used revolvers and had to send them to them for work and it was affordable. Good luck and let us know how this turns out.

01-23-2017, 05:52 PM
Sounds good I'll do that.

01-24-2017, 07:20 PM
Well I sent her off to S&W today. Unfortunately probably not going to fix it for free since they didn't start offering warranties till 1989 and my gun dates 1984☹️

I believe my first 629 (still have it) is a 1984 vintage. I hope they get yours tuned up for you at a reasonable cost. That looks like a factory screw up, the good news is, I bet it didn't get shot much ;)

too many things
01-24-2017, 08:02 PM
you may be out the shipping but bet they dont charge to fix it

01-24-2017, 09:31 PM
Yah the revolver looks to have been shot little. S&W actually sent me a label to ship it for free. I thought that was pretty good of them.

01-24-2017, 10:56 PM
Our gun makers are great.

01-25-2017, 12:01 AM
I have seen 1 other revolver that the recoil shield looked just like yours. It was a Taurus. I hate to mention my favorite and least favorite manufacturers in the same sentence, but.. All manufacturers make lemons, some just run a regular lemonade stand :)