View Full Version : A friend needs your prayers

01-16-2017, 03:30 PM
My friend Mike has been fighting prostate cancer for a number of years now. He got some bum advice early on, and cannot be operated on. Now, it's apparently spread to his back through his lymph nodes. He's got pain, and though he's one of the toughest and toughest minded men I know, his weakness is pain. Please ask the Lord for a healing miracle for him, and failing that, if it's not His will, that he be as free of pain as our Lord can make it possible for him. He and his wonderful wife are really great folks, and very strong believers. His wife, Bonnie has one of the best and strongest voices I've ever heard. She always uses a mike, but seldom really needs it. Mike has spent much of his retirement years doing things for others, and he's pretty much a jack of all trades, so he's been very busy. He's spent most of his life doing various sorts of mechanic type work on both fuel and electric motors and vehicles.

When he told me he wanted me to teach him to tie flies, I told him he'd be a natural because he's such an "artist." He looked at me like I had two heads! But I explained that he doesn't just learn certain proceedures, but looks further, down INTO why things work the way they do. He can tell you more about your auto's engine by simply listening to it than most modern "technicians" can with their gadgetry. He's a cheerful, free spirit, and has always had a good time in life. Now, the pain is really getting to him. He doesn't know how to deal with something he can't fight back with. So all your considerations are deeply appreciated. Thanks. You guys are the greatest!

01-16-2017, 03:55 PM
Prayers sent

big bore 99
01-16-2017, 04:05 PM
Prayers sent.

01-16-2017, 04:25 PM
Prayer given . May our Lord help him and his family . Thank you for asking .

01-16-2017, 06:18 PM
It has been a day of prayer for me today. Just a few moments ago I told God that I didn't know anything else to pray for and I thought I would visit this part of the forum. I have added Mike to my request and thanks before God. Have asked him for healing and little pain. My Dad died from the treatment for a most aggressive prostate cancer. So I have included Mikes wife and family in my prayer to give them the strength they need.

01-16-2017, 08:22 PM
And Amen!

01-16-2017, 10:19 PM
Done. I left what in the Lord's hands.

Best of luck to you mike! May your passing come when you are ready for it.
May you be free of pain as much as you can be.
May you be a half hour in heaven before the devil knows of your passing.
Fare thee well, walk in the light.

square butte
01-16-2017, 10:22 PM
Prayer sent up for Mike and family

01-16-2017, 10:25 PM
Yes, Prayer offered up
Thank You, Father

01-16-2017, 10:43 PM
Prayer sent for Mike and wife.

Preacher Jim
01-16-2017, 11:26 PM
Lord you are the great physician let your hand touch and heal Mike. Comfort the fears of his family and guide them.

01-17-2017, 08:24 AM
Father, Please bring peace, grace, and pain free life unto Mike. Please allow the physicians to remove any fear and let Mike and his family see the route that You have chosen for him to follow. If it be Your will please heal him and restore Mike unto his family and friends. If it isn't Your will then please grant him comfort, grace, and no pain. All is possible through You and I give You all the praise for what You do for us each day. In Your Name I pray. AMEN

01-17-2017, 10:06 AM
Prayers sent

01-17-2017, 10:20 AM
Mike is added to our prayer list.

01-17-2017, 10:30 AM
Take one day at a time

Prayers sent

smoked turkey
01-17-2017, 10:44 AM
Dear Lord, I pray for this good friend of Blackwater, Mike and also his wife Bonnie. I know there are fears and much tribulations for Mike and his family at the moment. As things are totally out of his control and he must have the faith necessary to get him through the pain and fatigue he has due to this cancer. Lord one thing I know, You are in control and You are strong when we are weak. I also know that you love them and will work all things for good in their lives. I know it is hard to see the good at this point, but I ask you open their spiritual eyes to see what you are doing for them at this time. Lord we humbly ask that you do a miraculous healing for Mike and give him release from this cancer. I know you will ultimately heal him by granting him eternal life with you in heaven, but if it is in your will please allow him healing while here on this earth. Thank you Lord and regardless of what we think, we desire your will. In your lovely, and powerful name. Amen.

01-17-2017, 09:53 PM
Thanks to all of you. Mike's one of my dearest friends. He's always done mechanic work of one sort or another, and he's a virtual savant at it. There's not much he doesn't know about motors, both fueled and electric. He used to build and race cars, and loves drag racing. He's very bright, but just never got much formal education, and his ability to conceive the abstract isn't what we both wish it was.

I talk to him every day. The radiation he went through was very rough on him, and he's afraid he isn't long for this world, and I try, in my clumsy way, to try to get him to see that this isn't up to him, but a Higher Power. His Dad died young, and he always assumed he's likely follow suit. At 74, he's lived over 20 years longer than his Dad did, but still can't get it out of his head that he's due to shuffle off this mortal coil soon.

He's a man of faith, but can't control his attitude because of his long-standing belief he'd live a short life has been so strong for so long. I get him cheered up and his attitude straightened out, and often have to do it again the next day. But I still love this guy. He's a very unusual man, and God has blessed him greatly. He married for the 3rd time quite a few years ago now, and this time, the 3rd time really WAS the charm, and his wife Bonnie and he are still like high school sweethearts.

A lot of his problem is his attitude and his fears that he thinks are certainties. His wife is the one who finally brought him to the Lord, and he's really, really given it an awful lot since then, and has tried solemnly to carry out as best as he knows how, what he thinks Christ would have him do. He's generous to a fault, even sometimes to people he doesn't like or respect, but who are in need. Christianity really changed him a LOT. And seeing him suffer really tears my heart out. But in everything, God has His plan, even this. I may not understand it until we're both in another world, but I know it, even when I can't understand it.

Thank you all for your prayers. They really matter, and I can't help but believe that God will reach down His mighty healing hand, and do His best for Mike. I also believe your prayers help, and may even be crucial in this matter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Just got off the phone with him, and got his attitude back up again. He really, really doesn't want to leave his wife, the only real love he's ever really known, other than his children. He loves hers as much as his own, too. He's just a unique individual, and I treasure his freindship. Thanks. What you do here matters.