View Full Version : For thought and meditation

01-15-2017, 08:30 AM
I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me.—Philippians 1:23 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=15f9011041&e=3dd732485b)Have you ever been homesick? Maybe you were in a really beautiful place. But as they say, there's no place like home.

I think I'm becoming more of a homebody as I get older. As you get a little older, you start to like things a certain way. No matter where you are, it's never quite like home.

There's a home waiting for every child of God, a home we all should be homesick for. It's the future destination of all believers, and it's called heaven. And though we have never been to heaven, we still have something God has built within us that gives us this homesickness, this desire to be there.

Have you ever had one of those moments when everything seemed just perfect, as though it came straight out of a movie? Maybe it was an amazing sunset, a perfect star-filled night, or a special moment with someone you love. You thought, "This is so great. I want my entire life to be exactly like this moment."

In a limited sense you had a glimpse of eternity. You had a taste of what is ahead, something that is perfect, flawless. But you can't experience it on this earth. And until that day, you always will be a little bit homesick for heaven.

I love the way the apostle Paul put it when he wrote, "I'm torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live." (Philippians 1:23–24).

When Jesus Christ is at the forefront of your life, you can live a life that is rich and full on this earth and know that beyond the grave, there is something better: that wonderful place called heaven.

01-15-2017, 08:59 AM
rl69, I love this post especially:"When Jesus Christ is at the forefront of your life, you can live a life that is rich and full on this earth and know that beyond the grave, there is something better: that wonderful place called heaven." Thanks for this post .... you hit a home run brother! Paul

01-15-2017, 09:33 AM
I will admit I have some concerns about heaven.

So if it is all laid out like some grand church or cathedral. Well that might be fine for some, myself I always felt closest to the Lord when I was out in the wild. Sunshine on tall grass, moving water, still water, tree's. In my mind I guess I called it the Lord's Cathedral. Covers a significant chunk of the planet from the frozen north to the burning south.

Funny in my younger years I roamed around a lot. Could fit everything I needed into the back of my pickup truck. Actually said a few times that if you had more than that you had too much stuff.

Now yes I am a homebody, and I dislike leaving it. I'm not sure I could fit all we have accumulated into an 18 wheeler.

What I do know is this. The lord knows me, he knows my soul and he knows my heart. He tells me he has prepared a place for me, I'm betting that the place will suit me to a T.
I trust him, I believe in him. That is enough for me.

01-15-2017, 09:41 AM
First and foremost! Love it.

01-15-2017, 12:51 PM
I look forward to heaven ! He will wipe away our tears and our Lord has gone ahead to prepare a place for us . Yea...good deal !

01-15-2017, 01:03 PM
For me the key is: 'then we will fully know as we are fully known.' So whether we remain on our knees before the throne 24/7 or take a nap with our heads lying on the belly of a Bengal tiger (my preference by the way) we will be content.

01-15-2017, 05:33 PM
Great post and followups all. For me, I am coming around, but I've got something in me that wants to stay here and keep up the good fight. I think it's something God planted in my nature from the beginning. But I'm a lot like a horse that has been "saddle broke." When God pulls the reins, I go where He wants, even if I had other ideas about what I WANTED to do and where I wanted to go. I guess I'm learning faith? I have to be constantly aware of my inner nature if I'm to counter and improve it. It's working, but it's slow. Sometimes painfully slow. But it's still working.

People who don't have the courage of their convictions have always puzzled me. I was kind'a timid as a kid, and didn't like being timid, so I learned to overcome it. That can be good or bad, depending on how I use that trait - like most of the traits and predispositions we all have. We ask for peace and we get strife, so we can EARN peace, by using our hands and feet and minds to bring it to fruition. God's ALWAYS trying to train us. Like a wild stallion that can't be broken, some just refuse to take the reins. If they did, they'd find something FAR different than they ever anticipated in it!

Is our God a great and awesome God, or what?