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01-14-2017, 08:14 AM
Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God.—Hebrews 11:10 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=650d2d4500&e=3dd732485b)Think for a moment about cities you've visited. Certain cities have unique qualities, don't they? For example, Jerusalem, a city with so much biblical history, is a beautiful place at sunset. There's a golden hue to it. Cities also have certain restaurants, stores, activities, and entertainment that are exclusive to them.

Heaven, too, is a city, and it is unique. The Bible tells us that it's a city "with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God" (Hebrews 11:10 (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/x-apple-data-detectors://3)).

A while ago our church was working on a new building. We had an architect, and we looked at the plans and walked through the building. Then we submitted the plans to the city, and the city sent them back with revisions. We sent them back again, and eventually they were approved. Then the builders came in and followed the plans the architect had laid down.

The Bible says that heaven is a city and that God is the architect and builder. So when I think of heaven, I think of a real city. I don't know why some people imagine heaven as a cloud where we sit and pluck away at harps. That description isn't in the Bible. But is it possible that we could have things in heaven that earthly cities do? My answer is, why not? Maybe we will. Maybe we won't. But I do know this much: whatever heaven will be like, it will be great.

C. S. Lewis described earth as the shadowlands, because earth is a shadow of the real thing. Earth is a pale version of heaven, not the other way around. Heaven is the original. Earth is the copy.

Compared to whatever city you may have visited or lived in, even if it was the best city imaginable, heaven will be far better.

01-14-2017, 09:39 AM
I am closer to the end than the beginning. In my many years I have seen no cities that as they grew got better and better. There is always decay and crime as the city grows. I am looking forward to visiting and staying in Heaven with no crime, no violence, and people getting along! AMEN

01-14-2017, 09:42 AM
I am looking for that city framed by Almighty God.

01-14-2017, 02:29 PM
"Shadowlands." Hadn't thought about that in a long time. Thanks. And I believe it to the marrow of my bones. All the ills that exist here will be gone from it. No temptations. No strife. No poverty or violence. Only communion with similarly like-minded and uniformly worshipful "people," in whatever form we really exist as.

Most of us are "too busy" with the cares of this world to really contemplate what God and Heaven really are, and what Heaven will be like. Or hell. Those who choose to deny or be agnostic CANNOT have a place in such a place as Heaven, but it's THEY who have chosen to not become a part of it. Not God. God does not "trick" us. Satan does that. And we oftentimes "love" to be tricked. And all those who purport that God "plays tricks" on us cannot have a place in that wondrous realm. It's just plain impossible. So they have to have somewhere else to exist, and that's hell. I feel truly sorry for them, but it's not any of our decisions to make. It's up to each of us to choose, and to fail to choose is to make a choice in the negative sense.

God has given us so very many ways to come to know Him, and he knocks and stands at the doorway to our hearts constantly, reaching out His loving hands to us, bidding us to come to Him. But it's up to each and every one of us individually and totally, whether to open the door of our hearts, and let Him come in, or not. And therein lies the biggest and most crucial decision we'll ever make. It the reason God GAVE us our free wills. He apparently doesn't want and can't use those who don't actively choose to be a part of all He has built for us. I for one think that's brilliant on His part. Agnostics and deniers mock Him for this, but that's THEIR mistake. It's not mine.

I am SO thankful for God's truly amazing grace, in creating us, and letting us choose, actively and individually, which way we shall go. I will always be humbled and awed by His grand design, and SO very thankful that He wants even me to be a part of it. I shake my head in near disbelief at it all. And yet, there it is - so plain a blind man can often see it. What a wondrous, gracious and loving God we serve!

01-14-2017, 08:09 PM
The coming !! Heaven ...Yes ! Reuniting ! Being with our Lord ! Praise him ! Understanding the failed and fallen world we live it ....The reward of Heaven...being with him ! All this cast aside , YES ! that we meet him in the air would be .....! But push come to shove any way (through our relationship with him) will work !

01-15-2017, 06:35 PM
Hell was created for Satan, and it was never God's will that any would have to go there with him. But He knew many would choose to do so. But it's never been HIS will that puts them there, but those people their own selves. They reject what Christ has so freely and diligently and consistently offered to them, each moment of their lives, and if they choose Satan over God, no matter HOW they make that decision, then it CANNOT be God who caused their decision.

Some "believing" Christians today are trying to deny that hell exists, but if it didn't, why did Christ warn us about it? He's done HIS part. It's WE who fall short. NOT Him.