View Full Version : May our Lord bless us .

01-13-2017, 10:10 PM
Silence , GOD is silent . His message is given . Silence ..Perfect silence . That he does not demand by force , that he gives choice by giving/allowing free will .

YOU decide ! YOU MAKE THE CALL. You live it . You reap reward or rejection . Yes ...perfect silence. Perfect silence .

01-14-2017, 12:14 AM
Peace is almost always accompanied by silence, and when we are going through the tough times in our lives, it's good to seek out some place where we can be alone with God, and let the silence restore us, and get our minds back where it needs to be. Whenever I get to where I need some silence, I always head to the woods or waters alone. It never fails to reset my keel, and get my rudder straightened out. Sometimes, silence really IS golden. It's when we can hear the Lord whispering in our ears. He always whispers. It's Satan who rants and raves at the top of his voice.

Sometimes, silence can flow over us like a nice warm blanket in the winter time, shielding us from the cold winds that sometimes blow in our lives. Thank God for the silent times. They're SO restorative.

01-14-2017, 11:10 AM