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01-12-2017, 12:17 AM
I am requesting prayer for my sister in law Kathy, Most of you remember my brother passed away Aug 20th since then our family has been going through some tough times. Long story short Kathy is at her breaking point and is in need of your prayers, I have gave her council numerous times and today she came to our home just at the end of her rope. We are going to try and get her to move in with us until she can recover, Please remember Kathy and the family.

01-12-2017, 12:32 AM
I'll place her on the list & I know this has been hard on you & your Dad also. These things are rough to live with but like I tell people many times while preaching a funeral, everyone is sad except the one laying in the coffin. Your brother was a great guy & gained his place in Glory. May The Lord give Kathy peace & fill her with His love.

01-12-2017, 12:35 AM
Praying for her and all concerned

01-12-2017, 02:04 AM
Prayer sent.

01-12-2017, 08:23 AM
I have thought often about the loss of your brother . It happened so suddenly I know it was a shock to the whole family . I went through a similar situation with my sister when her husband died 6 years ago . It took her a long time to recover from his death after being married 47 years . My prayer will continue for Kathy , you and all family .

Lord be with Kathy . Help her recover from her loss . Give all your strength and your guidance to live through the loss of one they loved and lost so suddenly . Give the comfort needed to heal the void left in their lives . Speed their recovery , through your power of healing and their love for one another . Increase them and be close Lord . Thank you for your boundless love . Thank you for always being with us . Amen

Pine Baron
01-12-2017, 09:09 AM
Prayer sent for Kathy and family. Stay close.

01-12-2017, 09:11 AM
Prayers sent

01-12-2017, 02:11 PM
Prayers up for all of you. I've seen these situations, and God bless you for being there for her. Not everyone handles these shocks well, and it's SO good for them to have a solid shoulder to lean on, and count on when they don't know what to do or how to handle it all. I pray you and the wife and family will be able to handle her, and get her back to "normal" again.

Those who've been "kept" by loving spouses are often called "lucky," but that "luck" doesn't hold when the rock they'd leaned on is suddenly and unexpectedly jerked out from under them. People everywhere respond in whatever ways they've learned, and those who've been shielded from so much in life, really don't have the skills or know-how or makeup to handle it well. But now, she's going to have to learn, and that's always intimidating for some. But we ALL really CAN learn when we HAVE to.

You're one great guy to be willing and able to help her in her time of real and serious need. God bless you, and her and the whole family.

I wasn't going to include this, but I had a close cousin whose wife was like that. He'd always coddled and shielded her. They were high school sweethearts and stayed that way all their lives. He lost his life in a boating accident, and his wife just absolutely couldn't handle it for a long time. But she's finally back to "normal." She's really a great and loving gal, but she just never had to learn how to deal with bad things, and when she suddenly had to, she just wasn't up to the task. They'd lived such a blessed life, that she had no clue what to do when he died.

But it'll get better. It mostly just takes some time. How long that is depends on her, of course, but with a strong and faithful man like you to talk to her, I suspect it'll be shorter than it otherwise might have been. Love is always difficult when it costs us something. But it'll never be more real, or necessary, or appreciated later on. You're a man among men, USMC. A model for any who run into this kind of situation. God bless you and all.

01-12-2017, 10:32 PM
Father, Kathy is having a very difficult time with the loss of her spouse. Please give her comfort and show her the way to peace and tranquility. Let her know that You are walking with her and supporting her and that she is not going through this trial alone. Lastly Father please be with Kathy at this most upsetting time in her life. AMEN

01-13-2017, 07:45 AM
Father be with this family in the time of their loss, and give them your peace.


01-13-2017, 09:34 AM
Prayers Sent

01-16-2017, 08:28 PM
Heavenly Father, cast out this demon of depression in Mrs. Kathy's life, by the authority of Christ Jesus, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, we pray in His holy name, amen!

Teddy (punchie)
01-17-2017, 01:33 AM
praying for Kathy and all