View Full Version : That sinking feeling.....

01-11-2017, 11:57 AM
That sinking feeling one gets when he checks his email and finds he won auctions for pewter he forgot he bid on. This after promising SWMBO that he wasn't going to buy anymore pewter this month.

I've been checking out thrift stores in Dallas and it's pretty poor pickings. Goodwill doesn't have anything of the sort in the three stores I've checked. I've found a few small pieces at some independent stores.

So I've taken to haunting online sources. I've been averaging about $5 a pound delivered. I forgot I had bid on some items and this morning I found I had won. Hopefully SWMBO won't check the account for a few weeks.

Silvercreek Farmer
01-11-2017, 12:02 PM
Thrift store pewter seems to come in waves for me. Nothing for a long time, then 3-4 pieces in a trip. I do think pewter was/is more popular in the northeast. Actually quit buying it a while back. Didn't see to make that much of a difference vs just casting frosty WW boolits. I keep some around just in case I end up with some stubborn alloy. Might try 49/49/2 for some hunting boolits, but don't need much for that.

01-11-2017, 01:18 PM
Sounds like a typical jarhead...focused!

Semper Fi

01-11-2017, 01:29 PM
Thrift store pewter seems to come in waves for me. Nothing for a long time, then 3-4 pieces in a trip. I do think pewter was/is more popular in the northeast. Actually quit buying it a while back. Didn't see to make that much of a difference vs just casting frosty WW boolits. I keep some around just in case I end up with some stubborn alloy. Might try 49/49/2 for some hunting boolits, but don't need much for that.

I use it for fill out.

I also do fishing lures/jigs and a bit of tin, 1-1.5% can make a huge difference on some of them. I had been working with a stash of 95/5 solder I picked up for $0.50 a pound a few years back but I'm all out of that.

01-11-2017, 05:25 PM
Still have most of the 1# I got from Roto several yrs ago.

Budzilla 19
01-11-2017, 06:40 PM
I quit hunting it after my last trip to see my daughter in Lexington! I scored big and figured I had enough. Counting it all up it came to 11 lbs,so enough is enough! Plus what I have now, it's enough for a lifetime! I should hope to live, and cast enough,to use it all up! Keep looking it's out there! Good luck in your searches!

01-11-2017, 07:58 PM
My wife and I went to the scrap yard today. I'm pretty crippled and can't lift a lot nor am I able to really bend to get in the barrel.

Picked up 140 lbs of stick on wheel weights, roof vents and thise odd little pieces of lead I'll have to get a picture of. Also snagged almost three lbs of 95/5 solder.

With the lead a friend dropped off I smelted enough lead to get 36 mini loafs and 56 muffins.

The scrap yard had a bunch more so we're going to hit it later this week to pick up some more.

Before I smelt anymore I've got to build a stand for the crab cooker and pans. Even sitting down it hurts to manage the melt and pour the tins.

I also need a better ladle. I have a Rowell #2 but it takes 2.5 dips for the mini loafs and close to 2 for the muffins.

Don't necessarily need another Rowell. Anyone have any ideas/pointers?

01-12-2017, 08:27 AM
I have a couple tools dedicated to melting wheel weights. A stainless steel strainer to get out the clips and a soup ladle to transfer the alloy. It takes two ladles per 1 lb ingot which works ok for me. They were cheap.

01-12-2017, 09:12 AM
I use a 4"magnet and welding gloves to pull the clips out of the pot.