View Full Version : My family needs prayer .

01-10-2017, 09:39 PM
More will be revealed . Not trying to be cryptic or dramatic , there is purpose to my request . But my family has need of GOD's intervention for it's members . A situation has reached the point that fervent prayer is needed . It's important to the few family members I have left and one I love most dearly and you know that one . Please be in unspoken prayer . Our Lord knows the cause .


01-10-2017, 09:49 PM
Prayers sent

Preacher Jim
01-10-2017, 09:49 PM
Father you know the situation and we are asking your grace be applied and your wisdom granted to this situation. Hebrews says, Jesus sits at your right hand making intercession for us so we are asking for Him to lift up Boaz and his family.
In Jesus name

01-10-2017, 09:54 PM
Praying, as requested

01-10-2017, 09:58 PM
Prayers up, Charlie. You have and continue to be an inspiration on this site. May the Lord find it in his will to offer you and your family the healing you need.

God Speed.


01-10-2017, 10:00 PM
Interesting question . I have been to Catholic church A LOT ! but never been privy to Know how you approach what protestants call ...unspoken prayer . You do the same I know , DANG just came to me that you may not understand . Prayer in faith for a cause without specifics . Faith ...just faith in the rightness of cause having faith in the request .

Help me , help them . Just prayer . Pray

01-10-2017, 10:08 PM
Prayer sent.

01-10-2017, 10:41 PM
Father you know the situation and we are asking your grace be applied and your wisdom granted to this situation. Hebrews says, Jesus sits at your right hand making intercession for us so we are asking for Him to lift up Boaz and his family.
In Jesus name

Amen and Amen!

01-10-2017, 10:53 PM
Heavenly Father we come this evening bringing this request from our brother in Christ, Father we ask You to guide and direct in this request to give vision to those who need insight. We ask that You will comfort and uplift this family, Give relief of those burdened down, Help them understand what we are faced with and that it is for our growth and Your glory. Help us trust You and to seek You for there is no other where to turn, Father we ask Your love and mercy in this request. In Jesus name, Amen.

01-10-2017, 11:19 PM
Thank you .

01-10-2017, 11:43 PM
Prayers sent my Brother.

01-11-2017, 12:14 AM
Done and done.

Preacher Jim
01-11-2017, 07:15 AM
Lord a new day and we continue to lift Boaz and his family to you for your care today. Help them and strengthen them today with your loving touch and grace.

01-11-2017, 08:01 AM
Charlie, You and your family are in my prayers brother....PAUL

01-11-2017, 09:39 AM
Lord it is another day and the situation has yet to be resolved.

We ask for strength for Charlie and his family, fortitude to see them through the hard times, patience to know that all things come in their own time. And wisdom to choose their path carefully.

Lord I ask that you send your holy spirit to be with Becky to watch over her, guide her, help her, love her in this time of trial.

As always, not my will lord, but thine be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

In the name of the Father, the son and the holy ghost amen.

Pine Baron
01-11-2017, 09:44 AM
Prayer sent, my brother.

01-11-2017, 10:46 AM
I thank you for your thoughts and prayer . I'm trying to put out several fires at the same time . Your prayer is going out for others besides me . Thank you .

smoked turkey
01-11-2017, 10:59 AM
Dear Father I pray for this request by our brother and friend. Father I come against the evil one who's number one thing is to steal, kill, and destroy. Sometimes the evil one uses the ones we love the most to do his dirty work. I ask Lord that you put a hedge of protection around our brother and his family. I also ask you work in the family by your Spirit to bring this situation to a happy and healthy ending where you will be glorified. Have your way Lord today on earth as in heaven.

01-11-2017, 11:18 AM
Sincere Prayers for Faith, Love, Mercy, Hope, Understanding, Wisdom, and Success... Dear Lord... Please give Comfort and Healing to Boaz and his Family... Amen

01-11-2017, 03:21 PM
Prayers for resolution to your family problem.

01-11-2017, 08:34 PM
I have more than one family member in crises , physical/mentally and spiritually . I'm trying to help them but with other 'work' and trying to do several 'works' I am failing . Some of these folks need more than I can provide . Some of the family is in Dallas and Fort Worth (bout 120 miles one way from me) . Dang it , seems like a chain reaction . At the same time trying to run a small business and manage mine and Becky's lives . DANG I'm getting old , it's 6;10 in the evening and I'm wore out and ready for bed . Sent Becky on and skipped Wednesday prayer group . I ain't whining ..mainly mad at myself . But I can't get it all done .

Point is not me . There are those that need prayer , If I didn't believe in the power of prayer I wouldn't ask it , I'm taking another draw of the deck and seeking help . You are my recourse/backup . I worry that some may not understand unspoken prayer I only ask for unspoken because there are several involved that need prayer . GOD KNOWS the cause/causes .
I thank you for your caring . Some of these individual situations will be longer term , Ain't going to be fixed/resolved quick . I appreciate and thank you for your trust , unspoken prayer requires trust .

01-11-2017, 08:37 PM
Dear Lord... Please Bless and Help those in Boaz's life who need you now... Mercy , Love, Faith, Hope, Guidance, Healing.... As only You can... Mercy to All Please... Amen

Geezer in NH
01-11-2017, 08:43 PM
Prayer sent for your family as if you need to ask. You are a great person to me.

square butte
01-11-2017, 09:53 PM
You and Yours remain in my prayers

01-12-2017, 02:19 PM
Lord, our brother Charlie needs your help and support and guidance. Grant him Lord, what he needs, even if it's just the strength to withstand what he can't change. You alone know the reason and cause for it all. Grant Charlie the strength and honor for You, to withstand all that surrounds him now. Give him strength and peace and grace to withstand the storm around him. Give him the certainty he needs to either accept or change the situation for the better, for all concerned. And Lord, he likes to try to control more than he can sometimes. If this is one of those times, give him the peace and honor to accept it, if he can't change it. Give him the strength and peace that only You can bring him now. This I pray in thy holy name. Amen.

01-12-2017, 02:32 PM
Sir tho I'm a new member will be glad to pray for you and yours and add a prayer to our group this next service.

01-12-2017, 10:25 PM
Lord I ask that you grant me understanding of what Brother Boaz means when he says unspoken prayer. I also ask that you send whatever help is needed to any of his family or extended family in need. As he so eloquently pointed out "the Lord knows what is needed where"

I ask that you support him and becky in this time of trial.
Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Be with them, give them closure and help them deal with grief quickly if Becky's mom passes.
If she lingers give them the strength to deal with that as well.

I put it all in your hands lord, I trust you, and I know Brother Boaz does as well.

To God be the glory, for ever and ever.


01-13-2017, 12:01 AM
Faith, Love , and Strength to All... Mercy from most High... Thou art Holy,Holy,Holy...Amen

WFO2.. As for me, I welcome you with open arms... Come in and join our family of Believers...


01-13-2017, 09:43 AM
Prayers sent.To me unspoken prayers are the ones you pray without speaking out loud.

Pine Baron
01-13-2017, 10:33 AM
My understanding of "unspoken prayer" is merely just an unspecified need, for whatever reason. Maybe you don't know exactly what to ask for. you just need help. it's all about trust. with that being said.
Heavenly Father, please reveal Your Grace and Mercy to our brother. Please show him the path to Your will. Allow him the comfort of knowing Your divine plan. In Jesus Name. Amen.
And WFO2, we can use all the help we can get. Thank you.

01-13-2017, 10:40 PM
WFO2 welcome aboard.

Brother Boaz, still prayin for you and yours.

01-13-2017, 10:52 PM
My thanks , Prayer does matter . If not I would not ask. I thank you .

01-14-2017, 11:31 AM
No thanks needed Charlie, my turn will come. My wife and I are both in our 60's, we both still have both our parents.

Her dad is in his mid 80's with Parkinsons, her mom is near blind. My dad is 93, also near blind and sliding down fast, my mom, well after 60 + years of listening to dad yell at her. She has checked out. She is here, but she isn't. Our weekly 20 min phone calls have shrunk down to 45 seconds or a minute.

I'm not asking, yet. But I know my day to deal with all this is coming.

01-14-2017, 07:50 PM
I truly understand . We will all need prayer . Thank you .

01-14-2017, 10:39 PM
Lord please send Brother Boaz and his extended family the help they need.
I trust you lord to know who needs what and deliver appropriately. It seems brother Boaz has perhaps even more faith.

To God be the Glory, forever and ever amen.
Not my will Lord, but thine be done.

In the name of the Father, the son and the holy ghost amen.

01-15-2017, 06:15 PM
Charlie, there's a reason that our Lord advised us to gather ourselves together most of the time. Yes, we're supposed to go out to even the profane, and witness to them, BUT.... there's a limit to everything, and it's up to us to know when we've "spent our dime," and just quit "spending" until we've saved up something more TO spend. You drive yourself very hard. God loves a diligent man, but He ALSO expects us to take care of ourselves, and to simply accept that there are some things and some people in this world that we'll never (maybe) be able to change.

When we run across those, it's up to us to have the good sense to follow His good instruction, and seek a respite for a while. Everything He ever told us makes sense, and so does this. I love a devoted man of passion, like you. But sometimes, it's VITAL that we take care of our OWN selves first, and just accept that we're limited in what we can do, because even God won't mess with another person's free will. If He can't or won't, you'd be foolish to think you could, wouldn't you?

So the situation isnt' what YOU want it to be. So what? There'll always be things like that in this life. It's caused by others' free wills being used, and if even God won't touch that, how can you expect to? I know you WANT things to go well, but when they don't, all any of us can do, is just accept that, and hold onto our Faith, and the belief that one day, we'll be able to see why it all had to work as it did. Let YOUR will go. Accept that others have a will too, and sometimes, even those you care about are going to use their wills in a way that concerns you.

Pray for them. If you can't change them, or what they do, pray that someone or something will come along that might. And when you've done that, leave and go your way in faith and with the satisfaction that you've done all you rightfully CAN do. To insist on YOUR way is to demean God's will, and I know you don't have any intention of doing that.

We sew our seeds, and some grow, and some don't. It's always going to be that way. Staying calm when all around you is whirring and spinning and loud, at least provides SOME degree and type of stability to the situation. And God will be SO proud of you for accepting His will over your own, and will reward you for doing this. It's YOU who is in need now.

We're praying for you and all involved in whatever is going on. Keep the faith, INCLUDING accepting that you can't EVER be in control over others' free wills. Pray for them. It's all you really can ever do. And it always helps me to get out in some quitet place, away from all the artifacts and noise and confusion of "civilization." Prayers continue for you. ALL of you.

01-15-2017, 10:14 PM
Thank you brother Blackwater.

Listen to him brother Boaz, please.

Drop your load at his feet and let him do the worrying. You'll feel better.
It is hard I know to let go, to give up control.

But remember control is an illusion, we never ever really have control. It just seems like it.
Take care of yourself and Becky, that is a big enough job for any man.

Love you, will be praying for you. What will be will be.

01-16-2017, 01:10 AM
Brother Charlie, I am continueing prayer as indicted by our PM. I also put you and your family on our church's prayer list. Also prayer requested in the prayer room before church. Keep looking up from whence comes our help.
Bro. Albert

01-16-2017, 01:27 AM
Prayers Sent! <><

01-16-2017, 01:28 AM
I am another new member and praying for you and yours.

01-16-2017, 07:58 AM
I thank all you for your concern for me but I'm good . Physically having trial at times to get it done and there is never enough time . But I'm good .

Getting 'older' is a bummer . You tend to gage you efforts in all ways to what you did a few years ago and come up short every time . But I look around me and see those with much more trouble than me . About 7 years ago I had a lot of medical problems . Up till then I had been in charge of the shut ins at church and active in other programs there . Got to where I just physically couldn't do it anymore . The Lord helped me , I helped me and got better . After being unable to be active as I had been in the church work but I was kicked to the curb as far as at church . They wouldn't even let me gather up hymnals after prayer study , they were trying to spare me. I was mad about it for a while but started looking around ....HECK ! there is plenty of work out there ! I have been lead to a different field to work , I enjoy it . As I said ..I am good .

Right now I have family (several) with trouble , different needs but all serious . They could use the Lords help . If you pray for me ask for guidance , I could use all I can get . Thank you ! May the Lord show us his will and help us all .

01-16-2017, 09:15 AM
Prayers sent

Pine Baron
01-16-2017, 11:17 AM
Prayers for guidance and a clear path.
Thank you Pistelero49 for your help.

01-16-2017, 12:31 PM
Boaz, family problems are always the hardest, because we've got so much invested in our families. Thus, they simply HAVE to mean more to us, personally. And that makes them cut deeper than any other type of problem we face. But remember, "This too shall pass." Paul Harvey once ran a contest on his old radio show, back when more folks listened to radio, and had more of an appetite for his type of broadcasts, that was simply a contest of what Bible verse had meant the most to his listeners in their lifetimes. John 3:16 was a popular submission, but he chose an old widow woman, who submitted that passage. And I think he chose rightly, for what greater assurance can we have, than that no problem we ever face will be unending. It'll always have an end, and it'll always work out just like God planned for it to, and as the people involved choose for it to. We may not approve of the ending, but we don't see nearly as far into the future as God does, and remember when He said, "Oh ye of little faith?" He said it for a reason. And that reason is simply that we often get so caught up in the "right now" that we can't see beyond it. But there IS an end to it all, and all any of us CAN do is just maintain our own faith, and contribute what we can to it. After that, it's out of our hands, and in the hands of the Lord, and those others involved who must decide it.

We've all seen and most of us have experienced family problems. It's hard to have faith when they arise. But that's when we MOST need that faith we have. It's God's way of maturing us beyond the level we sometimes WANT to be matured. But if it's in His plans that we go through them, there's always a reason for it. And that's where our Faith is MOST needed, and useful. Let your Faith determine how you handle it, NOT your emotional involvement, and it'll come out the best it possibly can. I've never seen that fail, if it's applied with the advice and counsel we've been so freely given. Sometimes, it takes a lot of thought, and revision of our concepts, to apply it like it needs to be, but it'll always be worth it. Always.

01-16-2017, 06:53 PM
Today has been a day of fasting and prayer for me and I have added your unspoken request for your several family members to my request before God. He is all sufficient and is especially good at helping those that can't seem to help themselves. May God answer all of your request with the very best imaginable outcome.

01-16-2017, 08:18 PM
Heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, our God, we pray together as your sons and daughters in Christ Jesus for Your love, care, and guidance for the family of our brother Charlie.

Dear Lord be with Charlie, revitalize his spirit, lift him up, and give peace and comfort that surpasses all understanding, as he faces this crisis. He has turned to you in faith, and we pray as one for Your all seeing wisdom and knowledge in this matter.

May all be done to glorify You, we pray in the name of Christ Jesus, our Lord, King, and Savior. Amen!

01-16-2017, 10:30 PM
Almighty God, maker of Heaven and Earth, your only Son our Lord Jesus the Christ, Holy Spirit. I come to you asking for help and healing, good sense and guidance.

We know we do not see all of your plan. We know we often are standing too close to the problem to identify clearly what must be done. We know we are flawed, make mistakes, ask for what we want instead of what we need. We know all these things and yet, being human, we ask for them anyway.

Oh Holy Trinity do thy will as regards this problem. But I do ask for help, healing, guidance for all the family involved. Lift the scales from their eyes, help them to see thy will, and accept it. Whatever that may be.

I ask all this Lord in thy name, not to go against your will, but to supplement it. To bring peace where there is guilt, anguish, to end suffering.

Soften the blow's as best you can please. I do not know charlie or his daughter well although we are becoming friends. I know I care for him, I know that seeing him in turmoil and pain hurts.

I know that in the end thy will shall be done one way or another.
I know that you work in mysterious ways. Work through me Lord. Let my poor attempt to comfort and console strike a spark that illuminates. Use my fingers Lord, they are in your service.

To GOD be the glory, forever and ever amen.

01-16-2017, 10:31 PM
Where ever 2 or more are gathered in Your Name, there You are... We are here Lord.... Help, Love , Mercy, Faith, Hope, and Strength for Charlie's Family... Amen

01-17-2017, 08:14 AM
Charlie, Still praying for you and your family brother....PAUL

01-17-2017, 09:22 AM
Still here, still prayin, still leaving it all in his hands.

01-17-2017, 10:00 AM
LOL empty your in box LOL

It's a terrible thing to have so many people checking on you ;)

how or you and Becky holding up? Is there anything you need past prayer ?

01-17-2017, 11:42 AM
I want to thank everyone , I'm just hard put to get done what needs be right now . Prayer for those that actually need our Lord in their own situation . If you offer pray for me make it for guidance , I really need his guidance right now . This will pass but for now there are those needing his intervention . Again thank you.

(Dang , I'll dump my box rl69 , never did claim to be very smart !)

01-17-2017, 10:28 PM
Still here, still prayin. Still hope this situation gets resolved one way or another.

01-18-2017, 04:47 PM
Boaz, one of the things I've noted about all the old ex-roughnecks I've known, is that they tend to be determined that THEY will shape the things about them. I think it comes from the necessity of getting everything they did on a rig so "perfect." But applied to the masses of humanity, that kind of attitude WILL lead one to being perplexed and frustrated. When you tell someone on a rig to do something, they do it because they know they HAVE to. Out in the "real world" of humanity, you can tell folks 'till Kingdom Come, and they often just laugh and point at you and harang you for being so "serious."

They like taking serious things lightly, and light things seroiously. All you CAN do is all you CAN do. And ironically, in a way, quoting Bible verses really doesn't work with those types. What does, at least soemtimes, is good, pointed questions that pierce into something they DO care about. But then, some become combative, or try to threaten it. Touch their "soft spots" and they don't like it one bit. So it has to be done with finesse, usually, if it's to be effective. And being effective OUGHT to be our goal.

But if nothing you know how to do or say works, don't feel lonesome! LOTS of us encounter that. Some seem so tenaciously attached to the Evil One, that nothing you can do or say, or anyone else can do or say, will get through to them. It's just the way it is, and probably has always been.

In Biblical times, most stories from that time indicate that simple thirst to understand each other prevailed MUCH more than it seems to today, and simple "manners" were much more prominent in their culture at that time than they are today. No matter where you go today, manners seem to be a surprise when we encounter them. And manners seem to never be worse than when witnessing to a non-believer, who really, really needs it. Kind'a paradox, I know, but .... there it is, and I know you've noted it. Yeah, that's hard to deal with, but it's hard to deal with BECAUSE we're trying to achieve OUR will rather than allow God's to prevail. Took me a lifetime to learn that little tidbit, so I know full well how you feel when all your best efforts seem to bring zip for results. But that's looking to YOUR will, not God's. The proper attitude, as I read my Bible at least, is to cast your bread as best you know how to do it, and then, just serenely accept whatever comes of it, be it positive or negative in nature. I think this may well be one of the hardest lessons any of us will ever have to learn in this life. Not sure this helps any, but I hope maybe it does, at least a little?

Getting older DOES impose limitations, especially when medical stuff crops up of a serious nature. But in everything God puts before us, there's SOMETHING we're intended to learn from it, so we can grow, and become better, more knowledgeable, more understanding, and more effective. Think about it. Who are you likely to accept a new idea from? One who's serene and casually serious, or one who has always been used to driving the peg into the ground? Just hope this helps, at least a bit???

01-18-2017, 05:17 PM
We do what we are capable of or can do according to his will . But I know one thing ....if you don't try nothing will get done . We have to try . Thank you for the kind words .

01-18-2017, 11:24 PM
Don't forget to take care of yourself through this hard time or you will be joining the ill family members...

Prayers for the rest to work itself out.

01-18-2017, 11:33 PM
Dear Lord.... Please Bless and be with Boaz and his family...Remove the worry... remove the Pain.... Let Calmness and that Perfect Love shine thru... Let all that suffer know that we, family and friends , Love and Pray for them... Lift the Burden... Let Hope and Faith comfort all... Amen