View Full Version : A question for ya'

01-09-2017, 06:00 PM
I have noticed on every forum that I frequent, that members repeatedly refer to their wife as "the wife".

I was just wondering if this is a subconscious distancing from their spouse...for whatever reason.

I have done the same only a couple of times...but have never been comfortable with calling the best friend that I have in the world and the Mother of my children..."the wife"...she is MY wife.

What do y'all think about this?

01-09-2017, 06:17 PM
I think it's sometimes just how your raised. Called my my "ole lady" once in front of her, not happy. Flip side, if she'd call me her "ole man" , I wouldn't think anything about it. I grew up with my grandfather and that's just what they called each other. I'm trying to change but it's like teaching a old dog new tricks.

01-09-2017, 06:31 PM
Been married for close to 30 years and depends on what context I am referring to her for the wording. Is my working correct NO never been my strong point. But most of the time its my wife the wife or mom and then its by her name depends what I am saying and to who.

01-09-2017, 06:33 PM
I refer to mine as "that woman". She is part Apache, part bulldog. If she's not on the warpath, she's sitting and growling

01-09-2017, 06:36 PM
I refer to my wife as either 'my wife' or 'mom', at times as 'babe'.

01-09-2017, 06:42 PM
My Ms is my Ms .

01-09-2017, 06:45 PM
Usually "my Wife" or sometimes "my better half" or "my other half" and other times is not your business!!!:twisted:

01-09-2017, 06:54 PM
Interesting question . Haven't been married for 14 years but when was called her ..my wife .

01-09-2017, 07:04 PM
I most always refer to my wife as Colleen.

01-09-2017, 07:16 PM
Here you may see wives refereed to as S.W.M.B.O. she who must be obeyed as well so if you see it that answer is known.
I normally would put "my wife" or her name have in instances here put the above.

01-09-2017, 07:18 PM
Been Married 40 years next month, I refer to my wife as she who must be obeyed or the old woman.

01-09-2017, 07:19 PM
Whatever I use, it is a term of respect or endearment.
Honey, did I do that right??????
he he he he

P.S. been married almost 47 years, whew

01-09-2017, 07:21 PM
Terms used;

My wife
The wife
My better half (on good days)
The old ball and change (most days)
Dear or Honey (when I want something)

01-09-2017, 07:29 PM
31 years, usually reference "the bride" , last few years we often call each other "PopPop" and "NaNa" though, 'cuz that's what The Boy calls us.
I think it's "THE wife" as in the only one that matters !

Wayne R. Scott
01-09-2017, 07:44 PM
I have been married for 42 years and call her my first wife.

01-09-2017, 07:57 PM
I lied ....... In business transactions Ms is referred to as the accountant .
Pretty simple system I sign them Ms writes them and mails them . Keeps us both honest . She bought us a wide body safe for Christmas and didn't touch savings .

01-09-2017, 08:06 PM
30 years this year and she is still "my lovely bride" I'm very careful as she has stuck with me through some pretty trying times. I wouldn't have done it a bit different even if had a choice.

01-09-2017, 08:20 PM
her avatar name is runfiveswife I think I gotta call her that.

01-09-2017, 08:30 PM
I call mine old woman or old lady most of the time and I'm the old man. When she asks a question I usually just answer "yes dear" and go on about my business. We're getting awfully close to being married 50 years and it's worked so far!

01-09-2017, 08:35 PM
I once referred to my wife as "my girlfriend" in front of one of my school classes. One young lady got a 'scandalized' look on her face and said "But Mr ---- you're Married!" I said "It's the same person-- if my wife isn't also my girlfriend I'm in trouble."

01-09-2017, 09:48 PM
HHAHA! Rfive'swifesR5R wouldn't that be right if she was first????LOL

Wayne Smith
01-09-2017, 10:51 PM
That's why I use LOML - Love Of My Life. Running on to 42 years this spring.

01-09-2017, 11:22 PM
Usually my wife or my bride.

01-10-2017, 12:59 AM
my wife is my wife, never the wife. i never walk infront of her, always behind her or at her side, as a sign of respect. to the kids i say mom. i open doors for her and drop her at doors and then park the car. it was the way some did it when i was young and i could never do different. each to the way they do it but again it is my way of respect. oh yes, i would do what all husbands would do, if someone layed a hand on her i would jump on them like a pit bull.

01-10-2017, 02:44 AM
in korea the wife always walks behind the husband as a sign of respect.
except when there might be landmines around then she walks in front then the cow then the husband.
cow's are hard to replace.

01-10-2017, 03:17 AM
In households where the husband refers to his wife as "the wife", it would only be consistent then if the children refer to their mother or father as "the parent"...and for "the wife" to refer to her husband, as "the husband".

They can also refer to their Home as..."the house"...etc...

I really like consistency, but sometimes, it is hard to find.

A Grammarian would know what tense is at play when this kind of speech is used...I am very rusty, but, I think it may be "the indefinite article" clause.

01-10-2017, 05:29 AM
My little German, with a temper to match, of almost 50 years hitched is referred to as the Frau. Some days she wakes up cranky - other days she lets him sleep!Robert

01-10-2017, 05:55 AM
I don't mind when I see "the wife" as I have probably used that myself. What I don't like is when I see "the wife unit". That is just silly to me.

01-10-2017, 11:42 AM
Do I smell a troll?

01-10-2017, 11:49 AM
Do I smell a troll?

If you smell one, it is you, cause this was just a question put out there and I stated my opinion up front and have not challenged anything that anyone has posted.

01-10-2017, 11:54 AM
Yes, the odor of troll is strong here. In the interest of maintaining at least some measure of internet security it seems prudent to keep one's identity at least somewhat concealed from idle snoopers. Thus, we normally do not use our own names on forums so why would we disclose our wifes' names here? My wife is a strong, independent woman. I call her by her preferred name out of respect. She calls me for supper.

01-10-2017, 12:02 PM
it varies when I'm speakin' TO her but, on the interweb if I mention her at all she's the she-griz for simplicity's sake.

01-10-2017, 12:07 PM
We were married 55 years before she joined the Feathery Choir. I called her 'Sweetie', and introduced her as My Wife. When I talked about her she was Sweet Ol' Carole...

01-10-2017, 12:15 PM
At this point I wouldn't mind seeing anyone using the term "Troll" getting an automatic ten day time out,,,,,,,,,. Not pointing fingers, just getting way too overused.

I call my wife a miracle. She's stayed sane and married to me after all this time.

01-10-2017, 12:33 PM
Neither Gale nor I "sweat the small stuff". She made it pretty plain early on that she would object to being called "the old lady", so I do not do that. I think it depends on the context and what the individual couple find works for them.

01-10-2017, 01:06 PM
Yes, the odor of troll is strong here. In the interest of maintaining at least some measure of internet security it seems prudent to keep one's identity at least somewhat concealed from idle snoopers. Thus, we normally do not use our own names on forums so why would we disclose our wifes' names here? My wife is a strong, independent woman. I call her by her preferred name out of respect. She calls me for supper.

WHO has suggested disclosing our wife's name? The question was about whether you use an adjective or and adverb when using the noun "wife".

01-10-2017, 01:15 PM
it's just a simple question.
holy cow.

01-10-2017, 01:19 PM
Good grief , this is sposed' to be light hearted Tom foolery about the old battle axe being the sweet angel of light that saved from your Tom foolery and the public reference to her/him/whatever.

When I referred to her as the Accountant it is a term of endearment as opposed to X the money wh........

Maybe I need a time out .

01-10-2017, 03:15 PM
I call her love, wife, the wife, babe, her name and woman. She likes woman the best, the looks I get in public when using it are great. All are said with love.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

01-10-2017, 06:21 PM
The terms we use for 'wife' are mostly just reflections of our attitude and sense of humor. In homes where a sense of humor and some spunky, playful antics are appreciated, you might hear all sorts of things, even "Ol' Ugly," and other stuff. As long as each knows what the other MEANS by the terms they use, and what their feelings REALLY are, there's really no problem, and no need for any. Let one get in a bad mood, though, and get ticked off at some term applied at an injudicious time, and there'll always be some backpeddling and some reparations to follow instantly. "Sorry. Didn't realize you were in a bad mood. What's happened?"

Relationships aren't static or even stable things. They don't call it "give and take" for nothing! And I usually call mine "my wife" or "Hon." FWIW? Some folks haven't swallowed the bait to take everything that's said quite as seriously as it's become popular to take them.

01-10-2017, 07:20 PM
i really like what harter 66 said. the accountant. i retired 12 years ago and have nothing to do with the money in our family. when i say nothing, thats what i mean. i have no idea of our finances as my wife handles it all. she is good at it, wants to do it and i have always hated anything to do with money anyways. once in a while i ask her are we ok and she says yes. thats all i need to hear. i never spend with out asking and i have all i need anyways in material things. the accountant, i like that. thanks harter 66. she is my wife and my accountant.

Plate plinker
01-11-2017, 09:58 AM
It would depend on the conditions. Kids with us (MOM). Just me I us her name. She is shutting something down she is the DFP. Department of Fun Prevention.

01-11-2017, 10:12 AM
when moms not happy, no one is happy. a direct quote for my well respected mail man.

01-11-2017, 11:59 AM
'Er indoors or 'my better half'-depends on who's ears are listening ;);)
SWMBO and the Trouble and Strife are also used in jest.