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View Full Version : So it is winter and you can go shoot without leaving your firearms covered in sweat

01-08-2017, 09:30 AM
Continuing our week of fun stuff, the boy and I went to shoot up some ammo that was just laying around in the way. There is a sand pit that people use, and abuse as a dump which I find stupid because 5 miles away is a landfill that you can take stuff to and it is prepaid on your tax bill, so why people dump in the country side baffels me. Lazy I guess. Any way i find brass there regularly and we go there once in a while to shoot. The boy shot up almost two boxes of 22 through his Chipmunk at some targets he drew and had a blast. We just watched some of the Jaws movies so he drew a shark to shoot at and managed to do a good Sheriff Brody imitation. I put about 50 rounds through the Hi-point and managed to destroy some pumpkins and some chunks of paving that were there. These were some 9mm powder painted boolits I wanted to shoot to see if they work. They do and the barrel looks nice and clean afterward. It was fun till we got cold and then we left with all our brass. Mama had supper ready when we got in.

01-08-2017, 09:36 AM
Life is good
Days you will both remember

01-08-2017, 10:02 AM
Do as many fun things with the boy as you can , they grow up way too fast.
Making memories is the best thing you can do .

01-08-2017, 10:26 AM
Sounds like a good time.

01-08-2017, 10:36 AM
How can it be cold in Florida???

Don Verna

Wild Bill 7
01-08-2017, 11:14 AM
Got down to 39 degrees this morning. Burr!!!!! That is cold for us down here in sw fla. That is probably warm to those that live up north. But that's why we live down here. God bless America.

mold maker
01-08-2017, 11:34 AM
My lamed left knee refused to allow me to shovel the 7+" of sunshine before the temp dropped to 14 to make a solid clump of it. The 1-2" forecast turned into 2-4" and then 7+" was a reality.
Having memories like the above is what keeps this codger from going crazy.
Make lots of memories and pictures to help keep them fresh in your mind. There may come a time when that's all you have.
My huge pot of veg/beef soup brought the Grandkids - shovelers by twice. The excitement of the snow was almost overwhelming, and the cleaned walks and porch made my eyes sweat.

01-08-2017, 11:45 AM
We had a about 12 hrs of below 30 degrees last even and this morning but for the next ten days the lowest that I saw it was 48 degrees.I live about 35 miles from the Gulf along the Sabine River bottom land.It may have killed my Satsuma and Kumquat they are pretty well burned by the looks of the leaves.

01-18-2017, 12:48 AM
Make all the memories like that that you can. Lost my dad in 2013 and it seems like I don't have enough of them.