View Full Version : We're all nuts!

01-07-2017, 08:13 PM
Spent about an hour today sorting through a bucket of wheel weights I was given.

My jaw is sore and I chipped a tooth on a iron weight :-D

Seriously, this takes time. I used a set of end nippers for the stuff I couldn't identify. I got a good bucket as I'm not finding a lot of either zinc or iron. One thing I did notice is how hard wheel weights are. I've been using nothing but pure lead for a few years, casting fishing gear, and wheel weights are just a bit harder than pure lead.

01-07-2017, 09:01 PM
Um, yes, we are all nuts. My wife wonders why we have 1500 lbs of lead in the backyard.

01-07-2017, 09:29 PM
Um, yes, we are all nuts. My wife wonders why we have 1500 lbs of lead in the backyard.

Mine knows I'm nuts because I am.


01-07-2017, 09:44 PM
I built shelving from leftover 2x12 in the barn, to separately store the various ingots - sheet, pipe, CWW, SWW, range lead, etc. I was thrilled about it when I showed Mrs Bookworm.

She just nodded, smiled, and walked away, past the buckets of yet-to-be-rendered CWW and other scrap.

I'm certain I glimpsed her rolling her eyes as she turned to leave.....

01-07-2017, 10:43 PM
My wife could care less as to the amount of lead, wheel weights or linotype I have stashed in the garage. That and the chunks of bar solder stashed in ammo crates on shelving. Probably cuss me out after I'm gone cause she'll have to get rid of. However while I'm still above ground I'm gonna enjoy the heck out of it all. Frank

Budzilla 19
01-08-2017, 12:05 AM
When I bring home more weights my wife is like," really? More darn weights? How much is enough?" To which I answer," but they were free"!! And add them to my already remelted stash that is holding down the new reloading bench I just built! ( not touching my 30+ year old stash of raw weights that are in the back yard, thanks Dad)btw, how much pure lead does a person need? Half a drum enough? Not if its free! Just put it in the drum with the rest of it! Yep, we're all nuts! Hahaha!

01-08-2017, 12:35 AM
Every so often I threaten to pay someone to haul it into the basement just to make it harder to get rid of when I die. But then I figure I know a few casters in the area, and they might be wanting to buy it, and I just can't make myself be that ornery, yet.

Besides I would rather buy more lead with the money I would have to pay to have it moved to basement!

Or maybe buy something that shoots lots of big heavy lead bullets so I can get more use out of what I have. Going to have to live to 125 and shoot a lot more to use it all up on 38 SWC rounds. I'm thinking an auto loader in 45-70 with a drum magazine might work... Nah, I would just berm mine after shooting. Guess I'm hopeless.

01-08-2017, 01:12 AM
Ima try an corner the tin market

William Yanda
01-08-2017, 10:12 AM
Ima try an corner the tin market

I've got 10 lbs. of reclaimed pewter you can have for $100.

01-12-2017, 12:26 AM
I sure won't corner it that way

01-12-2017, 12:59 AM
Your just figuring this out!!

01-12-2017, 02:49 PM
I tried to get my daughter to marry a local tire shop owner's son. He owned 4 shops and I wasn't concerned about grandchildren ....I wanted unlimited free wheel weights !
I'm not totally nuts though....I use pliers to test wheel weights !

01-14-2017, 04:05 PM
Spent about an hour today sorting through a bucket of wheel weights I was given.

My jaw is sore and I chipped a tooth on a iron weight :-D

Seriously, this takes time. I used a set of end nippers for the stuff I couldn't identify. I got a good bucket as I'm not finding a lot of either zinc or iron. One thing I did notice is how hard wheel weights are. I've been using nothing but pure lead for a few years, casting fishing gear, and wheel weights are just a bit harder than pure lead.

The chipped tooth sounds about like me. As I was going through a bucket last night I came across several large stick-on weights marked "1 ounce". The old Lorne Green song kept running through my head:
He lay face down in the desert sand
Clutching his six-gun in his hand
Shot from behind, I thought he was dead
But under his heart was an ounce of lead
But a spark still burned so I used my knife
And late that night I saved the life of Ringo

All I could think of was "If it had been an ounce of zinc you'd be dead."

01-15-2017, 10:18 PM
I tried to get my daughter to marry a local tire shop owner's son. He owned 4 shops and I wasn't concerned about grandchildren ....I wanted unlimited free wheel weights !
I'm not totally nuts though....I use pliers to test wheel weights !

Hell, half of us would marry the son of a tire shop empire. CAN

01-16-2017, 01:27 PM
Hell, half of us would marry the son of a tire shop empire. CAN
I GET AN AMEN? Well marry maybe but hope he doesn't mind watching late night TV or a trip to the range for his honeymoon, we are definitely NOT talking any consummation or offspring from this union. Now if he owned a scrap yard too.... that might be.... no, nope, just not going to happen. I'll just go walk that off in the Wal-Mart parking lot while I look for WW's there.

How big a scrap yard are we talking about?

01-16-2017, 04:02 PM
I have about 50 Lbs or so on hand right now and my wife thinks I need to sell some off because it is "way more than you will ever use."


01-16-2017, 06:04 PM
I just smelted all my COWWs today. I ended up with 48 muffins and 6 mini loaves.

I've still got four gallons of stick on wheel weights to melt.

01-16-2017, 07:11 PM
I think alot of people here get nervous when their stash gets below 1000 lbs!!

01-16-2017, 07:34 PM
Hey, I resemble that remark! [smilie=1:

I think alot of people here get nervous when their stash gets below 1000 lbs!!

01-16-2017, 08:38 PM
Hey, I resemble that remark! [smilie=1:I do also, it makes me not feel so good.

Budzilla 19
01-16-2017, 09:21 PM
My stash is below a 1000 lbs? I'm going to have to search for more!!! Room is spinning, blacking out now, dreams of sailboat keels, oh noooooo! Hahahaha!.............just kidding! (Wait.............. I'm going to check.) Before anyone gets offended, I'm just poking fun here. Cause I like my stash to be above the grand mark also! And I WILL get more regardless of amount on hand! ( I don't think I'm alone on that statement). I love these threads. Nuts?? Absolutely!

01-17-2017, 01:35 PM
Um, yes, we are all nuts. My wife wonders why we have 1500 lbs of lead in the backyard.
Why so little? Better get more!

01-17-2017, 01:42 PM
I think alot of people here get nervous when their stash gets below 1000 lbs!!
I had a great friend that owned a tire shop. I used to get my 5 gallon buckets from his shop, and I always left a case of beer for the guys. i figured $20 or so was cheap for a 5 gallon bucket of wheel weights.
One Monday morning he called me and said he had sold the tire shop. The sale was closing Friday at 5. I should come and get as many wheel weights as i can carry away.
Many many trips, bloody fingers and sore shoulders and arms later, 2500 lbs found its way into the basement in 5 gallon buckets.
I think i am set for life. In fact, it is in my will along with the 500 lbs of linotype.
BUT, you would be surprised how much lead you can burn up with 380, 9mm and 45 acp submachine guns.....maybe I need more!

01-22-2017, 10:18 PM
l ''gave back'' to Mother Earth app 7 pounds over the past couple days. A couple hundred rds of cast boolits from my 44 and 41 cal Smiths were used to deliver these little nuggets One Bang At A Time

01-22-2017, 10:21 PM
For the guys using 5 gal buckets to store their lead a stop by a job site when they are in the finishing sheet rock stage and get the bucket lids. The lids keep the trash water and such out of the buckets depending if its stored inside or outside. You will be tempted to stack the buckets on top of each other but its not a good plan over time the lower bucket will give up.

01-23-2017, 02:15 PM
I use end nippers to test weights as it`s cheaper to do it that way than keep getting new dentures made! I`m down to 4 pails of sorted weights (by hand with nippers) to smelt and add to my pile. The Frau has reached the point of telling me more lead is fine...as long as you store/ smelt it in your barn and out of the house/garage. I finally have quit taking free take off weights from my friend with a car dealership as the pails were getting over the 75% mark of non lead.Robert weights.Robert