View Full Version : can you decode these solder markings?

Oklahoma Rebel
01-05-2017, 11:28 PM
tin 7440-31-5
silver 7440-22-4
copper 7440-50-8
antimony 7440-36-0
does this reflect on alloy composition at all? tho only other thing that it says is that its lead free, 1005 water safe, and approved for water and sanitary conditions. so if anyone knows how to translate this nonsense, I would appreciate it, thanks a lot, Travis

01-06-2017, 12:08 AM
The numbers are

A CAS Registry Number, also referred to as CASRN or CAS Number, is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) to every chemical substance described in the open scientific literature (currently including those described from at least 1957 through the present), including organic an

They identify the chemical (elemental) contentcontent by a unique number and have nothing to do with the percentage. There should be other markings with percentage like 92/3/2/3 or something to indicate percentages.

01-06-2017, 12:18 AM
once you look at your solder again
maybe you'll find a alphanumeric code like this "Sn95.25Ag3.8Cu0.7Sb0.25"
maybe wiki can help

Oklahoma Rebel
01-06-2017, 01:01 AM
astm b 32 or 32_ it is torn there is really the only other thing I can find, the brand is ca__field, which I will look up tomorrow, too tired now, thanks

01-06-2017, 03:12 AM

Oklahoma Rebel
01-06-2017, 05:51 PM
run5 you are awesome! thanks I would have never found that