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01-05-2017, 07:42 PM
Stopped at WalMart tonight looking for a Henry Yellow Boy .38/.357. Of all things they had one behind the counter. I asked to see it and the clerk said he needed my drivers license before I handled it. I asked why and he said incase I run out the store with it. I was not satisfied with that reply so asked to speak to a manager. An assistant manager was called on their phone. The assistant said it wasn't because I would run out the store with it but because its a federal law. I asked him to show me and he told me to look it up. So, does anyone know if this is true? And if so. where can I read it myself? Thanks for the help.

01-05-2017, 07:50 PM
No there is no such law. But why get your panties in a knot over letting him hold your license while you looked over the rifle. Common procedure when test driving a car in any city of any size, unless of course they already know you. Store is only protecting it's self.

01-05-2017, 07:53 PM
I've long ago relinquished my FFL, but I think they were both F.O.S.

That said; their store,their rules. A little 20:20 vision here but it would have been fun to ask them for THEIR blood sample to see (hold) your license.

Tagged to see others' responses

01-05-2017, 07:55 PM
I worked at a gunshot in Massachusetts, before I escaped to Arizona in 2000. It was always standard for us to ask for FID cards or pistol permits before showing weapons. Just deal with it.

01-05-2017, 07:58 PM
I have never been asked for an ID before handling a firearm in a store and I have bought guns in 5 states. These were all pretty gun friendly states I will admit.

I usually don't have much patience for "store policies", but I don't think I'd get all bent out of shape over that one.

01-05-2017, 07:58 PM
Some gun stores in my area require me to produce a concealed carry or pistol purchase permit before I can handle a handgun. Store's rules. If I want it I got to do it. The gomer behind the counter is just doing what they're told. I run into that a bunch with bosses and workers.

I've never heard it as a law in my state, federal or otherwise.

01-05-2017, 08:22 PM
it's an age thing.

01-05-2017, 08:43 PM
Do what I do, don't shop there. Haven't been in a Walmart for many years. Can't stand the store, the company. There are more than enough other businesses to buy what I want. More than likely they are knowledgeable in what they are selling you. Years ago when I was in a Walmart the sporting goods clerk couldn't tell you one end of a gun from another. They will never see any of my money.

01-05-2017, 08:51 PM
Never been asked for an ID to inspect a gun north of the 'Cheddar Curtain' but, here on the south side, IL state law requires that ANY seller MUST inspect a prospective buyer's FOID (Illinois Firearms Owner's Identification) or, if the buyer is from out of state, his/her driver's license - to confirm that the buyer is a legal resident of a contiguous state and thus eligible to purchase a firearm in Illinois - before allowing him/her to actually handle the gun.


01-05-2017, 08:59 PM
While I'm not a huge fan of Walmart, I am a HUGE fan of saving my money, and WalMart does that in more ways than 1. with said I have never needed to show or surrender my drivers license for looking at a firearm while in WalMart, or for any other reason. Lets not turn this thread into a HATE WalMart thread!

01-05-2017, 08:59 PM
Can't say I've ever been asked for ID before looking and handling a firearm even in the several WalMarts I've done it in. They do have good prices on their guns but the people that work there generally don't know squat about either the law or firearms. I wouldn't have much of a problem handing over the ID if the firearm was a good price as long as they didn't make a copy of it. You have no idea how much stuff is stolen out of WalMarts over my way.

Sounds like store rules much like the people at the front that want to see your receipt before you leave. Some WalMarts have them and some don't. Depends on the area your in. If you really don't care for that policy just go down the road to another WalMart, there's one every 20miles it seems. I've thought several times of getting a job in a Walmart just to work the gun section so someone is there that knows a little about guns as I've heard some hair curling "advice" passed out by workers there.

01-05-2017, 09:02 PM
For a handgun, MAYBE. Can't imagine that for a rifle. I've been to a gun shop with the used ones in a rack in the corner. You could fondle them all day without a salesperson even saying "Hi" to you.

MT Gianni
01-05-2017, 10:00 PM
In Idaho it is against the law to ask to see someones DL unless you are a LEO or was in 87.

01-05-2017, 10:09 PM
I remember a news article about Man running out of a Wal-Mart store with a shotgun or rifle he asked to look at. Not sure if it was in Neb or Iowa or elsewhere. The air-rifles are now behind locked glass and were not in June 2015 when I bought my Dad an air-rifle for Father's Day.

01-05-2017, 10:21 PM
In Idaho it is against the law to ask to see someones DL unless you are a LEO or was in 87.

How do they check to see if you are legal drinking age or old enough to buy cigarettes?


01-05-2017, 10:28 PM
There is no federal law. Apparently it's store policy and they don't want to tell you so. They'd rather lie to you then tell you the truth. Or they are just that ignorant.

The Walmarts by me don't even ask for ID when buying ammo. And it comes up automatically on the register and the question has to be answered.

01-05-2017, 10:29 PM
I can't say if I remember ever being asked to hold my drivers license to look at a gun. Not that I haven't been, just wouldn't remember something so insignificant. I would have just gave them the license and looked at the gun. No need to make it dramatic. It is no big deal.

tomme boy
01-05-2017, 11:11 PM
The reason the Auto dealer asks for your DL is 2fold. One is for the insurance if you get in a wreck and the other is so they can run a credit check on you while you are gone. They want to know what and who they are dealing with by the time you get back.

01-05-2017, 11:18 PM
The reason the Auto dealer asks for your DL is 2fold. One is for the insurance if you get in a wreck and the other is so they can run a credit check on you while you are gone. They want to know what and who they are dealing with by the time you get back.

Lot of good a credit check did the last number of cars I've purchased including the new ones, I pay cash, not a check, cash, 100 dollar bills. LOL

01-05-2017, 11:43 PM
I buy alot of cheap plastic junk from walmart but I buy my guns from the gun shops. Two reasons I guess one I think some of walmarts guns are built cheaper so walmart can sell them cheaper noticed that on the shot guns and rifles both made by remington. Other is if the gun shop is not selling they go under then where would I get the stuff walmart dont carry. Besides they just carry the meat and taters around here and I have those now.

01-05-2017, 11:50 PM
sadly, no guns at the walzmarts in my area...but I did get to show them my DL when buying Butane :roll:

01-06-2017, 12:05 AM
sadly, no guns at the walzmarts in my area...but I did get to show them my DL when buying Butane :roll:

Same w/ liquid wrench and a bunch of other chemicals. I've never had to show them my DL. The cashier simply replies yes when the question comes up.

I don't hand my DL over to anyone that doesn't have the right to ask for it. Just like I don't give out any personal info when a cashier or business asks for it. Can something bad happen if I hand it someone and watch them the entire time until I get it back, obviously no. But I don't jump just because someone tells me to.

01-06-2017, 12:30 AM
I buy alot of cheap plastic junk from walmart but I buy my guns from the gun shops. Two reasons I guess one I think some of walmarts guns are built cheaper so walmart can sell them cheaper noticed that on the shot guns and rifles both made by remington. Other is if the gun shop is not selling they go under then where would I get the stuff walmart dont carry. Besides they just carry the meat and taters around here and I have those now.
The only time I was tempted to buy a Walmart gun, they were blowing out Marlin 1895's (GBL? The short, blued version) for $299 with a rebate to boot. That would have been worth it, and all I wanted to do was toy around with some 'gallery' loads in it. Sadly, all sold out by the time I got there.

01-06-2017, 12:50 AM
After I moved to Louisiana I had to return to New York. One store I had been buying guns from for over 20 years I stopped by to see the boss who had done right by me. I asked if he had any model 10's as I have wanted one for years. The clerk or salesman said I had to have a pistol license to look or handle them. Wipped out my Louisiana CCW and gave it to him. Didn't know what to do so he takes it to the boss. Got told by the boss pull out the big box of model 10's and let him pick out which one he wants. They did and I did and still have it. While doing the paperwork I gave him a copy of my friends FFL and he would do the back ground check in La. Did get a laugh at that one. Wally world had two of the henry lever actions in the display case but were all tarnished and the protective sleeves pushed up on the forend. Frank

01-06-2017, 01:00 AM
For a handgun, MAYBE. Can't imagine that for a rifle. I've been to a gun shop with the used ones in a rack in the corner. You could fondle them all day without a salesperson even saying "Hi" to you.
Be careful Fondling them guns. When I do it, they seem to follow me home. I am a sucker for blue steel and walnut.........

01-06-2017, 07:13 AM
Before 911 the state of Tennessee had a ring of DMV and other government employees selling fake ID to any illegal who had the cash. After 911 Federal investigations uncovered the ring ( they had apparently sold fake ID to several Arabs and Iraqis) and their primary witness died in what was obviously a murder disguised as a traffic accident, The body was so badly burned they had a hard time identifying her.

A couple of years before that a Mexican illegal who had been deported several times and had a half dozen DUI charges under various names was driving on one of those false drivers licenses when he ran a red light and killed my cousin a UT professor and another teacher.
Some of these illegals have never taken a drivers test in their own country much less in the USA. Half of them probably don't even know what a traffic light is.

01-06-2017, 08:11 AM
The Wal Mart here doesn't do that, but the PX Gun Counter on Fort Riley does (Military ID).

I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I'd probably never buy a gun at Wal Mart anyway.

01-06-2017, 08:26 AM
Use extreme caution. A gun will automatically load itself and aim for the nearest target. The ammunition has to be kept in the lingerie section under lock and key or it will find itself next to the guns and hince the guns automatically load themselves. Walmart gun buy..hmmmm. No, something just says no. They are probably seconds.

01-06-2017, 08:29 AM
What I find funny is when you buy ammo in some places, ask if it for rifle or handgun.They can tell I am over 21 at that. I would not buy a gun at walmart also. I have some places that is easy to deal with then walmart on guns.

01-06-2017, 08:41 AM
When Wal Mart came to Michigan, there wasn't a store in the Detroit area. Closest one, was in Ypsilanti, about 45 minutes west of me. Drove there to purchase two full stock, laminated, stainless steel, Ruger 10-22's that were unobtainable thru a friend that had a FFL. One of those were for that friend.

Ever notice that WalMart has it's Sporting Goods section in the farthest corner of the store? I only noticed that because after the purchase, an employee insisted on walking me out of the store, carrying the firearms. Turned them over, when we were in the parking lot. Haven't purchased any other firearms from them, so I don't know if that was specific to that particular store......or Corporate Policy.


01-06-2017, 08:51 AM
I buy alot of cheap plastic junk from walmart but I buy my guns from the gun shops. Two reasons I guess one I think some of walmarts guns are built cheaper so walmart can sell them cheaper noticed that on the shot guns and rifles both made by remington. Other is if the gun shop is not selling they go under then where would I get the stuff walmart dont carry. Besides they just carry the meat and taters around here and I have those now.

I think some of walmarts guns are built cheaper so walmart can sell them cheaper noticed that on the shot guns and rifles both made by Remington. Bingo This is a fact just like their TV's compare model #s they will be close but at least 2 numbers will be off from anything you can find elsewhere ..

01-06-2017, 08:59 AM
A couple of years ago at a surplus shop in Daytona, a man asked to look at a .45, the clerk handed him the gun, the "customer" pulled a round out of his pocket and armed the pistol. His intent was not robbery- but in an environment like Wall-Mart who can tell who you are handing a firearm to???? That man ended up using it on himself. There was (of course) a huge lawsuit on liability of giving someone a pistol and all.... Now at that shop all guns have trigger locks on them... may be the wave of the future.


Of course, Daytona is a weird place.. last summer they opened a bar-restaurant-gunshop-shooting range... just seemed an odd combination.

01-06-2017, 09:10 AM
Cabela's policy is to walk the firearm out of the store if you don't want them to tape up the box. The tape wasn't an option at one point and they always walked it out. Their gun counters are typically at the back of the store as well. None of this is odd w/ large retailers.

01-06-2017, 09:15 AM
The thinking on the guns at back of store is it stops the quick entry smash and grab robbery.
If they steal a gun they have to make all the way to the door before any cops would arrive.
plus the fact that they would be on multiple cameras on the way thru so should be easier to ID them

AK Caster
01-06-2017, 10:12 AM
Stopped at WalMart tonight looking for a Henry Yellow Boy .38/.357. Of all things they had one behind the counter. I asked to see it and the clerk said he needed my drivers license before I handled it. I asked why and he said incase I run out the store with it. I was not satisfied with that reply so asked to speak to a manager. An assistant manager was called on their phone. The assistant said it wasn't because I would run out the store with it but because its a federal law. I asked him to show me and he told me to look it up. So, does anyone know if this is true? And if so. where can I read it myself? Thanks for the help.

You shop in a store you abide by their rules. Why would this upset you? Just show the drivers license and look at the rifle.

01-06-2017, 10:37 AM
I live in southcentral Pennsylvania and have never been asked to produce any ID just to look at a handgun, rifle or shotgun.
I have never looked at or bought a gun at Wal-Mart so I can't speak to their store policy.

Many(but not all) of the local gun shops have their long guns in open racks for their customers to handle without bothering the staff.

MT Gianni
01-06-2017, 11:08 AM
How do they check to see if you are legal drinking age or old enough to buy cigarettes?

You can refuse to show them but most ask and are unaware of the law. It had to do with someone posing as an LEO.

01-06-2017, 09:14 PM
I go to the MCX on occasion and have to show my CAC before they let me look at any guns. That prevents civilians from handling stuff they are not allowed to purchase anyway.

Down South
01-06-2017, 11:45 PM
Didn't read all the replies, but LOL, I have never in my life been asked to show ID to look at any gun, Handgun or Long Gun in any store that I have ever been in.
Whoever asks you a question like that, needs to get a life somewhere where the snowflakes and the coco drinkers reside. LOL.

Geezer in NH
01-07-2017, 09:46 AM
It was in WalMart not a gun shop where you will get shot trying something with the firearm. The clerk and manager are not armed in WalMart.

You should be happy yours still has guns and ammo many dumped them do to no help that was responsible enough to handle the sales and record keeping. Note the penalty's dealt out by BATFE can be very harsh and expensive.

Thread turned to bash WalMart real quick. When I had my shop and asked to see your license if I thought you were not a State resident and you gave a hard time about it you would be escorted out and asked not to return.

Trust me many MA residents tried that trying to buy a gun without their states firearms licenses.

Budzilla 19
01-07-2017, 10:30 AM
Been to WalMarts all over the lower 48, never been asked to show ID of any kind to look at a firearm! I can't blame you if you never go back there, or to any Walmart,for that matter! As for seconds, I don't think the firearms manufacturer makes seconds for WalMarts!!! Maybe not high end models are offered,but definitely not"seconds". In my opinion only, too much liability. Just my.02.

Bob in St. Louis
01-07-2017, 10:53 AM
I bought a 550 round box of .22 at Walmart once, and the lady behind the counter (clearly, sporting goods was not her normal department) asked me why I needed so many bullets as the smaller box "should be fine" for me.
I've also been carded for buying spray paint at Walmart. Don't understand that one.

Down South
01-07-2017, 12:09 PM
Thinking back, I have been carded before at WM but for buying certain batteries and some types of cold medication. I usually ask the clerk, "What kind of dope are they making out of this?"
I make cold process soap every few yrs. I can't hardly find pure lye due to drug heads.

01-07-2017, 03:40 PM
I have never been asked to see my driver's license in any gun shop, even in Kommiefornia but then I have never asked to look at a gun in Wally World.

01-07-2017, 03:50 PM
Down South

"Thinking back, I have been carded before at WM but for buying certain batteries and some types of cold medication. I usually ask the clerk, "What kind of dope are they making out of this?"

Pseudoephedrine, a sinus decongestant, is the major ingredient in manufacturing Crystal Meth.
I have to use it because no other decongestant works well enough for me. I get mine at the pharmacy where they know me well. Before that I had to go through a lot of rigamarole just to buy a small pack of generic Sudafed. Luckily I don't need this stuff as often, but when I do need it its the difference between breathing normally and dying in my sleep.

01-07-2017, 04:11 PM
Be careful Fondling them guns. When I do it, they seem to follow me home. I am a sucker for blue steel and walnut......... Sure, NOW you warn me! :-) Gun store, Home Depot or Lowes, it's a safe bet if you walk in one you will walkout with a wallet $300+ lighter.

01-07-2017, 04:12 PM
Thinking back, I have been carded before at WM but for buying certain batteries and some types of cold medication. The cold meds have been like that for years. What do they make out of batteries?!?!

Down South
01-07-2017, 04:27 PM
The cold meds have been like that for years. What do they make out of batteries?!?!
I don't want to drag the thread too far off topic but you got my curiosity and I checked it out on Google. As I thought, it is Meth.

Almost all crystal meth today is made with lithium batteries.
I copied this off one of the search results.
Now that my memory finally kicked in, Even though I'm an older gent and dress neat and all that stuff, they still limited me to how many batteries I could purchase.

01-07-2017, 05:21 PM
My son worked in a Walmart Sporting goods section a few years ago. It was a good part-time job for a 23 year old in school. He sold a lot of guns. At the time they carried a lot of ARs and sold many. Some of the co-workers did not like to sell guns as it was too much extra work to fill out the forms. If people think the clerks are stupid, the customers can be much worse.

01-07-2017, 08:28 PM
I buy alot of cheap plastic junk from walmart but I buy my guns from the gun shops. Two reasons I guess one I think some of walmarts guns are built cheaper so walmart can sell them cheaper noticed that on the shot guns and rifles both made by remington. Other is if the gun shop is not selling they go under then where would I get the stuff walmart dont carry. Besides they just carry the meat and taters around here and I have those now.

They are exactly the same guns as sold in the local gun store. Buy a Ruger 10/22 at Walmart and it's identical to the same model Ruger 10/22 sold at Gander Mountain for $100 more.

What I find funny is when you buy ammo in some places, ask if it for rifle or handgun.They can tell I am over 21 at that. I would not buy a gun at walmart also. I have some places that is easy to deal with then walmart on guns.

That's actually Federal law. 18 year olds can buy ammo for rifles and shotguns but not handguns. Back in the dark ages we had to see ID and then enter name, address and what you purchased in a book. Even for .22 ammo. Thankfully that went away in '86.

When Wal Mart came to Michigan, there wasn't a store in the Detroit area. Closest one, was in Ypsilanti, about 45 minutes west of me. Drove there to purchase two full stock, laminated, stainless steel, Ruger 10-22's that were unobtainable thru a friend that had a FFL. One of those were for that friend.

Ever notice that WalMart has it's Sporting Goods section in the farthest corner of the store? I only noticed that because after the purchase, an employee insisted on walking me out of the store, carrying the firearms. Turned them over, when we were in the parking lot. Haven't purchased any other firearms from them, so I don't know if that was specific to that particular store......or Corporate Policy.


Corporate policy. Same as Academy, Dick's, Cabela's, Bass Pro, and others.

I think some of walmarts guns are built cheaper so walmart can sell them cheaper noticed that on the shot guns and rifles both made by Remington. Bingo This is a fact just like their TV's compare model #s they will be close but at least 2 numbers will be off from anything you can find elsewhere ..

I bought a 550 round box of .22 at Walmart once, and the lady behind the counter (clearly, sporting goods was not her normal department) asked me why I needed so many bullets as the smaller box "should be fine" for me.
I've also been carded for buying spray paint at Walmart. Don't understand that one.

Local law. In Portland OR the spray paint must be kept under lock and key, you must show ID to purchase and have to be over 18. It's a stupid response to vandals that does nothing to prevent the vandals from doing what they do.

01-07-2017, 08:51 PM
the voice of Bobby "Boris" Picket, "He did the Wal Mart Bash" Ah oooooooo Ahooooooo, He did the Bash ...... hahahaahaaha ....... HAHAHAHAHAHAA !!

01-07-2017, 09:10 PM
I make cold process soap every few yrs. I can't hardly find pure lye due to drug heads.

Same here, only one store in town has lye now :(

01-08-2017, 10:45 AM
ive never been asked for i.d to handle a gun at wal mart .but I did have some smart a$$ kid ask me for a drivers license 1 time to buy a box of 22 ammo. I said I was old enough to be his dad and he was carding me . he told me he was just doing his job and if I didn't like it that I should buy my ammo elsewhere . I did mention the incident to a manager while I was in the store ,but I'm sure it did no good. I used to be a truck driver for a large snack food company and delivered to and dealt with several Walmart stores on a daily basis all over pa for 10 years . on occasion I would get a decent store receiver but for the most part there horrible to deal with I could tell quite a few stories but i'll keep the post short.

Bob in St. Louis
01-08-2017, 11:06 AM
Local law. In Portland OR the spray paint must be kept under lock and key, you must show ID to purchase and have to be over 18. It's a stupid response to vandals that does nothing to prevent the vandals from doing what they do.
Indeed. SHe did say it was because of graffiti. I guess I fit the stereotype for somebody who does that. (just a little joke)

Plate plinker
01-08-2017, 12:47 PM
I bought a 550 round box of .22 at Walmart once, and the lady behind the counter (clearly, sporting goods was not her normal department) asked me why I needed so many bullets as the smaller box "should be fine" for me.
I've also been carded for buying spray paint at Walmart. Don't understand that one.

Hope you educated her about her ignorance. If she was fat you could have asked why she eats so many donuts.

01-08-2017, 12:49 PM
Use extreme caution. A gun will automatically load itself and aim for the nearest target. The ammunition has to be kept in the lingerie section under lock and key or it will find itself next to the guns and hince the guns automatically load themselves. Walmart gun buy..hmmmm. No, something just says no. They are probably seconds.

Is that why your constantly in that lingerie section, looking for ammo? [smilie=1:

Uncle R.
01-08-2017, 01:14 PM
ive never been asked for i.d to handle a gun at wal mart .but I did have some smart a$$ kid ask me for a drivers license 1 time to buy a box of 22 ammo. I said I was old enough to be his dad and he was carding me . he told me he was just doing his job and if I didn't like it that I should buy my ammo elsewhere . I did mention the incident to a manager while I was in the store ,but I'm sure it did no good. I used to be a truck driver for a large snack food company and delivered to and dealt with several Walmart stores on a daily basis all over pa for 10 years . on occasion I would get a decent store receiver but for the most part there horrible to deal with I could tell quite a few stories but i'll keep the post short.

My favorite local "barn" store requires an ID to verify age every time you buy ammo - from every customer - no exceptions. They actually punch your birth date into the terminal. I'll frequently tease the (usually young) clerk that looking at my grey hair should be enough, and they usually respond "I'm sorry sir but we have to ask everyone who buys ammo." I'm sure it is store policy, and I'm not upset.

Uncle R.

01-08-2017, 01:26 PM
Some people get bent out of shape over some of the dumbest things.

Plate plinker
01-08-2017, 01:31 PM
Some people get bent out of shape over some of the dumbest things.
I think the point is that the (WALMART) is spinning the truth about what they are doing and spreading falsehoods. Imagine that if they would posted a note saying it is corporate policy most people would not be bothered. It would be Walmarts right to do this and they should do so.

Bob in St. Louis
01-08-2017, 01:34 PM
Hope you educated her about her ignorance. If she was fat you could have asked why she eats so many donuts.
haha!...She was fat, now that you mention it.
But no. I did not engage.

01-08-2017, 05:22 PM
I am no fan of Walmart . but when you can buy 12 or 20 gage target rds for 21.48 a 100 ( 5.37 a box of 250) .21 a rd its tough to stay out. By my closest figures it cost me 18- 19 cents to load them. 50 to 75 cents a box of 25 is not worth my time to sit on my reloader. My local gun shop says they have as good or better prices on shotgun shells as he gets them for tks KEN

Bob in St. Louis
01-08-2017, 05:26 PM
^^^ That's very true.
....and when you can pour out that birdshot, recast it into slugs, you then have 100 slugs for $22.
You can't beat that.

01-08-2017, 05:44 PM
Well here in the great United State of Texas , they dont ask fo a stinking thing anywhere when you want to look at a firearm, but they card you at walmart to buy Spray paint ,

01-08-2017, 05:58 PM
I think the point is that the (WALMART) is spinning the truth about what they are doing and spreading falsehoods. Imagine that if they would posted a note saying it is corporate policy most people would not be bothered. It would be Walmarts right to do this and they should do so.

Exactly, post the policy and no one will have an issue. The grocery stores here that sell alcohol all have 100% proofing policies. It's posted all over the section. They check your license and enter your birthdate for every transaction. I take issue when people lie to me.

01-08-2017, 06:00 PM
Do what I do, don't shop there. Haven't been in a Walmart for many years. Can't stand the store, the company. There are more than enough other businesses to buy what I want. More than likely they are knowledgeable in what they are selling you. Years ago when I was in a Walmart the sporting goods clerk couldn't tell you one end of a gun from another. They will never see any of my money.


01-08-2017, 06:14 PM
I sort of agree, claiming stuff is "law" when it isn't annoys me. A lot. Store policy I totally get. I might insist that the DL stays on the counter in my sight, they can be scanned same as credit cards if the minimum wage clerk is unscrupulous.

I also thought of the gun shops the clerks are packing heat, the Wal-Mart they have a price gun. So handing your an expensive firearm I sort of get wanting to hold your id while you have their gun.

Every time I think about reloading for shot gun I consider the small savings, and how long it takes to recoup cost of equipment, and go buy another box at Wal-Mart for the stash. Have Lee Loader and in theory could reload by hand if I needed to but.... Not going to get back cost of a shotgun press in this lifetime, and I'm pretty sure I don't get to take it with me. Might change if I get a rifled slug barrel to load for, those I can cast, and then it makes a bit more sense. Maybe.

On the drugs and not fitting the profile, there is a whole cottage industry around clean cut people doing things for criminal enterprises. Sending a guy who is skin and bones, runny nose, teeth falling apart into the store to buy "supplies" won't work, so they send in someone that just needs a few bucks and can look respectable. Sort of like sending an older brother in to buy beer. Now that some (all?) states record and share those purchases between pharmacies I guess it might cut down on some of that.

Secret shoppers are a common corporate tool for making sure retail store employees are following procedures. If they write up someone for not trying to pitch the latest store "deal" week after week to the same customer that said no all the other times then I'm guessing rules on firearms and ammo sales are even worse for an employee to get dinged for. Wouldn't surprise me if employee was just told they have to ask for ID, nothing about why or how to address customer concerns. If store has 100% card for age policy then employee had better follow it. Same with escort to parking lot. Heck they carded me for 22's and I told them I may not have drivers license on me but I could show them pictures of the youngest grand kid who jut got their drivers license showing it off.

Bob in St. Louis
01-08-2017, 06:56 PM
Every time I think about reloading for shot gun I consider the small savings, and how long it takes to recoup cost of equipment, and go buy another box at Wal-Mart for the stash. Have Lee Loader and in theory could reload by hand if I needed to but.... Not going to get back cost of a shotgun press in this lifetime, and I'm pretty sure I don't get to take it with me. Might change if I get a rifled slug barrel to load for, those I can cast, and then it makes a bit more sense. Maybe.
If it's possible to load 100 slugs for $22, I've yet to find it. My ears are wide open. The Lee press was something like $65 new. Not a big investment to re-cast shotgun rounds.

01-08-2017, 07:10 PM
I sort of agree, claiming stuff is "law" when it isn't annoys me. A lot. Store policy I totally get. I might insist that the DL stays on the counter in my sight, they can be scanned same as credit cards if the minimum wage clerk is unscrupulous.

I also thought of the gun shops the clerks are packing heat, the Wal-Mart they have a price gun. So handing your an expensive firearm I sort of get wanting to hold your id while you have their gun.

Not to argue but just wondering what info is on a Mich. license that isn't available off the internet, really not hard to get with a little digging. Or from other means if needed.

Down South
01-08-2017, 07:35 PM
Every time I think about reloading for shot gun I consider the small savings, and how long it takes to recoup cost of equipment,
Well, I shoot a lot of shotgun shells. Around a flat a week, "Case To those who don't know the difference." A flat is ten 25-rd boxes.
I shoot a lot of reclaimed shot and I can load the equivalent of a AA box of 25 shells for right at $4.00 a box. I shoot 12 & 28 Ga. The real savings kick in shooting the 28 Ga. A box of factory AA shells cost just over $10 at Academy, cheapest place that I can find to purchase 28 Ga AA shells. I load them for about $4 a box too.
I shot 1/2 a flat this morning.
I do have a few bucks tied up in loading equipment. I'm running two upgraded Mec 9000 GN's on an Automate. It's almost fun to reload on, and fun for me because I enjoy reloading.
Hulls for me are easy to come by except for the 28. I shoot a lot of Sporting Clays in competition and good hulls for the 12 Ga are laying around for me to pick up. The Rem STS and Nitro Gold are my favorite. The Win AA are more plentiful but I quit picking them up since I have 30 Gal garbage bags full of them in my shop for reserve.
The 28 Ga, I use Win AA HS hulls. I don't find many of those laying around. The are sort of like gold to a reloader for 28 Ga.
What I do.... I normally get or win gift cards for Academy. I wait on the annual Win AA promotion to come out every year that offers $2 a box back on orders of 10 boxes or more then I order a case, "20 Boxes". I get free shipping to my door and I usually spend less than $4-5 a box after rebate.

Hate to drag the the topic off in another direction.
So, I'll end with this. WM does have the best price for 12 Ga shells for target practice compared to any other big box store that I know of.

01-08-2017, 07:48 PM
What town is this mart in?
The ones around here no longer sell firearms, just ammo.

01-08-2017, 08:09 PM
So far, all the various gun dealers I have dealt with in Illinois (Cabela's, and private) have required the customer to show a valid FOID, Firearms Owner ID, before they would remove a weapon from a case for inspection.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Down South
01-08-2017, 09:51 PM
So far, all the various gun dealers I have dealt with in Illinois (Cabela's, and private) have required the customer to show a valid FOID, Firearms Owner ID, before they would remove a weapon from a case for inspection.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Hmmmm, I see that you are from Ill. It doesn't surprise me that they want to check. Ill doesn't recognize my CCW either. It's a pretty liberal state.
I am surprised that as far south as you are that they would give you a problem. I hunted in south Ill for a number of yrs. Most of the folks there were pretty conservative. They reminded me of folks in Louisiana.

01-09-2017, 04:14 PM
Walmart in Baltimore (carol island store) has 100 box of 12 or 20 gage, 12 gage was win. 20 gage was rem. both were 21.48. If I can catch them cci 22 in 100 box are 6.00 and change which is about 30.00 a brick. Pretty good prices compared to all the stores around here tks KEN

01-09-2017, 06:23 PM
If it's possible to load 100 slugs for $22, I've yet to find it. My ears are wide open. The Lee press was something like $65 new. Not a big investment to re-cast shotgun rounds.
I occasionally see MEC reloaders for $50-70 on Craigslist. It make some sad I don't have the facilities to cast, as I'd like to experiment with a shot-to-slug procedure.

Bob in St. Louis
01-09-2017, 06:46 PM
I'd highly recommend it. Blasting away slugs at $0.22 each with an auto-loader is more fun than kicking cats.
Not sure what all is needed for a MEC, but the Lee is "ready to run" out of the box.

01-10-2017, 01:42 PM
In Indiana an id is required for paint, solvents and items such as propane to show you are over 18 tears of age. My gray hair (what I have left) 'exempts' me from that requirement.

The reason for this is "huffing." Kids seeking to get "high" will spray paint,etc in a sock or rag and inhale it. Propane of course gets inhaled directly from the can. As you can guess the "high" is the result of brain cells being destroyed. They become barely functional morons after a period of time. That period can be very short.

As most of you know, propane is heavier than air. Three young "men" scored some propane in Louisville, KY and went to the dump to enjoy it. Just as many of us would do after drinking (or good conjugal relations), they had to have a smoke. The doors were blown off the car along with the glass, the roof AND the floor pan were bulged OUT, and all corner posts were severely bent.

The car obviously was junk. They all lived. Go figure....charlie

01-10-2017, 05:15 PM
I'd highly recommend it. Blasting away slugs at $0.22 each with an auto-loader is more fun than kicking cats.
Not sure what all is needed for a MEC, but the Lee is "ready to run" out of the box.
Most of the MEC loaders are attic (or I guess basement) finds. I might snag one or two when the funds come up, but I have to keep plunking nickels on the "cabin in the woods" jar would I have a place to cast and shoot.

Down South
01-10-2017, 06:15 PM
Most of the MEC loaders are attic (or I guess basement) finds. I might snag one or two when the funds come up, but I have to keep plunking nickels on the "cabin in the woods" jar would I have a place to cast and shoot.
A Mec Loader should do anything that a Lee will. I've got a couple single stage Mec's sitting around but I'll hang onto them in case I want to load some 3" Mag shells.
I load for Skeet, Sporting Clays and Trap with progressives for a reason, Output...

01-13-2017, 04:15 PM
I have quit looking for ammo at Walmart. Ever since the ammo shortage, they have never recovered, and/or they don't want to. Major Metro area

mold maker
01-13-2017, 04:23 PM
I usually check, but almost never find the ammo I would buy. I'm limited to using the provided scooters and they're always dead or will strand me in the back of the store, so it's not worth the bother.

01-13-2017, 10:37 PM
Wal-Mart and local gun stores have never asked for ID only Academy does around here.

01-13-2017, 10:46 PM
When Wal Mart came to Michigan, there wasn't a store in the Detroit area. Closest one, was in Ypsilanti, about 45 minutes west of me. Drove there to purchase two full stock, laminated, stainless steel, Ruger 10-22's that were unobtainable thru a friend that had a FFL. One of those were for that friend.

Ever notice that WalMart has it's Sporting Goods section in the farthest corner of the store? I only noticed that because after the purchase, an employee insisted on walking me out of the store, carrying the firearms. Turned them over, when we were in the parking lot. Haven't purchased any other firearms from them, so I don't know if that was specific to that particular store......or Corporate Policy.


Walking you out is policy at Walmart.

01-15-2017, 12:13 PM
I also agree it's policy at Wally World. I had that happen to me several yrs ago, but I thanked the associate for walking me to the door and asked if he would walk me to the car. He looked at me strange and said it was there policy to the door only and not the parking lot just to make sure I didn't load the rifle inside the store. I said if some one took the rifle from him in the parking lot, the store would give me another one. If they rob me I'm out of luck, my loss.
He said he never thought about being robbed that way and I told him I'm armed and i got your back ! Did you think and old man with a new rifle in box would walk across a parking lot unarmed?

There is no security ! Protect yourself. Cameras are a joke and are there so AFTER a crime they can watch the perps get away !


01-15-2017, 12:20 PM
Well my wife has had WalMart employ's walk her all the way out to the car to help load kitty litter into the trunk.

But I guess that's another story!

Plus they won't even take a tip!

01-15-2017, 03:09 PM
Stopped at WalMart tonight looking for a Henry Yellow Boy .38/.357. Of all things they had one behind the counter. I asked to see it and the clerk said he needed my drivers license before I handled it. I asked why and he said incase I run out the store with it. I was not satisfied with that reply so asked to speak to a manager. An assistant manager was called on their phone. The assistant said it wasn't because I would run out the store with it but because its a federal law. I asked him to show me and he told me to look it up. So, does anyone know if this is true? And if so. where can I read it myself? Thanks for the help.

Go to a gun shop in New York State. They won't even open the pistol case for you unless you produce your State-Issued Permission To Own A Handgun Permit first! Blew my mind. I'll never live in that communist-controlled state again.

01-15-2017, 04:55 PM
I do not do a lot of wallmart, but a couple of months ago I noticed they had stocked some reloading equipment and supplies. They had very little but there was some shelving cleared. I ask the clerk in the sporting dept about it and he told me stuff was just starting to come in, and the cleared shelving was inded for more that hadn't come in yet. I ask about powder, and he explained the entire top row was intended for powder.
Fast forward to this week and I was in there again, there was indeed more bullets and equipment, but no powder. There was however labels and prices on the top row for app 20 different powders. I do not know if they had had some come in and sold it all, or if they had just marked it, but the prices were all 4 dollars a pound or more cheaper than anywhere else we can get it here.

Bob in St. Louis
01-15-2017, 05:09 PM
That sounds promising.

01-15-2017, 05:27 PM
I live within easy driving distance to 4 Walmarts. Only one stocked some reloading stuff. Just recently visited it, and all the reloading stuff was gone. They did have 4-5 cans of Pyrodex on clearance for $15.00 each. Almost picked up a couple, but I don't shoot MLs very much at all. I think they also had some Triple 7.

01-15-2017, 06:18 PM
From what I understand it is up to the store manager to a certain extent as to what they sell in the sporting goods dept (gun related).

In our case it is a little unique, maybe because of wallmarts direct competition, which they do not have in many places. Our wallmarts not only sells rifles and shotguns, but also stocks a pretty good variety of handguns.

01-15-2017, 06:44 PM
Wal Mart is an international corporation now, and largely controlled by policies instituted by idjit international lawyers. Their policies are all about "what if" scenarios in these idjits' heads. Thus, they get some good things done sometimes, kind'a in spite of themselves. I know folks like paying the least they have to for what they get, but that policy will ALWAYS affect quality of service, and ultimately, of product as well. The idjit lawyers and politicians have "fine tuned" our economy so "finely" that it's a wonder we can get ANYTHING from ANYWHERE any more. Or at least that's where it's all headed from all I can see. As prices drop, our expectations drop as well, and .... eventually, so does product quality. And with guns and ammo and anything connected with stuff that can really KEEP us legitimately "free" being so "controversial" these days, I cannot help but wonder where it's all leading, eventually. I have a strong sense it's not anywhere good, or nearly what we like to THINK it will be. But we're on a roll, and can't seem to learn or think past getting what we want cheaper, faster and "better." Like lemmings to the sea, we tend to follow a course until we drown, and can't seem to really think before we leap. God help us!

mold maker
01-17-2017, 12:50 PM
WalMart follows a profit margin v traffic incentive.
With the expectation of less fed intrusion in the 2nd A, we might see WM increase the shelf space allocated to products involved.
Until there is an increase in new reloaders, there will not be much equipment but supplies may creep in on space formerly used for camping.
The whole deal is profit versus investment and turnover. In other words, the pencil pushers have the last say so.

01-18-2017, 12:38 AM
In Idaho it is against the law to ask to see someones DL unless you are a LEO or was in 87.

I like Idaho :-D