View Full Version : Thank You All for making this Chapel work

01-04-2017, 12:00 AM
This is a glorious Place! I come here first and check here often..... And it is All because of you and your Belief in God....

Humbly I Thank You...


01-04-2017, 08:35 AM
I agree completely castalot . Many good people come here to pray for others , ask for prayer . To encourage and spread GOD's word . There are not many places like this .

Lord be with us and help us glorify you by all that happens here . Help guide us in what you would have done . Thank you for bringing us together for fellowship through our faith in you . Help us work together in your name . Amen

01-04-2017, 08:38 AM
What we do and how we do it has an impact.

We need to be careful, think first, consider what someone else will feel when we post.

We all make mistakes, but we can do better.

Overall the Chapel is very good, lets keep it that way.

01-04-2017, 09:10 AM
Amen, The Chapel is a great place to share in our common bond in Jesus Christ.

01-04-2017, 09:53 AM
The Chapel is a very important part of my life just as I would hope it is for others.

01-04-2017, 03:44 PM
The character of the people here is what makes it such a great place. It's all of you, combined together. What a great example of real Christian attitudes in action! We occasionally have a disagreement in interpretations, and that's good. How else are we to learn? It's got to be part of the reason our Lord admonished us to "study to show thyself approved," doesn't it? Even the disciples argued over what Christ meant sometimes, and they had Him to go to to settle the matters. We here have no such access to Him. Only the words He left us, and a Christian attitude that keeps us open to learning more or something different, sometimes, than we'd thought before. It's that Christian attitude and spirit that keeps us cohesive, even when we might disagree on some point, and thus, keeps us strong and able to do God's will SO much better together!

I think there's a lesson in all this. Some churches split over some point of doctrine, rather than settle it. Egos get involved, and ... bad things result. As Christians, I believe humility enough to argue and discuss without being haughty or self-righteous is THE hallmark of REAL full-fledged and active Christianity. And we have it here. It'll always be a pretty tenuous thing to keep us balanced on that razor edge between constructive and DEstructive arguing, but Christ never told us it'd be easy, did He?

God has given us a wonderful world, full of life and all the things that CAN make our lives full, rich and productive, and very pleasant IF we do our due diligence in managing it all. It's the same way here, and I am SO heartened by the attitudes and behavior of all who post here. This alone makes this place "special." It's a place we can pour our hearts out without reservation, and where we can be constrained by others from going too far afield, without being afraid of being put down, disparaged or insulted. The real Christian love that exists here is amazing, and shows full well how we MIGHT, if we could just govern ourselves appropriately, make the nation a LOT more like what I believe God always intended for us to be. He doesn't expect us to be perfect, and he knows we're not all that smart a lot of the time, so .... he just gave us the simple Grace and Love to get around all the stumbling blocks Satan throws in front of us so regularly. But we DO have to be smart enough to use these things, and to stay humble enough that we don't get our feelings hurt too easily. That's sometimes the hardest part, when all around us, folks do just that. As much as it pains us all to admit it, we all too regularly do what we see others doing, rather than what Christ so wisely told us to do. That alone ought to keep us humble enough to conduct ourselves as we so regularly see us doing here.

Life's FULL of lessons, if we'll just remove the scales from our eyes and simply see what's right before us. I think that's why God gives us troubles when we don't do as he instructed. He seems to love us enough to discipline us when we need it. And we ALL need it from time to time. (insert silly, shamed grin here!)

But it's YOU ... and I mean ALL of you .... who have made this place what it is - a kind of respite from the profane world around us. But we can't STAY here. We have to come here for refreshment and inspiration, and THEN take it and DO something with it. And God always sees to it we have ample opportunities to say or do some little something that can make a difference in our and others' lives. It's just how He's made things work in this realm. Do we serve a great, Loving and righteous God or what?

01-04-2017, 06:23 PM
This is a sweet place.

01-04-2017, 07:02 PM
Amen to all the above.
