View Full Version : New year

01-02-2017, 10:38 AM
Here we are at the start of another new year, what a start it has been!

A member of our church Glen, a few years back had part of one of his lungs removed; cancer. He had a full recovery. Around four months ago he started having problems again, and to top it off his other lung started failing. On December 18 he went on life support. On the twenty fourth he received a new set of lungs. All is going great. Tuesday the doctors will remove a chest tube,Wednesday they will remove his feeding tube, and if the Lord says so he will be going home Thursday.

Sunday a friend, a faithful hard morning member of the church, crawled in the tub and let everyone know he belonged to Christ. Even though he was faithful, even though he had works, he was just playing the part he said it was time to make it real.

After the service we where putting stuff up,and a young girl 13 said she wanted to be part of the family of God.

To God be all the glory praise His holly name

in the pit there is a thread "post uplifting videos" maybe we can leave this thread open for uplifting story's ???

01-02-2017, 10:45 AM
rl69, great testimony and praise the Lord! This year I am going to try to minister to more and be more understanding and pray that God will give me the strength to keep up this resolution! Happy New Year Brother....Paul

smoked turkey
01-02-2017, 10:51 AM
Yes, the Lord has given us a new year to live for Him in a better way and with more consistency than last year. Thank you Lord for health and strength to not only be about our lives but also to do Your bidding. May we hear His still small voice.
Happy New year to all.

01-02-2017, 11:05 AM
Good idea on the thread rl69 ! Should be a lot to report , lol if there isn't just means we need to get busy !

01-02-2017, 11:20 AM
I'll call this ...I failed !

Driving to church Christmas morning I was in a hurry , wasn't late ..just in a hurry like I always am . Came to a four way stop where a crippled old black man sells newspapers , rolled down the window and wished him Merry Christmas ! He responded the same .
Started driving , got on the interstate and it came to me I should have given him a gift . Got on to church but it bothered me , felt it had been put on me to do it and failed .

Got out of the service and on the way home had to maneuver around to get back to where he sat . In was about 0ne oclock and he's usually gone by then . BUT There he was ! Gave him a donation , I got a second chance ! GOD is good ! GOD is all around us but we have to be listening .

01-02-2017, 11:48 AM
The miracles performed on a daily basis boggle the mind !

Prayers for Glen and all the hands that made him well again, and special prayers for the donor and family.

Der Gebirgsjager
01-02-2017, 01:02 PM
Wow! Quite a story(ies), rl69! How amazing it is that they can replace one's lungs. Even entire hearts, joints, almost everything it seems except the brain. Of course, if they did that, I guess the recipient would be a different person. So many people don't understand that the knowledge and skill to be able to do these things has been given to man by God, and that these things are actually the miracles that scoffers demand to see. Man, in his ignorance and arrogance, believes that he has wrested the science and technology from nature himself, but without God opening doors and nudging gifted individuals toward them, these advances would never have occurred. Just rambling thoughts, I guess....

01-02-2017, 06:06 PM
I'm with Elder7. Every day, miracles and acts of Christian kindness and love go unreported and unnoticed. I think that's the way God intended for most of what we do to be. Just simple, personal moments where there's just two of us and God. But let some evil occur, and it's all we hear about. That's not right, eihter! If someone publicized something I did that was "noteworthy" in a newsy sense, I'd be embarased, because I always figure that stuff is just between me and God and the person being helped. That's kind'a a contradiction, I guess, but .... the world is full of them.

It's good to have a place to relate some inspirational stories of people and situations we run into, though. Maybe this is the kind of thing that is a good place to share these things? I don't think anyone here is looking for self agrandizement at all, and sharing inspirational stories surely brings a peace to us all that we just can't find without such sharing. Thanks, RL.

01-02-2017, 07:54 PM
Glad God touched Glen & laid his healing hand upoun him. Glory be to God !!

01-02-2017, 11:31 PM
God is so gracious and full of mercy.