View Full Version : God is so generous and well-timed

01-01-2017, 10:51 PM
I just want to praise God for his generosity, and the generosity of his people. In the last few days I was exploring the option of becoming a vendor sponsor to get more into the business side of my hobby in the coming year. The up-front cost of it was going to be bad timing for us and I was resolved to go ahead with it anyway so I didn't say a thing about that to anyone.

Long story short, another forum member here covered the cost of my membership for the first year! They had no way of knowing how helpful this was to offer at this time and I didn't give any hints about it, it was just a pure act of generosity on their part, all they knew was I was thinking about becoming a VS. This was just a brief exchange via PM and it was such a great encouragement to kick off my plans and felt like a further blessing on top of all the others God has shown me this year.

My wife and I prayed a lot this year about "being willing to accept God's blessings freely" and he has really encouraged and rewarded us a result. This year "on paper" we are worse off than most previous years, but that isn't a blip on my radar because our relationship with God, our happiness together and our optimism for the future is better than it has ever been before.

Thanks for the great people in this forum and for God's blessings!

01-01-2017, 11:21 PM
Andy you have and continue to be a great source of encouragement for us! Your positive attitude and obvious relationship with the Lord is inspiring! Over the years the Lord has shown up big for us and made the impossible possible. Thanks for your posts.

01-02-2017, 10:29 AM
Always put your trust in God

01-02-2017, 10:49 AM
thanks, this is a lesson I need.

smoked turkey
01-02-2017, 10:58 AM
Congratulations Andy on being a vendor sponsor here on Cast Boolits. I was just reading a devotion a while ago that talked about giving Him our "first fruits" of all our increase. The idea here is to put Him first and He will open the windows of heaven and pour us out blessings we cannot contain. May this year be that way for you. As you already know and understand, we cannot out give God.

Preacher Jim
01-02-2017, 11:13 AM
Andy always remember you can not out give the Lord but you can share His blessings

01-02-2017, 06:09 PM
+1 with Jim and W5pv. God's at His very best when we don't expect Him to be there. What a wonderful God we serve!

01-02-2017, 07:46 PM
Amen, Andy and let the Lord show you the way & bless you and your family!!

01-02-2017, 07:50 PM
Good on the member/friend and you for post of the generosity.

May I ask...what do you vend?

01-02-2017, 07:51 PM
Andy, great testimony. God is with each of us even though we dont always recognize it. Thank You, Father for what You did for Andy. AMEN

01-02-2017, 07:53 PM
Amen and JOY!!
God is so Good to let us worship Him!

I am slow on the uptake, what are you vending?
Is there a web site?
Thank you

01-02-2017, 11:33 PM
Amen and thanks for sharing your testimony.

01-03-2017, 08:50 PM
Thank you guys, I don't want to ignore the people asking what I am vending but I didn't want this post to be about that (couldn't avoid mentioning it to relate the story though). I put a description up under my page on the VS part of swapping and selling if you want to read the details, just a small endeavor at the moment.

My wife and I both feel very encouraged at the start of this new year and the timing of a number of things in our lives feels great right now and we have God to thank for all of that.