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01-01-2017, 06:50 PM
Short story...My Lee mold and handles arrived yesterday. That was awesome as the expected date was the 3rd. Today I went out and fired up the pot. Prepped the mold and started casting. Once I got in the swing of it I could turn out some nice looking boolits pretty quick. There's a pan full sitting in the oven curing the PP right now.

Long story...I've found my new hobby! I already fish, making fishing lures, shoot, and reload. Now I'm going to start casting my own boolits. I've been kicking the idea around every since my health forced me into an early retirement. I told myself that I would wait till me moved. We were planning on leaving Oregon and moving to Texas. Then I found out I had prostate cancer. I was only 52 but since my father died of aggressive prostate cancer I've been getting checked every year. Well my PSA went from a 2 to a 6 in 11 months. That's not good. I had surgery to remove the prostate, seminal vesicles, and 19 lymph nodes. My final Gleason score was a 4/5 and it was a very aggressive type. After I healed up from surgery I went through 35 radiation treatments. A couple months after I finished treatment we moved to Texas.

I've been busy with stuff around the house and with my toys and an additional major surgery to implant an artificial urinary sphincter. A worse surgery to recover from than the cancer surgery! I finally decided to take the plunge into boolit casting as I figured out it was not going to be all that expensive since I already had several lead pots, including a Pro-Melt. I decided to powder coat since I already had powder on hand from doing fishing lures and it saved the money over a lubri-sizer.

I ordered a Lee 6 cavity 200 gr SWC mold and handles and a NOE push through sizing die. The mold and handles arrived yesterday. The NOE order is still being processed.

I went out today and fired up the Pro-Melt which is full of soft lead, which should not be a problem in .45 ACP and being powder coated. Unpacked the mold and the first thing I noticed is the mold requires lube and Lee doesn't include any. I remembered from reading on this site that synthetic two cycle oil would work. I just happened to have some of that. So I cleaned the mold, lubed it up, warmed it up and started to cast. Casting boolits is quite a bit different than casting lures and jigs. I was not expecting how different it would be.

I figured out how to get it done and settled into a routine. I managed to get about 300 beautiful boolits cast. They are weighing around 206.7 +/- .2 grains each. I measured them and they are dropping out of the mold at .452.5 +/= .2

I figured out the black BB powder coating method. A bit difficult since the humidity was a bit high today. Used three colors of the powder I had on hand and put a full tray ~150 boolits into the oven.

By that time my feather child was demanding that I come into the house and pay attention to him. I'll get pictures up tomorrow.

I'm hooked on boolit casting. There's something about it that just feels right. My lead consumption just took a big trend upwards. I've been going through around 50 lbs a month doing lures and jigs.

Since I've been invited to join a local gun range I'll being doing a lot more shooting! Been trying to get into this range since 2014. Membership was closed but they opened it up last year. Didn't make it last year but this year I received an invite! It's about 25-30 minutes from the house but that's not bad IMHO.

I scored a five gallon bucket of old wheel weights last week. Going to have to hit the scrap yard this week and see if I can get some lead!

01-01-2017, 06:54 PM
Short story...My Lee mold and handles arrived yesterday. That was awesome as the expected date was the 3rd. Today I went out and fired up the pot. Prepped the mold and started casting. Once I got in the swing of it I could turn out some nice looking boolits pretty quick. There's a pan full sitting in the oven curing the PP right now.

Long story...I've found my new hobby! I already fish, making fishing lures, shoot, and reload. Now I'm going to start casting my own boolits. I've been kicking the idea around every since my health forced me into an early retirement. I told myself that I would wait till me moved. We were planning on leaving Oregon and moving to Texas. Then I found out I had prostate cancer. I was only 52 but since my father died of aggressive prostate cancer I've been getting checked every year. Well my PSA went from a 2 to a 6 in 11 months. That's not good. I had surgery to remove the prostate, seminal vesicles, and 19 lymph nodes. My final Gleason score was a 4/5 and it was a very aggressive type. After I healed up from surgery I went through 35 radiation treatments. A couple months after I finished treatment we moved to Texas.

I've been busy with stuff around the house and with my toys and an additional major surgery to implant an artificial urinary sphincter. A worse surgery to recover from than the cancer surgery! I finally decided to take the plunge into boolit casting as I figured out it was not going to be all that expensive since I already had several lead pots, including a Pro-Melt. I decided to powder coat since I already had powder on hand from doing fishing lures and it saved the money over a lubri-sizer.

I ordered a Lee 6 cavity 200 gr SWC mold and handles and a NOE push through sizing die. The mold and handles arrived yesterday. The NOE order is still being processed.

I went out today and fired up the Pro-Melt which is full of soft lead, which should not be a problem in .45 ACP and being powder coated. Unpacked the mold and the first thing I noticed is the mold requires lube and Lee doesn't include any. I remembered from reading on this site that synthetic two cycle oil would work. I just happened to have some of that. So I cleaned the mold, lubed it up, warmed it up and started to cast. Casting boolits is quite a bit different than casting lures and jigs. I was not expecting how different it would be.

I figured out how to get it done and settled into a routine. I managed to get about 300 beautiful boolits cast. They are weighing around 206.7 +/- .2 grains each. I measured them and they are dropping out of the mold at .452.5 +/= .2

I figured out the black BB powder coating method. A bit difficult since the humidity was a bit high today. Used three colors of the powder I had on hand and put a full tray ~150 boolits into the oven.

By that time my feather child was demanding that I come into the house and pay attention to him. I'll get pictures up tomorrow.

I'm hooked on boolit casting. There's something about it that just feels right. My lead consumption just took a big trend upwards. I've been going through around 50 lbs a month doing lures and jigs.

Since I've been invited to join a local gun range I'll being doing a lot more shooting! Been trying to get into this range since 2014. Membership was closed but they opened it up last year. Didn't make it last year but this year I received an invite! It's about 25-30 minutes from the house but that's not bad IMHO.

I scored a five gallon bucket of old wheel weights last week. Going to have to hit the scrap yard this week and see if I can get some lead!

Man are you in trouble. You clearly have the type of personality most vulnerable to this dastardly part of the shooting sports hobby. I am so infected it's not even funny. Enjoy!

01-01-2017, 06:58 PM
Damn...whata story, glad you survived and joined us...hope you have many decades to fiddle with that lead.

I think you oughta change that avatar name to... 'SUPERMAN'

glad to know ya, and welcome aboard!


01-01-2017, 07:46 PM
God bless you and I wish you the best reguarding your health.
Welcome to the addiction.

01-01-2017, 07:47 PM
Thanks guys!

I've got a procedure coming up this week to remove a bladder stone. It's about the size of a 50 cent piece and is causing spasms that bypass my add-on equipment. It's scheduled to be a day surgery.

The doctor is going to run a scope up my urethra and use a laser to bust up the stone and then suck it out.

Hopefully that will get me back to a "dry" life and I'll feel more like doing things. It kind of sucks when you have to change out a pad every couple of hours.

01-01-2017, 08:53 PM
I've been dealing with constant sciatic pain since a failed back fusion in 95...but...ever now and then I run into a fella like you and your story makes me feel like a crying complaining wimp. The last story that got me was from a Lady I met by chance, her story had my tears running right in front of her, couldn't help it. These situations tend to bring out a spirit in us we never knew we had.
Hang in there Bud...you are a better man than I...shoot, the way things have been, you oughta tell that Dr. to install a zipper in your belly so he can get in there ever now and then for a tune up without all the damn stitches and staples.
Best of luck to you on this next round and I'll mention you to my Lord who likes to help whenever He can too.

01-01-2017, 09:07 PM
Your going to have a lot of fun on this site (castboolits) there is so much to learn here, And A lot of great people here also. :) :castmine::lovebooli[smilie=2::Fire::Fire::Fire:

01-01-2017, 09:24 PM
Congrats on beating the cancer and picking up the casting bug

01-01-2017, 11:44 PM
Congratulations on getting into the sport, your recovery and especially in getting into the range near you. Mine is only a few minutes away and man would it suck if they were closed for membership, so I can imagine the relief of getting in there.

01-01-2017, 11:59 PM
wow, what an amazing story! So glad to hear you are doing well.

I, too, have a "feather child". A 20 year old Umbrella Cockatoo we have had since he was a baby.

I've been on medical leave from work for almost two years now after having a three level spine fusion and then a micro discectomy. The pain of which pales in comparison to what you have been through. Makes me want to suck it up and stop complaining. Leg and back pain are getting better, though. Just have to tough it out a bit longer. :)

Interesting (and humbling) to hear what some of the guys on the board have been through.

Good to meet you, and I hope you are doing well!

01-02-2017, 12:11 AM
Glad you are here to share the story and you are now a fully emersed addict!

01-02-2017, 12:22 AM
Glad you are liking the casting.

Prayer sent for you health.

01-02-2017, 12:47 AM
:drinks: Welcome aboard sir.Welcome to the insanity.Wishing you the best for a complete recovery.God bless you and yours.Oh yeah.Happy New Year from me and mine to you and yours.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

01-02-2017, 08:54 AM
Welcome to the site and the sport. Hopefully you've kicked that cancer and can now get on to important things like shooting and casting.

Not sure where you are in Texas, but it's a very gun friendly place. My folks just moved up closer into assisted living, but lived in NE Texas 20 years or so beforehand and Dad was a member of several clubs with ranges that catered to different types of things, the last one being mainly a muzzle loader club which he liked because it was very layed back. I'm sure you'll like the southwest better than the left coast.

01-02-2017, 09:25 AM
wow, what an amazing story! So glad to hear you are doing well.

I, too, have a "feather child". A 20 year old Umbrella Cockatoo we have had since he was a baby.

I've been on medical leave from work for almost two years now after having a three level spine fusion and then a micro discectomy. The pain of which pales in comparison to what you have been through. Makes me want to suck it up and stop complaining. Leg and back pain are getting better, though. Just have to tough it out a bit longer. :)

Interesting (and humbling) to hear what some of the guys on the board have been through.

Good to meet you, and I hope you are doing well!

Our current feather child is a Goffin's. He's not quite three. On Dec. 26th we lost our little guy. Twinkie was a lutino Cockitiel that had just turned 30. Just before we moved to Texas we lost Issac, a wild caught Goffin's we had had for 25 years.

They become part of the family, that's for sure.

The health problem that caused me to retire was my back. I broke my back in the Marines and had back surgery at 18. My last 20 years working was as a City Letter Carrier walking 10 miles a day and up and down 4000 steps. In June 2012 the back took a serious turn for the worse. I took three weeks off work and went back to work in July. In the three weeks I was back at work I only worked four complete days. I either went home early or didn't make it into work the other days. Finally the day came where I had been at work for about an hour and I was standing at my case trying to case mail and had tears running down my face from the pain. I walked off the job, a job I loved, and never returned. Went to see my doctor at the VA the next day and told him I didn't think I was going to be able to work any longer. He told me he had realized that back in June and was wondering how long it was going to take me to come to that realization.

Chronic back problems suck hind tit, pure and simple.

Thankfully I've got a great wife who helps me out. I couldn't make it without her.

01-02-2017, 10:44 AM
Well...just exactly what I thought when I read your first post..."He must be a Marine, he's a tough old bird!"

Semper Fi...charlie

01-02-2017, 10:48 AM
Well...just exactly what I thought when I read your first post..."He must be a Marine, he's a tough old bird!"

Semper Fi...charlie

Hey! I'm not THAT old.

I was issued Sateens in Boot Camp. Never got to wear them. We had to trade them in for Cammies a couple of weeks later.

1978 that was.

I'm 56 now. I just feel older. I try and act like a teenager but my wife reminds me I'm not.

01-02-2017, 11:03 AM
Ok...lemme rephrase a weelittlebit..."He's a tough young minded middle aged 'ole' bird...but he's still a Marine!"

01-02-2017, 01:53 PM
Welcome to the site and I'm praying for a quick and complete recovery with the bladder stone surgery. Man, a kidney stone the size of a BB put me on the ground writhing and whining... sounds like you have been thru the wringer!

Texas by God
01-02-2017, 02:06 PM
Welcome to Texas. Expect 6 months of summer most years. Continue to heal and enjoy your new habit. Best, Thomas.

01-02-2017, 07:11 PM
Welcome to the site and I'm praying for a quick and complete recovery with the bladder stone surgery. Man, a kidney stone the size of a BB put me on the ground writhing and whining... sounds like you have been thru the wringer!

Mine is too big to get into the urethra. The only effect I have from it is a constant leak. That gets old real quick and I'm too old for diaper rash.

01-03-2017, 07:36 AM
God bless and welcome. Enjoy our wonderful practice–it can quickly become a big part of your life (did for me).
May your health stay on the upswing. Bodies, huh? I know.

Ken in Iowa
01-03-2017, 08:50 AM

I have been down your path with the prostate. My sphincter helped immensely! 2 pads a day is better than 12! Lol

Officially retired 2 years ago and am on disability income. I'm 61 now. I used my retirement gift card to buy casting gear. It's a nice diversion.

Semper Fi!

01-03-2017, 11:33 AM

I have been down your path with the prostate. My sphincter helped immensely! 2 pads a day is better than 12! Lol

Officially retired 2 years ago and am on disability income. I'm 61 now. I used my retirement gift card to buy casting gear. It's a nice diversion.

Semper Fi!

I was down to just using one shield a day. Then this pesky bladder stone popped up. It happened almost overnight. Thursday is the day of my procedure. Sadly they are going to have once again remove some scar tissue in the bladder neck to get the scope into my bladder. Probably going to have to deactivate the sphincter for a week or two after the procedure.

01-03-2017, 11:37 AM
Dear Lord above...please give this Grunt a break...Semper Fi & Amen!

01-03-2017, 04:14 PM
I've just got bph that's bad enough .I'm defiantly a wimp compared to you guys.

01-03-2017, 05:27 PM
Dear Lord above...please give this Grunt a break...Semper Fi & Amen!



01-04-2017, 03:39 PM
Pictures of my PC coated bullets are in the coating section.

I've got a blue powder that's $3.25 a pound that did a awesome job!

01-06-2017, 11:57 AM
Pictures of my PC coated bullets are in the coating section.

I've got a blue powder that's $3.25 a pound that did a awesome job!

Going to go look for those right now. Hope you are feeling well after your procedure yesterday.

My feather child is standing on my shoulder sharing his coffee with me. Yeah, I know they aren't supposed to have it, but he loves coffee more than anything.

01-06-2017, 12:18 PM
Welcome aboard. Casting is worth the effort. I've enjoyed it for years. Hope your med issues get under control. I can empathize. Got aggressive bladder cancer, too. What a joy when they go spelunking, with that camera, up stream in Mr. Happy. Ouch!

01-06-2017, 01:14 PM
Welcome aboard. Casting is worth the effort. I've enjoyed it for years. Hope your med issues get under control. I can empathize. Got aggressive bladder cancer, too. What a joy when they go spelunking, with that camera, up stream in Mr. Happy. Ouch!

Went to the VA yesterday. They ran the stiff scope upstream. Removed some scar tissue at the bladder neck, got rid of a bladder stone, and removed a scar in the bladder. Lasers are amazing! Stuck with a foley for a day or so. They are trying to get me into Saturday clinic as the doctor wants the foley out ASAP.

I just had to take a 45-minute break in typing this post as it was a 10:30 appointment with my feather child. Every morning at 10:30 he wants some daddy time.

01-07-2017, 02:51 AM
Semper Fi Marine! Hang in there, get better....

01-07-2017, 11:47 AM

No Saturday appointment for me. I gotta shlep around this bag of pee till Monday. Kind of puts a damper on doing any casting or reloading.

01-07-2017, 01:00 PM
Welcome to the casting world. Sorry about the pee, God bless ya.