View Full Version : Minted a new handgunner yesterday

01-01-2017, 09:57 AM
Got to introduce a young woman to handguns yesterday. We started here at the house by looking at various types of handguns and how they work. She was encouraged to ask questions and handle what ever she wanted. We covered safety and function. She then picked some guns to take to the range and try out. She chose a S&W model 19, GP100 match champion, and a Sig 1911. We also took the S&W model 30-1. At the range we stapled up targets and moved up to the 7 yard line. The drill was the same for each gun. Dry fire at the target a few times. Then one round was loaded and she fired it. She was asked about how that felt and corrections were made. Then we loaded 2 rounds and so on. Her favorites were the model 19 with light loads and wait for it ... the 1911 with 452260's over 5.8 of 231. Not exactly and powder puff load. This is the second female novice shooter that I have instructed who liked the 1911 best.

We spent about 3 hours all together with breaks to rest her arms and lots of time to answer questions. Questions were encouraged. Our targets were paper pates with a red spot in the center. I don't like to use silhouette targets in general and especially with a new shooter. She was getting groups she could cover with her hand at 7 yards before her arms got tired.

Some might disagree with starting a novice on center fires but I have found that letting them have a say in what they want to shoot is very important. We spent a lot of time on how the gun would behave and how each one worked. How a gun fees in the hand is very important to a new shooter. I stripped the 1911 to show her how it worked and what went on in there.
She left with her best target and a large smile talking about getting her own gun. Mrs. Thumbcocker and I committed to more range trips in the future.

A few facts about our new hand gunner. She is an attorney from Chicago in her 20's who had never held a handgun before yesterday. I did not ask but I am pretty sure her political views are different from many here. It was a very pleasant day she is intelligent, paid close attention, was safety conscious, and talked about how much fun shooting was. You just never can tell.

Wayne Smith
01-01-2017, 10:26 AM
Thank you, not only for what you do but for posting it to encourage the rest of us.

01-01-2017, 10:38 AM
I have come to find a persons political, religious or social economic background has little to do with ones interest in guns all the time. Reference my brother a life long Democrat from the suburbs of Chicago and a Lic'd. Psychologist. At 65 years old he how owns 4 handguns and shoots regularly. Then my Born Again sister in Mont. that just sold a Ruger 357 because she was tired of it and needed the cash.

Very nice that you took the time with this young person and show them the ropes with a good selection of guns to choose from. I started my wife the same way. Round target, one round at a time from 10 yards. She now has an XD Mod2 9mm coming that we hope to pick up tomorrow.

01-01-2017, 04:23 PM
Sound introduction with pretty predictable results, well done.

The wife hogs my 1911 too,,,,,,,,

01-01-2017, 04:34 PM
very nice. thats the stuff that keeps us going. I must confess, I shuld do more myself to introduce new shooters. thank you sir. and your wife.

01-01-2017, 07:06 PM
Great job, Cocker! And that's the absolute BEST way to do it! Bet she's a budding marksman, too! Women LISTEN, and have no qualms about receiving instruction. They aren't pre-wedded to any concepts or ego problems, and .... they just shoot GREAT when we teach them step by step through the process. One more lady who has a better than fighting chance of surviving a murderous attacker, and THAT, my friend, is one great leap forward for all of us! Great job!

B. Lumpkin
01-01-2017, 07:09 PM
Very good!

01-01-2017, 08:42 PM
I think you get TWO points for an attorney!
Ole Jack

01-02-2017, 01:22 AM
Buddy of mine used to do CCW classes at our old range. You'd see just about everything that would go bang at these classes. I'd watch some of the ladies classes just to see what they would be shooting. And no suprise when those who were shooting 1911's with factory ammo. And the majority of them were very good shooters. I would introduce myself after the classes would be over and ask the 1911 shooters how they felt about the semi auto's and how confident they felt. In just about every case they loved the 1911 platform and were confident in their handling and shooting. And many times I would let them shoot my 1911A1 and they loved it. Went through many rounds and thiink I enjoyed it as much as they did. Frank

smoked turkey
01-02-2017, 11:07 AM
Thumbcocker from the sound of things you did us all a good service as well as the young lady. Anytime we can introduce a new shooter to our wonderful hobby and get the results you got, it is going to be a great thing. Perhaps we can all make that a resolution for this year. That is to bring the younger set into our hobby.

01-02-2017, 11:18 AM
Thank you thumb cocker, it is awesome to know others are doing this as well, the wife and i have been approached by 4 diffrent couples this last year
To teach them about firearms and we have used just about the same proccess of teaching as you described. Thank you for your time and patience with this young lady

01-02-2017, 03:42 PM
So lets see if I got this right: you taught a LAWYER, from CHICAGO how to shoot!

Curious as to what sparked her original interest in firearms, and hope it was a good thing, the opportunity to open the mind of a liberal can never be ignored and is always a good thing.

I commend you for taking the steps you have and hope you have a good feel for the end result, this young lady may be a part of the turning point for this country to get back to it's real roots and not those forced on us by the Liberal media.

Only time will tell please keep us advised if you keep in touch with her.


Plate plinker
01-02-2017, 11:22 PM
First guns, then dare I say it Conservatism? We can only hope.

01-03-2017, 10:00 AM
Heck at one point in time people having guns was a radically liberal idea. Didn't set well at all with King George. I have run into several people who run the spectrum on social issues who still like shooting and hunting. The Bill of Rights is one of the most liberal documents ever drafted. Treating a government as a tool that exists at the pleasure of the governed. Put that in context at a time when the conventional wisdom was that kings ruled by divine right.

I never bring up politics when I instruct a new shooter. The last thing I want to do is affirm a stereotype of the shooting community as rabidly political. Focus on safety, success, and having fun. You will probably not change an adults position on issues that they have firmly held beliefs on and will offend them by trying. Having that person say to their friends " I like shooting and met some really nice people " or " As a matter of fact I am a gun owner" is a pretty good days work for our hobby and way of life.

01-03-2017, 08:00 PM
I believe that makes 3 in the last year, but who is counting. 8-) Congrats on getting her out shooting! You and the Mrs should stop by next time you in the area.