View Full Version : For thought and meditation

01-01-2017, 08:42 AM
So be careful how you live. Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.—Ephesians 5:15–16 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=92f71b1c37&e=3dd732485b)If you were to read your own obituary today, what do you think people would remember you for?

I read about a man who died and told the truth in his obituary. He confessed, "As it turns out, I am the guy who stole the safe from the Motor View Drive Inn back in June 1971. I could have left that unsaid, but I wanted to get it off my chest."

He also admitted to kicking rocks into the Old Faithful geyser at Yellowstone National Park, and to being "banned for life" from Disneyland and Sea World following youthful hijinks.

His wife of 33 years confirmed the events he confessed were true. She added, "He wanted to set a new standard on how obituaries should be written." I appreciate the honesty, but hopefully you and I will be remembered for more than that.

You don't determine the date of your birth or the date of your death, but you determine what you do between those dates.

The great evangelist D.L. Moody was asked the question, "If you knew the Lord were returning tonight, how would you spend the rest of your day?" Moody replied, "I wouldn't do anything different than I do every day."

Is that how you live?

We ought to live each year as if it were our last. We are here to redeem the time, not waste it. It has been said that, "men talk of killing time while time quietly kills them."

Though I am not a big fan of making New Year's resolutions, I do think the new year is a great time to "recalibrate." We need to live our lives with an eternal perspective, because—all things considered—life here on earth comes and goes very quickly. The Bible describes it as a "vapor of smoke" and "a story already told." Then comes the afterlife.

How will you keep an eternal perspective

Pine Baron
01-01-2017, 09:27 AM
Thank you, rl69. Great lesson.
I think this is a loaded question. For most, wisdom is a sum of age and experience. We've heard the saying "wisdom beyond his years". There is a perspective that is gained only through time and circumstance and lessons learned. We sure can be stubborn critters, can't we?

01-01-2017, 10:17 AM
Very well said.

01-01-2017, 04:40 PM
Wow! What a great and timely message for the first day of a brand spanking new year! Amen! Such an easy thought to lose sight of when we get all absorbed in the cares and trifles of each new day. We get sidetracked so easily! But let us resolve on this, the first day of a brand new year, to keep this in mind more and better than we ever have before. I suspect it'll come in handy at many points in the coming year, where remembering such a penetrating and simple thought might make all the difference in how we see a situation, how we react to it, and thus, resultingly, in what results we bring from it. Thanks. Great thought to start any new year ..... or day.

01-01-2017, 04:44 PM
Every day like the last , life is but a vapor.......