View Full Version : Patience

12-31-2016, 02:30 PM
If there's one trait I think of when I think of God, it has to be patience. He's SO very patient with us, even when we are willful. Being God over us humans MUST be like trying to herd cats! I can't even really imagine it myself.

And patience is probably the rarest commodity in our world today. Everything and everybody seems to always be in a hurry. And in their haste, they overlook and totally miss SO much in this life! I told an 80 yr. old lady once that I knew she was a Christian when I first laid eyes on her. She asked how I could possibly know a thing like that. I smiled, and told her it was the look in her eyes - a searching, inquisitive and totally unafraid look, and in her gait and manner - casual, progressive and in no big hurry. I told her that the look in her eyes told me that she was looking all about, but what she was seeing was beyond the mere physicality of it all. It just shone through so clearly it couldn't be missed. Her eyebrows rose, and she seemed impressed, but not fully convinced, but at least accepted that possibility.

And she has always proven to be one of the calmest and most patient people I think I've ever known, but she's always been very much that way. She had a heart defect as a child, and the docs told her Mom she'd probably not last through her teen years. Her Mom was devastated! And she prayed every night of her life that God would spare this wonderful woman. And God granted that prayer. She recently had some surgery in Savannah, and flew through it like a hot knife through butter. Not one complication of any sort. Her whole life has been a testament to the power and glory of the Lord and His power to heal and be merciful and extend His grace to us when we simply ask for it. What a wonderful story her whole life is!

And it has, I think, helped her become one of the most patient, confident and truly loving people on the face of our God's green earth! She's a true wonder to more willful types like myself!

So it is, that with a new leader for our nation, that one of the things I'll be praying for most earnestly for myself in the coming year is simple patience. If we have patience, we slow down, and if we slow down, we CAN give ourselves the simple time and blessing to simply NOTICE things we have probably been glossing over or ignoring for years and years. I've lived a very active life, and was in a hurry for most of it. Now, maybe it's time I and likely a lot more of us toned it all down a few bars, and just thought about things more, and do less. So much of what we do really doesn't amount to a hill of beans, really, and yet, we drive ourselves like it was "do or die." We chase what we moderns tend to call "the American dream" of more, more, more, but we enjoy it all less and less and less. Folks, that "just ain't right!"

I think we could all benefit from a lot more patience, and could do with a bit less than we usually think we really "need" to be what we call "happy" today. And I don't know about you, but so many of the folks who actually GOT all that they thought would make them "happy," have found that they no longer know how to really appreciate or enjoy any of it. They can't often even enjoy a good day on the water fishing, or a day in the woods hunting. They've forgotten how to "be a kid again," and simply enjoy whatever we have before us.

I've always said I'd be like Peter Pan, and never really "grow up," as the term has been used for most of my life. I've had one whale of a great time in my life, through even the bad parts. I've drunk whatever cup was before me pretty much to the lees. Now, I'm kind'a glad it's slowing down for me. I'm so much more satisfied, now that I'm not trying to be "happy." My sense of humor is better, deeper and stronger. My love for family, friends and my God are stronger.

Truly, patience is a real "wonder drug" if we'll just use it. So join me if you will, and your own situation and life allow it, in trying to really learn true patience this coming year. It really matters, and can change more than any of us can fathom it ought to in our lives. But it does it no matter what we think or project about it.

So join me if you will in seeking patience in the new year. I suspect we're all gonna' need a big ol' dose of it, because it seems to promise to be a vexing and critical year in all our lives. Praise the Lord, and thanks be to Him for all he so generously gives us each and every day.

12-31-2016, 02:51 PM
I can say that patience is one virtue that God has granted me as I have grown in His word and come to know more about Him, But also is an area like others need to abound more and more. I thank you so much for the most important lesson and your time, Amen.

12-31-2016, 03:57 PM
I have no patience. I cannot wait to get some!

Pine Baron
01-01-2017, 10:04 AM
BW, thanks for this most excellent post.
Patience allows perseverance. Patience leads us to thoughtfulness. Patience requires work. God doesn't give us patience, he gives us the opportunity to be patient.
I am working on it.

01-01-2017, 04:52 PM
This is simply one of those thoughts that struck me, that I know I need to work on in the coming year. All my life, I could have been the poster child for that old joke about the fellow who prayed, "God grant me patience, and I want it RIGHT NOW!" It's amazing to me how much I now realize I've missed by simply not being patient enoguh to "stop and smell the roses," and LET God speak to me. Instead, I was head-strong, and bound on getting done what I thought I needed to. When one puts on those blinders, he lets all sorts of good things sneak right by him without ever really noticing them. I'm tired of missing the good things in life! I want to relish them as much as I can. So .... after all these years, I'm finally learning how to simply pay attention, and it's mostly just very simply, about not being in so darned much of a hurry! It's said that some folks will die in a hurry, and now, I understand that a lot more fully. "Too soon old, too late smart!" That's me in a nutshell!

01-01-2017, 05:17 PM
James 1;1-6

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

01-01-2017, 09:35 PM
I started life as a red head with a real Irish temper to go with it.....fast forward 64+ years and the red has turned gray and the temper has calmed down....Thank You God for helping me with this issue! Please Lord keeping working on me!