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12-31-2016, 08:18 AM
A Clear Sense of Direction

“Your statutes are wonderful; therefore I obey them. The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119:129-130).

Scripture Focus: Psalm 32

If the following episode were true, it would be tragic. Because it is not true, it is laughable. A pilot announced to his passengers, “I have bad news and good news. First the bad news: our navigator has lost our position, so we don't know where we are or where we're going. Now the good news: we are making very good time.”

Life for far too many of us seems aimless, but considering how we rush about, we are making very good time. The question is where is all this fast-paced living taking us?

The Christian life is the antithesis of aimless activity. God's Word directs every Christian step by step through life and portrays heaven as the final destination, a place of eternal joy. As Christians we may stumble on the straight and narrow path that leads to heaven, but we are still on the right path.

By the way, God is the Christian’s navigator. He never loses sight of where He's taking His people. With God, there is no bad news!

Insight: Those who go through life without God are in a maze. Those who walk with God are amazed – amazed at His goodness and grace.

12-31-2016, 09:48 AM
Amen, Excellent lesson.

square butte
12-31-2016, 09:49 AM
Appreciate the scripture this morning - And the study/story

12-31-2016, 09:52 AM
A timely message from the Word of God. It fits our society so well.

12-31-2016, 10:16 AM
Thank you rl69 .

Pine Baron
12-31-2016, 10:47 AM
Thank you, rl, once again.
"As Christians we may stumble on the straight and narrow path that leads to heaven, but we are still on the right path."
If I might add "We will stumble".

12-31-2016, 02:04 PM
I can't think of a more poignant and useful "last message for the year" than this one! How True!

And have you ever thought that with over a BILLION believers now in the world, and the billions more who've gone on to their reward, that in each and every case, it's always a one-on-one witnessing that got each and every one of them across the threshold into belief? One-on-one, billions of times, is what the true foundation of our Christian religion is built. Just like a brick house is laid one brick at a time. And it depends totally on that repetition.

If we ever falter, get "lazy," or quit really caring, or maybe get discouraged and quit witnessing, or get overwhelmed by all the evil we've already let grow in the world around us, Christianity and the whole world will inevitably collapse on itself by the sheer weight of the evil in it.

it's up to us - each and every one of us - to do our part, in whatever way we can contribute, to keep it going, and primarily, it's with our young that we will determine what kind of "legacy" we Christians will leave behind us. The hurry-up-go, topsy-turvy, messed up world we live in NEEDS each and every one of us, in whatever capacity we can make our contribution to the effort, to make our world and our nation what God always intended for it and us to be. If we rest on our laurels, and fail to grow ourselves, it shrinks and fouls our whole world around us. WE are the key! Each and every one of us.

Not one among us is incapable of contributing, and though many might not believe it, we can ALL witness MUCH more effectively than we'd likely ever guess. All we need to do, really, is just stay humble, keep our sense of humor and our knowledge of the importance and urgency of our efforts, and a little knowledge of what our own faith has meant to us. Add in a little easily learned stuff, like some real "reasons to believe," and we CAN be MUCH more effective than many would ever suspect we should be.

We too often think of being "humble" as being "mousey." Nothing could be further from the truth! Only Satan would want us to believe that! Christ certainly wouldn't! Most folks are afraid of "looking bad" or of saying something "wrong," but there IS no "wrong" way to tell folks what YOUR religion has meant to you. And too often, we have too rigid a set of expectations for results. "Brick by brick" is the way a house is built. Bringing someone to Christ often works the same way. One little comment at a time, stated without reservation or shame. We can't be intimidated about our faith. We CAN'T! It bespeaks weakness and doubt within our own selves, and that's no way to witness!

First, make up YOUR mind what you believe and why. Then, just tell people about it. It's your unique story, and there are as many stories as there are people. All folks really need or want in order to believe, IF they're amenable to belief at all, is just a simple, forthright, honest, earnest and plain spoken story of what it's done for YOU. People always want faith. Many just have become so used to living without it, they can't any longer imagine what faith really even is! But show them. Let them see the truth and honesty and sincerity in your eyes, and hear it in your voice. Be bold, not "mousey!" And don't be proud or "holier than thou." Just state your case humbly and honestly and forthrigtly, and firmly. The rest is up to them.

I've seen a guy once, that I recall right now, talk about someone who witnessed like that to him, say something to the effect, "Boy! That guy almost had ME believing!" And later on, some years later, he finally DID come to belief. So if you don't get immediate gratification like you wanted, lay your own expectations aside, and let God and that person work it out between them. That's a part of Faith, too, ya' know?

Once you've done it once, and surprised yourself with the results, it gets easier and better and generally more effective each successive time you do it. So what's keeping you from getting started NOW? Time's a'wastin' every day, and sould are out there who need to hear what you have to offer. God will put them before you if you just do what you do normally. Opportunities will offer themselves to you. And all any of us really have to do is just talk to folks honestly, humbly, and with some sense of humor, and .... wonder of wonders, THEY LISTEN! And who knows what seeds you may plant that will sprout later? Most real "conversions" take time, so don't go demanding that God give you instant results! Be patient, like He is with us. Smile, and just keep up the good work without being intrusive or didactic or holier than thou. It works! Believe it or not, it really does!