View Full Version : Prayer for Randy

12-30-2016, 08:18 AM
Randy was my partner on the Dallas P.D. and we worked the most dangerous beat, area, in Dallas back in the 1970's. We worked together for years and we nabbed a bunch of bad guys in the years we worked together. During our time together we were never seriously hurt. Fast forward to 2016 and Randy is retired and home and falls through the ceiling and breaks his back. It appears that he will be a paraplegic and confined to a wheel chair for the rest of his life. Please pray for Randy. He is depressed and cant seem to shake the hopelessness he feels by being confined to the chair. Randy was a great partner and a great Christian. He always treated others as well as the situation would allow.

Father, Please come to Randy's aide and lift his spirits. If it is You will please physically heal him....if that is not Your plan please show him the positive ways that he can overcome his new situation. Father, Randy has always done the right thing and been there for others when the chips were down. Please raise his depression and lead him to peace. AMEN

12-30-2016, 08:30 AM
Paul I most certainly will pray for Randy.
To work under the conditions you guy's did also deserves an added thanks. For continually having to deal with that type of person deserves a lot more than just thanks! Kevin

square butte
12-30-2016, 08:42 AM
Prayer sent up for Randy this morning - It could be any of us at any moment.

12-30-2016, 08:47 AM
Of course.

Ours circumstances are so similar. My old partner from the ghettos of Baltimore had brain surgery this summer. I can't express it, but there is something very strong between partners. One of your partner's strengths and comforts will come from you. Prayers do help.

12-30-2016, 08:48 AM

12-30-2016, 09:16 AM
Praying for Randy and all concerned. Sorry to hear this

12-30-2016, 10:27 AM
Randy and his family will be on our prayer list.

12-30-2016, 10:38 AM
Prayers sent for him and his family.

12-30-2016, 10:55 AM
Father please heal Randy here if it is your will. We know that he will be healed when He gets home and we thank you for that. Give him peace and comfort in this difficult time of his life. In Jesus' name,


12-30-2016, 10:57 AM
Prayers sent for Randy.
Randy,don't despair,my mother was in a wheel chair for 62 years.She always said you at the situation and find another way to do it.She used this theory daily until she became unable to care for herself for the last six months or so of her life.She cooked and kept house for her family for many years.

12-30-2016, 03:20 PM
Lord be with Randy and his family . Help and guide them Lord . Strengthen them to work together through you . Give them comfort , assure them with your presence . Thank you Lord . Amen

12-30-2016, 06:57 PM
Prayers for Randy's physical and mental improvement, and for his family too.

12-30-2016, 07:28 PM
Wow, Paul! What a horrible thing to happen to such a great man! Prayers will be up, and sustained for him. No one-and-done here! Cops tend to be "hooked" on the action and being able to make a difference in this life for people who often don't know how to help themselves. It's a thankless job, too, for all their efforts. And for one of these men, with this type personality, to suddenly not be able to move about on his own, is absolutely devastating to their psyches, usually. But if he had the strength and courage and faith to do the work you two did, under the circumstances he did it, he has all the traits inside him to continue doing God's good work. It'll only be in a different "uniform" now, and to different ends. If you can help him see that when one door closes, another opens, it'll go a long way toward making him feel "useful" again, and still free to battle evil in a new form for the rest of his life. Then, if you can just get him to see how satisfying that can be, he should take that "bait" and work all the rest out himself. One thing about cops, they tend to like to find their own answers, and they're pretty darned good at it. He'll just need to see the opportunities he doesn't WANT to see right now. But they're there. God never leads us down a road like that for no reason. We may not understand it, but that's why He gives us the faith. If we have the faith and trust to just take those first few steps, we find that He truly IS there, and was there all along. He is difficult for us to see when we look to OUR wills instead of His. When we humbly accept what He puts before us, and go with it, and seek HIS will ..... well, it's just amazing where this simple act leads us. We THINK we know SO much more than we really do! Let His will rule, and we find He was a LOT smarter and saw a lot further than we ever could.

Many times we pray for things to be easy, and God gives us difficulty, so we can learn how to make things easier. We pray for sunshine, and he gives us rain, so we can better appreciate the sunshine. We pray for walth, and He gives us poverty so that we might learn to become richer than we'd ever thought we could be. We pray for one thing, and often receive another, because what we NEED is that other thing. Often, it's to kind'a kick us in the seat of our pants so we'll pay attention, and CAN learn what we didn't even realize we needed to learn!

Our Lord is MUCH smarter and all-knowing than we are, and He loves us more than we can perceive. When He lets "bad things" happen to us, He always has some purpose in it, if we can just find it. We hide that purpose from ourselves by throwing our own wills over all our perceptions, which is the WORST of all possible things we can do. That only makes us depressed, forlorn, and angry. And those things blind us to all the good that is in everyone's life, if we'll just let ourselves recognize it for what it is.

God be with you both. A policeman's long time partner is SO much closer than just about any other human CAN be in his life. You and he have a lot of good men praying for you, who seem to have the Lord's ear. Be strong, and not soft. He's going to need to draw an awful lot of strength from you now. He's one lucky guy to have a guy like you to be able to fall back on when his own courage falters. And it always does, for a time at least. Keep your faith, and he'll likely keep his.

01-01-2017, 08:26 PM
Praying for Randy.

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01-01-2017, 08:35 PM
Prayer sent for Randy.

01-01-2017, 09:10 PM
Praying for Randy and his family. Wishing them a better New Year.

Pine Baron
01-02-2017, 11:13 AM
Prayers sent for Randy.

Preacher Jim
01-02-2017, 11:18 AM
Lord Randy and his family need your grace and mercy, please help them.

01-05-2017, 09:48 PM
Sincere Prayers for Strength, Faith, Hope, Endurance, Healing, Mercy, and Love.... We ask You Humbly and Gratefully to help Randy ( and Paul) thru this crisis.. Amen

01-06-2017, 03:52 PM
Prayers for your old pard, his friends,family and co-workers as well. Thanks for being a good pal as well Paul.

01-10-2017, 09:26 AM
Prayers continued.