View Full Version : Bar Marking information needed

12-28-2016, 07:17 PM
I have searched, but no luck. I purchased (what I thought was) 13 50/50 lead/tin bars. 10 are marked as such. But 3 have no markings other than the " Carter Donlevy Co. Finest ". I would be thankful for any help..

12-28-2016, 07:52 PM
are they the same size?
if so weigh them.
if they are the same weight they are the same composition.

Dusty Bannister
12-29-2016, 02:14 PM
If you have a ball bearing, place a known bar of solder and this bar of solder in a vise with the ball between the bars. Squeeze to get about a 25% indent and compare the size of the depression. Higher tin content will be slightly harder so the indent will be smaller.

Cut off a chunk of the known bar of solder and a similar sized chunk of the unknown bar of solder and place them on a piece of sheet metal. Heat until one melts. The higher tin content will melt at a lower temperature.
Good luck.

Geezer in NH
12-29-2016, 04:44 PM
Same maker and source I would bet same if that's anything to think about. I am not that into exact what but why diff from 1 source and not that it matters melted into couple hundred pound of WW lead or pure or?????

12-29-2016, 07:09 PM
Odds are pretty high they are the same 50/50 as the others. Why are you concerned?

12-29-2016, 09:52 PM
Not concerned, just want to know what I have without guessing. I was just hoping someone would have seen this bar before. All the other's are by different brands and marked as 50/50. Had at chance the afternoon to do what runfiverun suggested. Of the 50/50 marked bars, they average 23 oz's, the not marked weighted on average, the same, 23 oz's. The bars are not the same size, measured the 50/50 bars and came up with around 3 cubic inches. The Carter Donlevy bar's measured around 3 cubic inches. So, I'm going with " They must be 50/50 bars ".. thanks for everyone's time...