View Full Version : For thought and meditation

12-26-2016, 07:55 AM
For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.—1 Timothy 2:5 (http://harvest.us3.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=4f108f827aed8d503b5fca9fa&id=03e05107e5&e=3dd732485b)One of the most often-asked questions regarding the Christian faith goes something like this: "What about the person who has never heard that Jesus is the only way to God? What about the person in the middle of the jungle who has never heard the gospel?" (They are always in a jungle for some unknown reason—or in the desert.)

The teaching that Jesus Christ is the only way to God has never been popular. But maybe it has never been more controversial than it is today. If you want to get someone's blood boiling, then say that Jesus is the only way to God. The "coexist" bumper sticker on their car will catch fire.

The idea that you would have the audacity to say that Jesus is the only way is, in effect, saying that other religions are not true. That is the way it works itself out, and people don't like it. It is acceptable if you say that Jesus is a way to God. But when you dare to say that He is the only way, then you can be certain that will have some pushback.

But here is what it comes down to. We have to say what the Bible says, whether it is popular or not. It is not for me to edit the message of the Bible; it is for me, as a Christian, to simply deliver it.

It would be like a doctor's discovering a very serious problem with a patient's health, but then being unwilling to say what that problem is, because it might make that patient uncomfortable.

We have to tell people the truth about their real condition, which happens to be sinful, and then seek to save them, which is to point them to Jesus Christ as the only solution

Preacher Jim
12-26-2016, 08:08 AM
Great lesson thank you for your faithful writings

12-26-2016, 08:21 AM
It is a perfect lesson. There are no loop holes in the BIBLE.....you either believe or you don't due to your free choice ......the result of your choice is smoking or nonsmoking when we are called home.

12-26-2016, 08:25 AM
I thank you . We will stand for what we know and believe or we stand for nothing .

square butte
12-26-2016, 08:38 AM
Thanks rl69 for the study this morning - I'm sticking with The Book

12-26-2016, 09:35 AM
I believe there are many god's worshipped, but only one GOD.

Jesus said it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone to come to GOD without him.

This made perfect sense to me. Originally GOD sent down the Law, but the law was hard. There was no real method of forgiveness. So you could live by the law most of your life, be a good and holy man. Make one mistake and whoops, sorry.

With Jesus he can forgive all things. He washes us clean of sin with his blood. His sacrifice was for all. He died so that we would not have to die.

Hard to believe when life has kicked and beaten you, when you have sinned so much.
It is hard to believe that anyone can love that much.

But he does, send him your troubles, share your heart with him.
What other friend is so true?

12-26-2016, 09:50 AM
Great lesson.

12-26-2016, 03:04 PM
Wow! What a great post! And never more relevant and needed than now. Political correctness has seeped into far too many of us, and taken away the boldness and definitiveness of the message we were charged to bring to the world. PC has made us weak, meek and far too ineffective. And then, some err on the other end with their "fire and brimstone" approach. We can't scare people into belief. They have to be LED, and you don't lead by just giving them "what for" because of their disbelief.

Add in that we haven't "studied to who ourselves approved" like we should have, and ...... well, we're just not prepared because we haven't prepared ourselves, often being consumed by "making it" in this world. But "making it" is NOT achieved by neglecting what comes after, is it?

So as we start a new year, let us rationally approach our lives and take rational and brutally honest stock of who and what we are, our assets and liabilities, and try to bolster our understanding, and our ability to tell our story effectively, and without accusation toward those we say we want to bring to the light. We take the big things far too lightly, and the little things far too seriously. Therein, we may "find the time" to do what we've known we ought to do for a very, very long time now. That's the great thing about a new year. It can be a new beginning if we but let it.