View Full Version : Trust

12-25-2016, 10:07 AM
In working horses ( what verry little I do ,I'm no pro by no means ) I use presser and release. When I first start working a horse I'll put it in a round pin, and start running it in circles, until the horse finally submits, and looks at me with both eyes, then I release, and it can rest. I find God uses the same technes. From time to time I find myself runing in circles,tell I relize whats happing and I turn to him.then I get the rest I need

With horses it is a bonding moment if done right. The horse will come to know there is love and safty in following my leed and there is only fear and anguish outside my will.

I see a lot of me in horses, pride, stubbornness,independent, fear, did I say stubbornness. And I see why those traits or counterproductive to a God filled life.

Sheep on the other hand, stupid not a care in the world sheep. They quiet the opposite.They just follow along eating,drinking, and every now and then look up to see the shepherd, totally trusting he will take care to them. If I could just be more like a sheep.

Hay on the bright side I'm half way there

Marry Christmas
Ronnie Landry
Did I mention I'm I mean horses are stubborn

12-25-2016, 10:14 AM
Thanks ! Good to hear this from another , we are all a work in progress . Learning to trust him is the key to understanding .

12-25-2016, 10:20 AM
Thanks for posting this Ronnie, I am stubborn also.

12-26-2016, 12:30 AM
What a great analogy, Ronnie. We've got SO many clues all around us, in all the things we do, about who and what God is, and how He works within and on us, that it's amazing we miss so much of it. Evidence of God's love for us, even when we don't do that great at loving Him in return, is one of the most humbling and instructive things we can come to realize in this life, I think. And really, the evidence of Him is everywhere, if we'll just allow ourselves to see it. We can be SO dull and uninspired in this life. But it's mostly because we don't look for real inspiration, or even really know how much of our lives. And yet, it's there all our lives, just waiting on us to notice the "little things" like this, and so much more.

When I'm in a tree stand, waiting on something to shoot, I entertain myself by thinking about whatever's before me. I'm never bored in a tree stand. I truly feel sorry for those who take their cell phones and video games with them to a tree stand. It's a way satan has of keeping the scales over our eyes, lest we see things he doesn't want us to. God is truly all around us, and in all we do. Unfortunately, so is satan. So we have to be ever conscious that we see what's really there TO be seen. And that's something it takes a lifetime to do for most of us. We are SO dull, and yet, God teaches us anyway. Is our God a patient and loving God or what?

12-26-2016, 12:50 AM
Thank you for the reminding us of the subtleties that can be overlooked so often in life, yet are a sign of God's love for us. God bless you and I hope all had a Merry Christmas.

12-26-2016, 01:34 AM
There is more than a little truth in your post.
