View Full Version : Pass God's blessings on to others for Christmas, whether they "need" it or not

12-23-2016, 01:21 AM
I recently felt a reminder from God that sometimes you should pass a physical blessing on to someone who deserves it, whether or not they "need" it. Most of the time my wife and I focus our charitable giving on who needs it the most, and tend to center on "need" things like life essentials and direct evangelism, but this week we had a different opportunity and felt great about it.

An opportunity came up in the last few days where God made me feel like I needed to also remember those people who have all their basic needs met but are just the "unsung heroes" kind of people and just do something extra nice for them, especially for the holidays.

We have a guy in our church who is the man who keeps the whole building running. He's the guy there at 7 to turn on the heater on Sunday and the guy who everyone calls when anything goes wrong in the building. He is probably there 100+ hours a year and isn't paid anything and doesn't think anything of that fact, it's just what he wants to do to help out.

Based on a blessing God gave us earlier this year, we have a surplus of reloading equipment. It just so happened (God) that this man said he wanted to get start reloading this week. To keep from this being too long a story: we were able to set him up with 90% of what he needs to start reloading and the last 10% is arriving tomorrow. He is very excited and we felt like we did something cool for the guy who it is hard to do something for (he would never take money for his work). I have set up with him to do the first reloading session over the Christmas weekend and this seems like a great thing for all involved.

I wanted to pass this on because my wife and I felt very joyful to pass on the gift God gave us a few months ago with this equipment to this man and I hope that the story inspires others to do the same with someone that might be in their life if you have some stuff to spare. We had previously planned to sell the items and man does it feel better to have it work out like this, 100% great feeling in your heart, a new reloader and you see the other person's joy in their face right around Christmas, couldn't be better!

12-23-2016, 01:54 AM
Awesome Christmas present. Glad to hear you made someone's day!

12-23-2016, 03:03 AM
Well done,I
Many times we don't see or just overlook the opertunity God gives us.

12-23-2016, 06:41 AM
Andy thank you for your post !

Pine Baron
12-23-2016, 09:44 AM
You are truly blessed and a blessing. Thanks Andy.

12-23-2016, 01:59 PM
Great story and great decision. The thrift store my wife runs recently had a car donated to them. One old lady, Mary, is THE most faithful worker there they have. She's not overly bright (but not dumb), not very socially skilled, has never been married, lives with her brother and SIL, and is one of the most cheerful people you will ever meet in this world. All she does is look for something good to do for others. She's a very simple woman, but of inestimable value to the thrift store. She's almost always there, doing whatever needs to be done, and always with a gracious spirit and thankful heart to just be able to pitch in and be associated with other good folks.

Well, Br. John, who oversees things at the store, knew Mary's car was on it last leg. The heat and A/C don't work, windows wouldn't work, and it was basically just before totally falling apart. He put 2 and 2 together, and decided to give the donated car to Mary, as a token of their appreciation for all she so diligently and consistently and persistently does for everyone there. He had it fixed up in a few places, and while it's still being finally completed, he took a pic of it and all the rest of the volunteers gathered in a little semi-officious ceremony to honor her, and give her a really nice home-made card with the pic of the car. She was exstatic, and shocked, and .... well, she just cried. She has very little income herself, and she's very careful how she spends what little she has, but is SO extremely generous with her time, giving to others always, that everyone there knew they'd done a righteous and just thing, and my wife teared up telling me about it all.

Many ways to make a difference in folks' lives at this time of year. All most folks need is the knowledge of something they can do. That's really the hardest part. And the great thing about gifts is it doesn't matter whether they're needed or not. What matters is the spirit with which they're given. Even rich folks recognize righteous sentiments, and appreciate it just as much as the poor do necessities.

12-23-2016, 04:56 PM
A great testimony and a great story. Sounds like you made a unsung hero happy as well. Merry Christmas and may God bless you and your wife. Paul

12-23-2016, 07:59 PM
Stewardship ? You go figure .

12-23-2016, 10:31 PM
Very gracious and uplifting.

12-24-2016, 07:42 PM
Blackwater that is a great story, great that your wife and her group were able to help that woman out like that. I recently had car trouble myself for a few months (finally fixed now) and it made me realize how rough life would be without an appropriate vehicle.

Thank you everyone else for the words of encouragement.

12-24-2016, 09:19 PM
No credit to me at all! This was Brother John's idea, and all the rest just said "Amen." Mary's never been married, had few teeth, little income. And yet, she's the picture of loving appreciation for just an opportunity to do a little something for the Lord, and to work with other like-minded, good people. Another lesson in how it's sometimes the poorest among us who are the most thankful and appreciative of what they DO have. I could think of no greater message at this time of year. She knows she is loved and appreciated and worthy, and that's quite enough for her. She's a true wonder, and has a spirit inside as big as the Grand Canyon. I doubt that place could hold a spirit like hers.

I've known many folks like her, actually, and I never fail to be inspired and humbled by them. They're really all around us. We just usually never notice them. But they're there, and often, like gold, in the last place you'd expect to find them. I often wonder how many live in the ghettos of our big SMSA's that have "gone to the dogs." But they're there. They're the very little glue that still holds these places together, IMO. There is simply nothing that can defeat the simple human spirit when it's committed to Christ. NOTHING! If that's not a supernatural power, what could be? Truly, we serve a wonderful God, whose power can and will overcome all things. ALL things. We just have to "read the instructions" so it CAN do all that. Some still DO read those instructions, and even when they don't fully understand it all, they have the simple faith and trust to go ahead and just do it anyway. Greater faith has no one than these people! And they never fail to humble me greatly. All credit goes to THEM for making other good folks WANT to do things like this for them. We have no stronger "role models" than these simple and gracious folks. They make me ashamed of how I've looked at my own life at times.

12-25-2016, 12:18 AM
Giving is a wonderful thing....especially if it is appreciated... What a joyous thing to read of these examples.... Dale

12-25-2016, 09:45 AM
Well done!