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12-22-2016, 08:25 PM
I had to go to Texas for a few days.
We got off the plane in San Antonio with beautiful 70 degree weather, green grass and the leaves was just starting to turn. The next day was nice, temps in the 60's, but dropping that evening. The next day I was ready to get back to Alaska and WARM up, gee's it got cool down there.
In the rental car between San Antonio and Marble Falls, my daughter thought it was sad that it was this close to christmas and they had no snow, I did get a kick out of that.
The highlight of the trip was seeing my sister that lives in the detroit area, and the reason is I found out she was a TRUMP supporter after assuming she had crossed the line several years back. lol

12-22-2016, 08:41 PM
You must have gone up 281, west of me on the way to Marble Falls (didja get pie at the Bluebonnet Cafe?). Before that arctic air hit here, it was quiet and quite comfortable at 65F. Then the wind kicked up and the temps dropped 40 degrees during the night, half if that drop in the first hour. Temp bottomed out here at 25F.

Living mostly indoors as I do, I am curious how the early peoples here learned to read what was coming, because a Texas blue norther happens FAST. The stillness heralds a wind change, or at least a new air mass on the way. Pressure changes occur with the temperature drop, so have no predictive power. I bet the bird and animal behavior were good clues.

12-22-2016, 08:58 PM
I will say this, the weather man called it spot on.
He called for the front and the wind to hit at 6 pm, and it hit dead on the minute. lol

I was actually going to kingsland first so turned off at Round Mountain.
I did not get around to going to the bluebonnet, been there many times before, BUT we did have some of their pies brought out. lol

12-23-2016, 12:45 AM
Love the Bluebonnet pies.

12-23-2016, 09:06 AM
starmac, Texas is a different kind of animal. I have survived many blue northerners when temps drop 30+degrees in an hour. I can remember calling a p.d. in Minnesota in Jan. or Feb. to confirm a warrant on an individual and it was colder here than there. What seems to make the cold so bad here is the humidity and the bone chilling wind that goes with it. But in 64+ years there is not any place I want to live more.....when you get back down our way and if you get over into E. Texas I would be glad to buy you lunch.....Paul

12-23-2016, 10:00 AM
I've been down there, "on the wrong side of the Red (river)" a few times.

Nice enough place, but it's absolutely CRAWLING with Texans. Ugh....[smilie=1:

Kind of ruined it for an old Okie....

12-23-2016, 10:31 AM
I've been down there, "on the wrong side of the Red (river)" a few times.

Nice enough place, but it's absolutely CRAWLING with Texans. Ugh....[smilie=1:

Kind of ruined it for an old Okie....

Growing up in Texas I was always told that Oklahoma was the Northernmost County in Texas. Joke was that those who couldn't get into a Texas University would get their kinfolk to list them as residents so they could register for College in Oklahoma.

Concerning cold weather in Texas, in the Panhandle when a Blue Norther was coming in they used to say: Nothing between Texas and the North Pole but a Barbed Wire Fence.

12-23-2016, 11:17 AM
we have had everything from sub zero to around 108 degrees weather here,the old saying is if you don't like the weather now wait a while and it will change.

12-23-2016, 11:39 AM
I've been down there, "on the wrong side of the Red (river)" a few times.

Nice enough place, but it's absolutely CRAWLING with Texans. Ugh....[smilie=1:

Kind of ruined it for an old Okie....

Bookworm we kind of thought of Oklahoma is the same way until we had family move up to your fair state......

12-23-2016, 11:57 AM
Reference OK:

A Texas Aggie flunked out at College Station, moved across the 'ole muddy Red River, enrolled at "Oh, who?" & raised the average IQ of both States by 5 points.

yours, tex
former denizen of The 40 Acres

12-23-2016, 12:47 PM
I was born and raised in Texas, still have lots of family spread all over that great state, so am well aware of weather patterns there. Because of the humidity 30 degrees there feels colder than 0 here, not so much in west Texas if the wind isn't blowing, but that seems to be a rare occasion. lol

12-23-2016, 06:59 PM
Folks that live elsewhere don't understand the contentious relationship between Texans and Oklahomans. I guess if you grew up in TX like I did you'd understand why many of us think the Border Patrol is at the wrong river. ;-) We like Okies here in TX, just don't admit it very often, lol.
That little norther gave me a wind chill of just under 0 when it blew thru and a low temp of 8 the next morning. Hasn't been that cold here for awhile, next time you come for a visit, Starmac, please leave that stuff up in Alaska!