View Full Version : A fix today.

12-22-2016, 10:35 AM
Neighbor brought his Marlin ranch gun in .45 ACP to shoot. Split the stock wide open at the back of the receiver. I asked if he had a buffer in the gun, don't know.
How can an ACP bust the wood? I have to get Accra Glass in all the way and then pin the stock, relieve some wood. The stock screws were not tight.

12-22-2016, 01:19 PM
Did the same thing to mine shooting book loads with cast bullets. Bought some new buffers form Black Jack. Made me quite mad. Split very badly too.

12-23-2016, 10:37 AM
Loose screws.. The oldest story.. If the stock is not tight the action hits the wood braking it eventually..
How many of you guys check the mounting screws periodically?
I bet that many could turn atleast quarter turn when tightening the screws..
Wood is living material even after it has been cut down. It reacts the moisture in the air expanding and shrinking according to it.


12-23-2016, 10:51 AM
My screws were tight and my load was a book load. I guess the buffer went bad and the bolt clattered back and forth one too many times and cracked the stock. It is a really neat gun and accurate though. I would like to find a new stock for it. I repaired mine with epoxy and clamps. Still shoots good.

12-23-2016, 05:49 PM
Buffer was shattered, he has a few on the way. That should cure it. I fixed the stock and put a steel threaded rod down the grip. Accra Glass all. Can't hardly see the lines. He can't believe it and asked how. I said God made smiths.
He brought two replica Walkers caps would not go on. I played the devil to remove nipples and broke one wrench so I need to make a new one. I made him file them so caps fit. Used anti seize to put them back. Things were rusted in. Some can't zip pants!

ole 5 hole group
12-23-2016, 06:32 PM
Things were rusted in. Some can't zip pants!

That is very true - especially the past 30 years or so. Some just purchase a firearm and shoot it until something doesn't work right and then take it to someone to get it repaired/fixed.

Other's were taught how to take care of everything and fix about anything in their possession and that was usually reinforced by a slap up alongside the head from age 4 to 14 - if you didn't have things down pat by then, I don't know what to tell ya.

If you started having an interest in firearms and mechanical things later in life - you just might be at a slight disadvantage.;)

Rattlesnake Charlie
12-23-2016, 06:57 PM
I suspect that a recoil buffer is not the problem. Bad inletting/bedding is the culprit. The force of recoil must be distributed properly. If it is only in one point (which is what I'm hearing from splitting the stock as described), you must do some work to bed the action properly.

12-24-2016, 12:19 AM
Have a Marlin in 444. Split the stock due to poor inletting. Glass bedded the upper middle and lower sections and haven't had a problem since. Frank

12-24-2016, 01:50 AM
I discovered on my .45 camp rifle that a 264 gr cast bullet in .45 ACP will break a stock also!

12-24-2016, 10:46 AM
I suspect that a recoil buffer is not the problem. Bad inletting/bedding is the culprit. The force of recoil must be distributed properly. If it is only in one point (which is what I'm hearing from splitting the stock as described), you must do some work to bed the action properly.
Some Ruger rifles cracked stocks from contact with wood at the back. Had to relieve wood and put steel rod in.
The Marlin has no recoil lug. Force is on the screws and if loose the receiver slams the wood. The buffer cushions the slam. I would not bed the rear and would leave space instead. It is the weakest part of the wood.

12-25-2016, 02:41 AM
From what I've heard over the years this is a trait of these guns, and the ones that don't develop a crack are the exception. I think it is more of a design flaw with the gun than a buffer or load problem. I think this is why they quit making this model in the first place.

12-25-2016, 06:43 AM
Checked the pics of camp carabine. Yes.. there is definite design flaw. No recoil lug or other design to control the recoil. Only the mounting screws hold the action in place, so if they are loose even a bit, the action starts to hit the wood braking it eventually. As the back of the action is rounded, it acts like a dull axe or vedge.. if it would have been square, that would have distributed the force to much wider surface.


12-31-2016, 09:58 AM
Found another problem. Cambering ruins brass. I picked up brass that was bad. We found the damage was from cambering. A live round ejected showed the bullet nose hit and forced the bullet back past the groove and telescoped the brass. There is a cut line on one side too.
Something is wrong with the feed ramp. It is at a sharp angle. The bullet hits the top of the chamber as well as the ramp. Brass is scuffed and ruined before shot.
This might be why it is not made anymore.183892183893
I don't know what to do.

01-01-2017, 08:51 PM
Well, it sounds like you've got some friends like a buddy of mine. In just one instance, a friend of his got a ML'er and brought it to him to learn how to load and shoot it, and to get it sighted in. After that, my buddy took him in the house, and showed him how to clean it, and told him if he ever shot it, EVEN JUST ONE TIME, he had to clean it.

Well, he left, thanking my friend and promising to do as he'd been instructed. Now comes the NEXT YEAR, and he shows up at my buddy's house, complaining that his gun won't group in a wash pot at 15 yeards now, asking "What did you do to my gun?" My friend knew this guy, and suspected what had happened. One look into the barrel with a light, and he looked at the guy, and told him, "You shot it and didn't clean it didn't you?" The guy, caught, just looked at him and said, "Just once." Jimmie handed the gun back to him and said, well .... you can get a new gun now, or a new barrel, because you didn't do what I TOLD you to. And I haven't done ONE THING to your gun, YOU did, and after I told you what to do. I can't help you if you won't do what you need to do." The guy got all defensive and said, "Well, can't you do SOMETHING?" Jimmie told him, "No, I already told you what to do, and what would happen if you didn't do what you neeeded to do, so now, the only fix for that barrel is to throw it away and get a new one, or a whole new gun."

The guy threw that one in the trash, and bought a new one. This one was SS. Wanna' hazzard a guess what he did with THAT one? Yep! The next season after that, he was back with the same dang problem! Shot it, didn't clean it and now the barrel was rusted so bad (put it way for nearly a whole year without cleaning it!), he couldn't believe it, even after seeing it with a magnifying glass. "But I thought stainless wasn't supposed to rust!" he exclaimed. Jimmie pointed out "It says stain LESS, not stain PROOF!" So the guy tossed that gun and just gave up ML'ing totally.

Some folks, I believe, wouldn't stop and think if their lives depended on it, and really, all ours really does, eventually. And you can stand right there and tell folks today what to do and how to do it, and likely as not, they'll say "OK," but as soon as they're out of sight, they'll go and do whatever they WANT to, and "justify" or "explain" it later as some sort of "necessity," when they and you know full well what it was, and all it COULD be. Plain ornery stubborness and wishful "thinnking," IF you can call it really "thinking" at all? It's amazing to me, but I've long sought out what to do and how to do it to make things work right and consistently. Learned some lessons like everyone else, but .... DANG! How can people DO these things???? Doesn't make ANY sense at all, and yet .... it's SO common today.

It seems you can't talk reason with any but a few nowadays. Is it something in the water? Or is it the "entitlement" mentality gone viral???? If you can figure it out, you're a LOT smarter than I am! I've quit worrying about it. "Let 'em eat cake!" Seems to be as effective an attitude as any these days. I hate it, but ... well, you know, doancha'?

01-03-2017, 02:37 PM
44MAN look at how the feed ramp sits under the chamber portion of the barrel. If re assembled incorrectly the feed ramp will have a very sharp/abrupt angle to it and will have bad feeding or no feeding as a result. When re assembling these guns you have to "tuck" the feed ramp back into the chamber portion of the barrel or you may end up with the problem you are experiencing.

01-04-2017, 09:25 AM
OK, I did not take it apart The owner did to clean. I suspect he did not get it right so have to have him bring it over.
I only removed the stock.

01-04-2017, 09:52 AM
Well, it sounds like you've got some friends like a buddy of mine. In just one instance, a friend of his got a ML'er and brought it to him to learn how to load and shoot it, and to get it sighted in. After that, my buddy took him in the house, and showed him how to clean it, and told him if he ever shot it, EVEN JUST ONE TIME, he had to clean it.

Well, he left, thanking my friend and promising to do as he'd been instructed. Now comes the NEXT YEAR, and he shows up at my buddy's house, complaining that his gun won't group in a wash pot at 15 yeards now, asking "What did you do to my gun?" My friend knew this guy, and suspected what had happened. One look into the barrel with a light, and he looked at the guy, and told him, "You shot it and didn't clean it didn't you?" The guy, caught, just looked at him and said, "Just once." Jimmie handed the gun back to him and said, well .... you can get a new gun now, or a new barrel, because you didn't do what I TOLD you to. And I haven't done ONE THING to your gun, YOU did, and after I told you what to do. I can't help you if you won't do what you need to do." The guy got all defensive and said, "Well, can't you do SOMETHING?" Jimmie told him, "No, I already told you what to do, and what would happen if you didn't do what you neeeded to do, so now, the only fix for that barrel is to throw it away and get a new one, or a whole new gun."

The guy threw that one in the trash, and bought a new one. This one was SS. Wanna' hazzard a guess what he did with THAT one? Yep! The next season after that, he was back with the same dang problem! Shot it, didn't clean it and now the barrel was rusted so bad (put it way for nearly a whole year without cleaning it!), he couldn't believe it, even after seeing it with a magnifying glass. "But I thought stainless wasn't supposed to rust!" he exclaimed. Jimmie pointed out "It says stain LESS, not stain PROOF!" So the guy tossed that gun and just gave up ML'ing totally.

Some folks, I believe, wouldn't stop and think if their lives depended on it, and really, all ours really does, eventually. And you can stand right there and tell folks today what to do and how to do it, and likely as not, they'll say "OK," but as soon as they're out of sight, they'll go and do whatever they WANT to, and "justify" or "explain" it later as some sort of "necessity," when they and you know full well what it was, and all it COULD be. Plain ornery stubborness and wishful "thinnking," IF you can call it really "thinking" at all? It's amazing to me, but I've long sought out what to do and how to do it to make things work right and consistently. Learned some lessons like everyone else, but .... DANG! How can people DO these things???? Doesn't make ANY sense at all, and yet .... it's SO common today.

It seems you can't talk reason with any but a few nowadays. Is it something in the water? Or is it the "entitlement" mentality gone viral???? If you can figure it out, you're a LOT smarter than I am! I've quit worrying about it. "Let 'em eat cake!" Seems to be as effective an attitude as any these days. I hate it, but ... well, you know, doancha'?
And remember they vote to????????????[smilie=1:

Geezer in NH
01-04-2017, 11:28 AM
Worked on quite a few Marlin Camp 9's and 45's. All needed the buffers changed out. They were a clear plastic/silicon that had yellowed out and hardened. The originals will shatter eventually.

My Camp 9 short barrel rifle has fired over 5000 rounds on the new buffer and it looks like it was put in 100 rounds ago. I am not using the original hardwood stock however as I changed it out to a folder when it was shortened.

01-05-2017, 10:03 AM
Got it fixed and it shoots well now. Rounds feed without damage.