View Full Version : Prayer request

12-17-2016, 07:39 PM
Hello, I have not been on here long, but I've followed this forum for years. I have found a lot of fine people on here always wiling to help anyone with anything. I find myself in need of some help. Monday I got a biopsy and on Tuesday was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus and stomach. I am only 41 years old and have a sixteen year old daughter who needs a dad. I am a LEO so I have good insurance and this will probably be a presumptive workers comp case as I have never smoked, chewed, or used alcohol. I am trying my hardest to be optimistic and brave as I know it will have a great bearing on my survival.

I can not tell you when I was " saved," probably back in kindergarten when I was first able to realize the gravity of Gods gift in his son. Now that I look at my children's future and the love and the fears I have for them, I understand that gift.

I am asking for your prayers. You don't need to know my name. Just pray for a Dad who fears for his girls and I have faith that those prayers will be heard. I have faith that I will survive this.

thank you all, Cody.

12-17-2016, 08:05 PM
Lord our brother Hawgququatch needs your help . Help him Lord and be with him . Be close to him and his family as they try to help each other in this hard time . Strengthen them . Heal him Lord , guide his physicians , direct them to work through you to effect a cure . GOD please help them . In your name I ask . Amen

Preacher Jim
12-17-2016, 08:36 PM
Lord we come asking you to heal Cody and help him raise his child. Lord you hold our body together and so this is nothing that can not heal. We thank you Lord for what you are going to do for Cody.

12-17-2016, 08:38 PM
Praying for a full recovery so that you may live out your full days.

12-17-2016, 08:58 PM
Things change when you have daughters that is one thing I'm sure of. The other is that God is bigger than any cancer. Still doesn't mean we can't be scared or the trials we go through. I just know people get cured everyday by Jesus from cancer and the Dr's are dumbfounded as to how and why. That is what I'll be praying for....and a piece beyond all understanding. Praying for your best......

12-17-2016, 10:57 PM
Father we bring the special needs of Cody's condition before You, I ask that all fear will be removed and that You will give strength and comfort to the family also. I ask You to guide Cody in all his decisions and that he will have a life free of cancer. Father we are humbled to be able to come bringing our request's and know that You will answer in Your own time and for Your glory, We ask these things in Jesus name, Amen.

12-17-2016, 11:06 PM
Cody, prayer has been sent for you and your family.

12-17-2016, 11:37 PM
In Jesus Name, I pray you take away all fear from Cody as he walks through this valley and he be a strength and encouragement to his girls. I ask your grace and mercy be palable to Cody as he waits upon your healing. I ask that you show Cody how to take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ that darkness have no opportunity to oppress he or his girls. I pray he be surrounded by loving, compassionate people that you would use to meet every need that may arise. You have promised that if we pray for wisdom you would give it without finding fault, so I ask you give Cody wisdom in every decision that needs to be made and thank you in advance for answering the prayers of your saints offered on Cody's behalf.

12-17-2016, 11:42 PM
Praying for your full recovery and your family

12-18-2016, 07:20 AM
Father, Hawgsquatch is in need of Your help. He is not praying so much for himself as he is for his daughter. Daughters need their fathers and I am praying that You guide the physicians that are treating him. Please take away his and his daughters fears and let them see the path that You have chosen for them. Father, You are the great healer and I ask you to heal this man. AMEN

Pine Baron
12-18-2016, 08:02 AM
Heavenly Father, please hear our prayers for Cody and his family. Please allow Your divine intervention and Healing for his condition. Please guide the doctors in their treatment. Please bring comfort and strength, through his faith, to his girls and himself. Guide them down the path that You have laid before them. In Jesus Name. Amen

12-18-2016, 08:33 AM
Lord we ask for special attention for our brother Cody who is in need of your healing love at this time. He is a family man and is going through a time of trial. I ask that the holy spirit be with him always through this trial. Help him to keep his spirits up. Remind him that stress of any kind is a killer. That the best medicine is love and laughter.

I ask this in the name of God the father almighty, God the son, Jesus the Christ, and God the Holy spirit. As always Lord, not my will but thine be done.

12-18-2016, 01:32 PM
Prayers sent

12-18-2016, 07:18 PM
Prayers up here. And have courage. Even if it goes bad, which we all pray it won't, you'll have left an awesome legacy to your girls that will serve as a beacon for them in their own travails in their lives. And cancer is something they're doing VERY amazing things with now, so there's much REASON to be optimistic, now and for your and their futures. Keep the faith. It matters in more ways than we can know. Praying for a full recovery and remission here.

12-20-2016, 11:28 AM
Thank you everyone. I appreciate your concern and gifts from eth bottom of my heart. I am going to doctors every day right now and when this slows down I will update. Cody

big bore 99
12-20-2016, 12:10 PM
Prayers sent.

12-20-2016, 12:38 PM
Prayers sent

02-22-2017, 02:05 AM
Update: I am half way through chemo and radiation and then on to surgery at UCSF. Six oncologist and a couple of world class surgeons decided that I am going and tough and we caught this early enough that they give me no excuse for not pulling through. I am doing well through treatment and even went shooting, fishing and reloaded area boxes this week. Thanks for the prayers, thoughts, and positivity. I will post again soon

02-22-2017, 02:28 AM
Hawgsquatch...that is GREAT news!

Prayers will continue.

Pine Baron
02-22-2017, 09:26 AM
Thanks for the update Cody. Prayers continue. Hang tough brother, you got this.

Teddy (punchie)
02-22-2017, 09:31 AM
praying for you and yours Cody . God Bless!!

02-22-2017, 09:37 AM
More prayer. I admire your attitude. You are an inspiration

02-22-2017, 09:44 AM
Update: I am half way through chemo and radiation and then on to surgery at UCSF. Six oncologist and a couple of world class surgeons decided that I am going and tough and we caught this early enough that they give me no excuse for not pulling through. I am doing well through treatment and even went shooting, fishing and reloaded area boxes this week. Thanks for the prayers, thoughts, and positivity. I will post again soon

Praise GOD ! Thank you for the update .

Lord thank you for helping our brother in his time of need . Continue to strengthen him and his family . Make yourself known to them through your love , guidance and comfort . To you goes the glory . Thank you Lord . Amen

02-22-2017, 03:38 PM
What great news! But docs are mortal and fallible. God is neither. So we'll keep our prayers up for you for as long as it takes.

Lord, we pray once again for our brother, Cody, who still needs your blessing and healing in this trial he is facing now. And we pray for his family and all his loved ones, that they might receive your grace, and be inspired by his strong Faith. Let these and others see Thy mighty hand at work, that others might see, and come to belief. We live in a world filled with evil, and cynicism, pessimism and haughtiness. All of us need to occasionally see Thy mighty hand at work, through his excellent doctors, or by whatever means You wish to use in bringing about a healing in his case.

We are weak and heavily challenged all around us and everywhere. Give us all the strength to withstand the evil that surrounds us. Unless we give in to it, NO evil can EVER overcome your precious love and might. Thank you for all you have given us, and it's through the blood of your Son Jesus that we are able, and even directed, to pray for our brother and all who love him, and all who might be affected by what they see in his life of Your will at work. Thank you for your grace in this diagnosis, and evaluation, and we praise your holy name. Amen.

02-23-2017, 07:56 AM
Heavenly Father, you are the Great Physician. Bless and heal Cody, and give his whole family your peace. Bless also the doctors, nurses and other professionals who provide Cody's care, and guide them and give them wisdom. In Jesus' name, Amen
