View Full Version : Need prayer for a while

Oklahoma Rebel
12-16-2016, 09:06 PM
hEY GUYS, JUST WANTED TO ASK FOR YOUR PRAYER, IT'S EASY TO PUT ON A HAPPY FACE AND PRETEND THAT EVERYTHING IS OK, BUT INSIDE MY ANXIETY IS GROWING. sorry bout caps, anyways i have a pretty severe anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, and PTSD, I got a lawyer over a year ago to get disability, i still won't find out my court date until jan31 and then they said they could tell me a date anytime in the first half of the year, so my anxiety has been building about when it is going to be, if it is even in the first half of the year(she has lied about how long things take before),because i have had no income for 2-1/2 years or more, and i am so worried i wont get disability, because, i have battled with this since i was young ( think 10 or younger), and i will not continue to cost my parents money and live off them.so please pray for me like your life depends on it , not that it does, but you know what i mean. thanks

12-16-2016, 09:08 PM
Praying for you Brother

12-16-2016, 09:15 PM
Prayer sent for you and please know that we are all here to support you. Most of us have had times like this in our lives...just never give up and know that GOD will bring you through this.

12-16-2016, 09:41 PM
Life gets confusing . Focus on our Lord . Lay aside the trash . Talk to him and forget the world .

12-16-2016, 09:47 PM
Father, Oklahoma Rebel needs your help. He is suffering from an ailment and frustrated by the way the va works. Please walk with him and help him cope with the problems associated with his ailment and lead him to that place of peace and contentment. Father, I implore You to help this man through this low spot in his life. AMEN

Oklahoma Rebel
12-16-2016, 11:30 PM
I just wanted to point one thing out, or I will feel dishonest.Thank you for your prayers, and not that it matters to god, and hopefully not to you guys, but I'm not a vet, people hear PTSD, and assume its from serving, I've done the same thing, but no, PTSD can be from anything traumatic, like a car crash, being bullied my whole childhood ( at school AND at church), dog attack at the age of two, and a couple other incidents. please continue to pray for me when you guys think about it, I really appreciate it,

12-16-2016, 11:54 PM
You will be added to our prayer list!

Oklahoma Rebel
12-17-2016, 12:30 AM
thankyou very much

smoked turkey
12-17-2016, 12:50 AM
Oklahoma Rebel I will be praying for you. Any time is tough when you are suffering, but it seems that Christmas is particularly a bad time. It sounds like you are also having some financial difficulties due to your circumstances.
Lord I know you are touched by our infirmities, including those of our new friend here. Please give your peace that passes our normal understanding to this man. I am asking that your grace and mercy be extended to him and flow to him like a river of refreshing to him. I also ask that you intercede for him through the system that he is having to cope with in order to find help. Meanwhile Lord you can be more help to him than any government program or assistance he could hope to get.
Oklahoma Rebel you must be in the Word of God and in constant prayer to our Heavenly Father. The Bible instructs us to cast our cares on Him and goes on to say because He cares for us. This is found in 1Peter5:7. You will get through this. There are several folks praying for you as I type this.

12-17-2016, 08:11 AM
Oklahoma Rebel, never, never, never give up or quit.

I too have had my bouts with this, as have others here. You are not alone, or the only one to have to endure this, keep this in mind, and draw strength in knowing this.

Try not to dwell on the "What if's," or "What am I going to do...". Easier said than done, I know. This is truly a real battle, you must choose fight back and to think positively.

Force yourself to get out and be around other people. This can be difficult also, but withdrawing into yourself makes it worse.

When it feels like a heat wave hits you and you break out in a sweat, breath slow and deep, and tell yourself the feeling will pass, nothing to be afraid of, I have been through this before, etc.

Jesus is the one who will never leave you or forsake you. Lean on Him in the moments of darkness, for in Him is only light! Talk with Jesus as you would your closest and most trusted friend.

Praying for you in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer!

12-17-2016, 08:12 AM
Father, Oklahoma Rebel will be in need of help for all the unkind things that have befallen him throughout his life. Please send him the help that he needs and lead him beside the calm waters for healing the emotional scars that have occurred. Father, many people are very cruel physically and emotionally cruel to others and I pray that you walk with those that are victimized by such cruel people. Heal them and bring them unto You. For those that were guilty of hurting others please send the right people to show them their ways and bring them unto You. AMEN

Preacher Jim
12-17-2016, 08:38 AM
Lord you hold rebel close comfort him pour your grace upon him and guide his footsteps through this maze of the mind to your still water. Help him to know you are in control of his life.

Pine Baron
12-17-2016, 10:10 AM
Oklahoma Rebel, wise words from Hickok above. Amen to all the prayers. You are not alone in this. Patience and persistence, you will persevere.
Heavenly Father please bring Oklahoma Rebel comfort and resolution to his condition. Please allow Peace to come to his mind and body. Give him the strength of Faith to overcome this in Your Holy Name. Amen

12-17-2016, 10:26 AM
Father, please bless this mans request for help.

Charlie Two Tracks
12-17-2016, 11:51 AM
I know Rebel. I had severe panic disorder that just hit me out of nowhere. About a month before I came back from Nam it just hit me like I was shot. I don't have PTSD but no one has been able to figure out where or why this panic disorder hit me. I fought it for over 40 years before I gave up and asked a doctor for help. And help they did. It is much better now but not gone for sure. I can function much better now and finally have realized that I may never know (WHY) but that isn't important now. Being able to live my life relatively normal is a giant step and I know that many people have it worse than me. We each have our own thing to overcome. With God's help and reaching out to others, I have overcome most of this. It's ok...... Rebel, you will be ok if you reach out as you are doing.

12-17-2016, 01:54 PM
Father, you are the Great Physician. Bless Oklahoma Rebel and heal him in body, mind and spirit. Bless his whole family, and all those who love him. Amen


Oklahoma Rebel
12-17-2016, 03:50 PM
hickock, Charlie, I am sorry that you too have or are suffering in a similar way, but it does help to know I am not alone, I want to thank everyone, I truly feel you DO care, I am lucky to have such a good group of friends
to talk to. thank you for your prayers and god bless you., Travis

12-17-2016, 04:01 PM
Hickock gives the best advice and counsel you could ever get. When you're upset, it's hard to remember that kind of advice. That's where you have to learn the strength to go with what you know and can see, instead of the fears in your imagination. Stick with the real stuff, and you'll forever be grateful you did, no matter how hard it might be at times. Give in to fear and imagination, and you'll be building a fire under your own self.

And remember what Patton said about ground. He didn't like to pay for the same ground twice. So when you make an advance, or even just hold steady for a while, don't underestimate that or its value, and make SURE you don't backslide (if you can) and have to recover the same old ground again. Nothing is more debilitating than finding yourself recovering the same ground you'd already won earlier.

Yours is a battle that can't be won in one big, definitive sweep. It's a war of attrition, and you have to chip away at it one day at a time, and all the while, guard against becoming cynical and giving in to the real evil that tempts you. You've got a long, but very honorable battle ahead of you, and I wish you all the best. May you go with God, and He with you.

Mossy Oak
12-17-2016, 04:09 PM
Prayers offered up from WV, God Bless

12-17-2016, 04:17 PM
Praying for comfort and success to what ails you. Prayer is a powerful thing.

You can and will beat this.


12-17-2016, 04:35 PM
Okie Rebel, you're in a place right now where you're being prepared for something. None of us, including you, can know what it is. It might be something as simple as raising kids for something bigger than you or we could do one day? Who knows? But there's a purpose in everything. God doesn't play "tricks" on us for His amusement. There's always a purpose and design in it all, even when we don't know what it is, or even might be. But there's always love and purpose in what He presents us with in this life, and it's ALWAYS intended, from His part, to prepare us to do His will more fully and precisely than we every could had He not given us some obstacles in our path, to train us, and help us learn what we're going to need somewhere down the road in life, for ourself, or more likely for others' benefits.

So take heart, and embrace whatever befalls you, and know that somehow, God has a good and loving purpose in it all. It's tough to have courage when we're really wanting things to be much easier. But remember, God will NEVER put anything on you that you can't handle, even when you're not sure how you'll handle it. That's what real faith is for, and what it's all about, and how we all have to learn it - through trial and error and correction.

And attitude is a huge part of dealing with things like this. If we believe that we DESERVE better, then we wind up inevitably thinking God is "against us." But if we simply realize that what we've been given is redemption, instead of what we all truly "deserve," it sure puts our attitudes into quite a different place. Just don't forget you ARE redeemed, if only you'll accept the hand of the Master, and heed what He's given us for advice and counsel.

How COULD we ever learn faith any other way, really?

Go with God, and He with you. And keep the faith, and let it teach you what He intends for you to learn. You're MUCH stronger and better than you realize just yet. Let Him teach you this. It matters.

mold maker
12-17-2016, 04:44 PM
Don't give in.
Don't give up.
Trust the Lord and your faith will carry you through.

12-17-2016, 04:44 PM
Yes, Heavenly Father, please look with favor upon our friend Oklahoma Rebel.
He is doing all he can, and that is not enough, please bless him.
Thank YOU,

Ken in Iowa
12-18-2016, 11:44 AM

You have been on my heart for months. I lifted you up to God back then and do the same today.

12-18-2016, 12:52 PM
Prayer sent

Oklahoma Rebel
12-19-2016, 12:20 AM
first thankyou for all your prayers,you know it is easy enough to have faith that god sent his only son to be the perfect sacrifice to wash all our sins away, but it is so hard to have faith that he has a plan, or that he will heal me, when he had 16-17 years to do it. it's easy to stop caring,and quit putting on that "everything is great", act

12-19-2016, 12:50 AM
Prayers and best wishes to you bud, im sure its a tough thing to be going through and hard for a lot of us to understand. I have stood in similar shoes. Keep your chin up forge ahead, no matter how long the tunnel may seem, there will be light at the end!

12-19-2016, 01:00 AM
Rebel...I don't know what to say to help the way you feel...probably nothing I could say would make any difference and I know that, too well. You probably face the toughest thing that you have had to deal with. Not knowing, might really be the hardest part of it, to deal with. But, as hard as it is for you to believe, please believe that GOD loves you and your family and that HE is up to bringing you and them through this...whatever the outcome will be. Please don't doubt the depth and width of GOD'S love and the ability that HE has to carry you, when you cannot carry yourself.

My prayers will continue and may GOD bless and bring you through this.

12-19-2016, 08:50 AM
Father please grant Oklahoma Rebel comfort and peace today. Lead him to the path that will improve his life. AMEN

Oklahoma Rebel
12-19-2016, 05:34 PM
thank you again for all your prayers, words of wisdom, and kindness. I will make an effort to try to see more of the good and less of the bad in life. that's quite the task in and of itself. Travis

12-19-2016, 06:17 PM
It's not just looking at only the good, but looking at the bad, and not letting it get you down. We all carry things inside us that weigh us down. Pridefulness and expecting this world to be more to our liking are two of the heaviest burdens we can carry. They're self perpetuatinng. But good meds are available now. It's sometimes difficult to find which one(s) work best for a given individual, but they help considerably. Faith and good meds can get you through the darkest haze. That and the determination and commitment to just keep putting one ahead of the other. God bless you, and lead you.

One of the best things one who is depressed can do, is to simply give something of himself, his time and his talents, to those in need. It may be simply volunteering at some charity or church sponsored activity, where you can do some of the things that nobody else wants to do. Everybody has a niche here in this life, and a purpose to fulfill. Few are "great," but all are necessary if our world is to function as it's supposed to. Restaurants, for instance, need dishwashers and cleaners to keep things safe for their food preparation. Without those simple jobs, disease breaks out and folks get sick, and some die. God has always honored simple folks who simply do their best, and work diligently at menial jobs.

After all, when He sent His Son, the people He alerted to it were simple shepherds. So many today want to be king or queen of the world, but that's not the lot given to but a bare, spare few. Our job is to just find out where we fit in best, and then do our best at that, and keep our diligence and attention levels high. Then, things work like they're supposed to, and we wind up being happy because of it, and satisfied with ourselves, since we've made our contribution to all that.

Many times, it's our wants that keep us down and depressed, when we can't get what we've set ourselves up to want. There's some wisdom in that situation, if we'll just learn it.

12-19-2016, 09:39 PM
Prayer sent, I was where you are in 2007. Physical disabilities for me but still a lot of stress over trying to navigate the social security maze. Took me 3 years start to finish. If approved you will get back pay t the date you applied so something to look forward too! Be it paying off bills or helping your parents or setting yourself up with somewhere cheap to live that money is a windfall!

12-20-2016, 08:32 AM
Father, As we approach the birth of our Savior, I ask that You walk with and protect Oklahoma Rebel. Please give him the peace he is seeking. AMEN

12-20-2016, 09:20 AM
Prayers sent.

Oklahoma Rebel
12-20-2016, 07:49 PM
blackwater, I have not taken two steps back, though it seems a long time since ive taken one forward, so not falling back into old ways is something I have not really thought to be thankful for, it is easy to dwell on wwhere you want to be and forget where you are!

12-20-2016, 11:54 PM
Prayers sent out

Green Ghost
12-21-2016, 06:40 PM
You're in my thoughts Oklahoma Rebel. You are not alone in this. I found my comfort in the serenity Prayer.
I pray you find calm.


Oklahoma Rebel
12-24-2016, 02:47 PM
thank you jerry

12-25-2016, 12:46 PM
Father, On the birth of your Son please walk with Oklahoma Rebel and bring him peace and content. AMEN