View Full Version : GOD works in myst............

12-14-2016, 08:37 PM
Just a story , well maybe .

About 20 years ago I lost a good friend . His name was Derrill . Derrill had a poor upbringing . He was rough as they come , fight at drop of a hat . Half Indian could get drunk on a couple of beers . Derrill was an accident waiting to happen . Derrill couldn't write (spell) , he was a driller on an oil rig , had plenty of hard earned common sense but light on education . I think he told me he passed 5th grade in conversation . He was not stupid . He and I respected each other , the beginning of our friendship .....we did not test one another .

I hired out working derricks for him (back then drillers hired their own crew in the process THEY were responsible for them ) . Noticed on the logbook (every rig required detailed info on what happened when on shift (shift being called a tour , lol , Texans called it a tire ) he couldn't spell squat . He spelled motors as mottottors ! He carried constants to new heights of glory . He was a phonetic disaster . I told him I would fill out the logbook , he just said ok ...passing it off as nothing but he was self conscious and embarrassed of his inability to spell .

I worked for him several times , roughnecking jobs being unpredictable , I had 13 w2 forms come in one year back in the 70's . Heck ! I'm not even going to get started with stories of me and Derrill . He got mad at me once and challenged me . I liked him and knew he was having trouble in his own life , I'll not go into that . I talked to him , I tried to understand although in my twenty's I was hard put to leave it lay . We talked it out . It worked out .

He died of testicular cancer , watched him go down , it hurt . It was a long way down , he suffered . He talked to me , he told me many things before he died . He was a good man . I was a pallbearer .

Well heck ! lets flash forward ! Bout 10 years later his wife came to me after he died . She had medical problems and was broke . Derrill went hunting in New Mexico every year . His wife got mad every time , back then working on a rig you pert near had to quit to get time off ....8-12 hours a day 365 days a year . lol , to settle her down Derrill would stop at the Indian reservations in New Mexico and buy her some handmade Turquoise/silver jewelry on the way back as a peace offering .

She needed money , she had bills . She wanted me to buy a batch of this jewelry . Heck , I didn't know what it was worth but gave her $200.00 dollars for it trying to help . I didn't want it and wanted to unload it ...put it on EBAY . Told the story and it brought $1800.00 dollars !!
I called her , she came in , I deducted what I gave her and she got the rest , she was So happy ! God does not work in mysterious ways , he works in HIS way . She still live in a small town near me , she is doing ok and drives a school bus . Yea.....GOD is good .

12-14-2016, 08:45 PM
Yea.....GOD is good .


12-15-2016, 09:14 AM
Charlie, A great story and a great parallel. God is great and He always works at His pace. Yet He comes through and gives us not necessarily what we want but what we need!

12-15-2016, 09:28 AM
What a great story Charlie, I can say that God works in His way and in His time as this is my experience also. Thanks for sharing this!

Pine Baron
12-15-2016, 10:59 AM
Thanks for the story, Charlie. Dang interesting times. God is good, indeed.

Half Dog
12-15-2016, 11:31 AM
Sounds like you have done more than most people.

12-15-2016, 04:52 PM
Great story, Charlie. And God does indeed work in those "mysterious ways." All He really seems to require of us is some substantial effort. If we provide Him with that, He seems to somehow make it work, provided we don't just get embarassed at our lacking and walk away, and cease all efforts. I'll always be in awe of how He seems to make things work out right when we don't have a clue what do do, really, but just give it our best. It's a very humbling and reassuring phenomena, for none of us fails to encounter situations like that frequently, and it's very common in witnessing. Just do your best, and never back up, and it'll come out as good as it possibly could. This gives lots of witnesses a lot more courage than just stewing in self-doubt. He is SO powerful, and we are SO weak and unknowing! I think it's one reason why it's the humble in this world who seem to have the better working knowledge of Him, and how he works.