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12-11-2016, 06:55 PM
Dead Veteran's body left in shower room for 9 hours, report finds Published December 11, 2016
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Bay Pines VA hospital in Bay Pines, Florida. (Fox 13 Tampa)
An internal report blames staffers at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Florida for leaving the body of a deceased veteran to decompose in a shower for nine hours and then trying to cover it up.
The 24-page report concluded that hospice staffers at the Bay Pines VA hospital failed to provide appropriate post-mortem care to the veteran’s body, Fox 13 Tampa reports.
The report found hospice staff put the veteran’s body in a hallway and left it there for an unspecified time, the station reported. Staff then put the veteran’s body in the shower room and did not “check on the status of the decedent…for over nine hours.”
The report also found that a staff member then “falsely documented” the incident, Fox 13 reported.
The investigative report said that leaving the body unattended for so long increased the chance of decomposition.
"The report details a total failure on the part of the Department of Veterans Affairs and an urgent need for greater accountability," Rep. Gus Bilirakis, R-Fla., told the station. "Unsurprisingly, not a single VA employee has been fired following this incident, despite a clear lack of concern and respect for the veteran. The men and women who sacrificed on behalf of our nation deserve better."
The unnamed veteran died in February after spending time in hospice care.
The hospital's Administrative Investigation Board ordered retraining for staff.
Hospital spokesman Jason Dangel told the Tampa Bay Times (http://www.tampabay.com/news/military/veterans/report-va-staff-left-veterans-body-in-shower-for-nine-hours-tried-to-hide/2305694) hospital officials view what happened as unacceptable.

Unacceptable! And that congressman pontificates about nothing being done and he didn't do anything either, apparently. These are the men that has kept America free!! And their bodies get dumped in a shower stall. I am just sick about these things. I write my congressmen and get form letters back. Somehow we have to figure out a way to hold the politicians feet to the fire.
Ole Jack

12-11-2016, 07:07 PM
Require all sate and federal congress members, governors, president, and VP to get their care from the VA system and watch how fast it improves. No politician deserves better care than a veteran.

12-11-2016, 07:50 PM
Require all sate and federal congress members, governors, president, and VP to get their care from the VA system and watch how fast it improves. No politician deserves better care than a veteran.
This is so DAMM true.
As we all should know that (the people we voted for DO NOT follow the same health care laws we do.) They go to anyone they feel like. Including the health care providers we can't even think about paying for. They have no rules.

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12-11-2016, 09:47 PM
Bad things happen in all hospitals, I had an Uncle die in the Elkhart hospital while waiting to be treated. And yes he had total insurance coverage. Does not excuse it, just saying that yes it happens.

12-11-2016, 11:16 PM
People need to think, most of the VA staff at these places are vets also, so now that even makes it a worse case. Yes some are not vets but most are. Now how can a vet hired to help vets just not do a job above and beyond to help us out? Maybe cause they don't have to wait in line?


12-12-2016, 09:16 AM
Nothing really shocking when it comes to the VA. And hiring vets changes nothing, they simply sell their souls for a paycheck. One would think with so many vets working at the VA, things would be much better, but they arent. Its near impossible to fire those people, and zero incentive to work harder, the more incompetent you are, the faster your promoted.

I was talking to a woman a while back, maybe begin dating her sort of thing. She told me she got her 'dream job' the VA. She was gonna make a difference, I just rolled my eyes, told her good luck with that. Oh no she was gonna make changes. Not like it took her 6 mo to figure out how screwed up the place is. A week after starting she was asking how everybody here isnt an alcoholic. 2 weeks, she still had no idea what she was supposed to be doing. She was a registered nurse, and they ended up having her set appointments. She figured out, you become part of the culture or you leave and get a real job.

Lets see my recent experiences at the Murfreesboro VA. Went in to see about some glasses. After waiting 8mo, they finally sent me some paperwork to go civilian. Only nobody would take it, guess they wanted to get paid sometime this century. So it all came out of my pocket. They did eventually call and ask why I never used the paperwork. Oh they had A place that would take it, 2 hrs drive from the house. Whatever already moved on w my life.

I get 100% disability ea month. Was told my last visit that I was out of appointments, say what. Yeap you get 6, then they shuffle you off to someone else. Already played that game, an appointment every 3 mo, see somebody new each time, an intern, and English is a second language. They have no idea who you are before you walk in and they look you up in the computer. 'Taking your meds, not going to kill anyone....see you in 3mo' 10 min in the office tops 'but hes not getting better'. Did they follow up when I just stopped going? Not a peep, mission accomplished, one less vet to treat. Went in not long ago for my one a year 'your alive, blood test thing'. The nurse who was a good 100lbs overweight, starts telling me Im overweight. Really? Ok fatty whats your advice, I already hit the gym 3 times a week, cut out the sodas, dont smoke, eat healthy?

Only way to fix the VA, is to gut it, fire EVERYBODY. Tho then the question is what do you do with all those lazy worthless people with zero work ethic? Its always funny when they ask 'do you have health insurance'? Really and I would be here if I could see real doctors?

Friends call me Pac
12-12-2016, 10:31 AM
I have zero complaints with the VA in Little Rock. My wife a 24 year veteran has a 100% military related disability and she has had zero problems with the same facility up until last week. It seems the dentist office somehow misplaced her new teeth implants. I can't get mad at the guy that made her teeth because he & I served together & are still great friends today. We fish together all of the time. I know he didn't loose them or he would tell me to my face. Things happen. They have taken great care of us. To put a blanket statement on the VA as a horrible place is not justified. Yes, I get aggravated at times but in the grand scheme of things I don't fee like I have received lesser medical care.

What happened with the deceased is absolutely wrong. I wouldn't use the term things happen with that one. Someone knew the man was dead & he was treated with great disrespect. But I also know firing everyone & starting over isn't the answer either. There are a lot of good people working in the VA. Keep them & get rid of the deadwood. It wouldn't be hard to figure out who was involved. I do have to admit an English speaking Doctor would be nice. I'm sure my accent sounds just as bad to them as theirs does to me. I am still treated with respect & receive fine health care.

My eye doc is an early 30's American fellow. When he is finished with me I walk two doors down the hall and get a pair of free glasses. There are about 70 frames I can choose from & I do have to wait a few weeks but my glasses always arrive at the house. Once I absentmindedly left my glasses on the hood of my wife's car. She went to the store & my glasses were never seen again. The VA sent me a new pair with no fuss & no charge. I thought I would have to pay for them but found out a 2nd pair can be issued if the 1st pair is destroyed or lost. But you better hang on to that 2nd pair because there will not be a 3rd pair that year.

My Father has 100% & goes to VA clinic in Wilmington NC. I have been there & it is in my opinion top notch. They have really taken great care of Dad.

I have a 6 month checkup on the 21st. I'll give a report on how it goes no matter if it is good or bad.

12-12-2016, 11:21 AM
VA treated my father very well. Probably spent more than 1 million dollars on his treatment over the last 5yrs of his life...he never lacked for anything. I understand some of the frustration, but there is a lot more good that goes on there, than bad.

And, there are poor examples of health care everywhere, in every society...so, vets are not being single out for neglect and abuse.

Lastly,...people seem to forget that the VA is government controlled...WHEN has that ever been conducive to great performance. Couple that with having to care for more aging vets than at any point in it's existence...it is probably as good as it will ever be.

12-12-2016, 11:32 AM
People need to think, most of the VA staff at these places are vets also, so now that even makes it a worse case. Yes some are not vets but most are. Now how can a vet hired to help vets just not do a job above and beyond to help us out? Maybe cause they don't have to wait in line?


Not the Top Staff, or so I believe. And a fish rot's from it's head - so do organizations.

12-12-2016, 11:52 AM
Want to change the culture at the VA? Deunionize it. Plain and simple. NO public employee should have a union.

12-12-2016, 12:01 PM
Want to change the culture at the VA? Deunionize it. Plain and simple. NO public employee should have a union.

Absolutely correct .. make it so you do you job or your fired . employees bottom to top .. Carrot and Stick

12-12-2016, 12:09 PM
VA shortened my father's life by days and maybe even as much as months. Gave him a med that had side effects that exacerbated a known condition.

12-12-2016, 12:17 PM
The article says that Hospice care was involved, for those of you that don't know, procedures change as well as who is responsible once Hospice is involved. It is usually Hospice that arranges for transport to the funeral home at time of death when a patient is under their care. My wife works ina Nursing home and even they don't have the ability to remove the clients body if the client is under Hospice care.

12-12-2016, 12:26 PM
I get the impression that the issue was not that the deceased veteran was not removed to a funeral home, but that his remains were stored in a hallway for an undetermined time, then in a shower for 9 hours.

A VA hospice care facility does not have a couple of refrigerated drawers?

12-12-2016, 01:31 PM
Anyone here ever sit in the lobby and listen to how the old farts talk about their Dr's, Nurses, and how long it takes to get a script filled. I sure have and I'm also an old fart, but I treat these overworked Dr's not only with respect but kindness. Dr. I had before the one I currently have was only part time, 3 days a week, half days at that, her load was 800 patients, then she had to put up with the old goats treatment of her. Might put a different light on things, but I know I'll get lambasted for this post. Ya know, what goes around, comes around.

12-12-2016, 03:28 PM
I get the impression that the issue was not that the deceased veteran was not removed to a funeral home, but that his remains were stored in a hallway for an undetermined time, then in a shower for 9 hours.

A VA hospice care facility does not have a couple of refrigerated drawers?

Theres more coming out on the issue. It was a case of 'its not my job'. Way the story first came out was like he died in the shower and was forgotten. But now its been revealed they moved him several times, this person was called, and no it wasnt their job, call this guy, that guy blew it off. Then everybody went and changed paperwork to cover their butts.


12-12-2016, 05:52 PM
Col. Alan West to run The VA with complete Carte Blanche to clean the mess up. I'm glad there are those that get great service through the VA including my FIL at White River, VT but these types of stories are too numerous to ignore. The entire system needs an overhaul from top to bottom

12-12-2016, 06:01 PM
Require all sate and federal congress members, governors, president, and VP to get their care from the VA system and watch how fast it improves. No politician deserves better care than a veteran.

This is the best response in the thread and I have little doubt that it would be the right answer to a problem that should have been dealt with several decades ago.

12-12-2016, 09:47 PM
The VA has a monthly rating that they used to publish. It gave stars from one (bad) to (5) the best. Now they have stopped and when ask, they said that the one star hospitals demoralize the vets that have to go there for health care. I am, like Takleberry41 getting excellent care at the St. Louis, Mo. VA hospital and the out clinics in my area. I think we probably rate in the 4 star area. I am not ragging on them, I just can't stand to see people that have given so much to America treated so badly. I don't have a super duper wonder fix for the VA. I do think that upper management is most of the problem. They build a climate that perpetuates the bad behavior in the hospitals. I worked in field service before I retired and my company sent me to a number of large companies. I learned what made the good ones and the bad ones too. In companies like the VA, the upper management set the tone for the lower ranks by things like the bonuses that the upper management gave themselves even when their performance was basically pitiful. It's like the upper level are holding up a sign that says "see what we do? You can do this too." That just encourages the not very well motivated ranks to just give up and take what they can get away with. So I am mad at what happens to the vets. But mostly I am sad too. Sad because I don't have any way to fix it for them.
I'm done.

Ole Jack

12-12-2016, 11:25 PM
People need to think, most of the VA staff at these places are vets also, so now that even makes it a worse case. Yes some are not vets but most are. Now how can a vet hired to help vets just not do a job above and beyond to help us out? Maybe cause they don't have to wait in line?


They all have unions and civil service rules to prevent them from being accountable. They can't be fired for anything short of murder. they just don't care. There are a few good ones, but they get ground down by the union civil service drones.

However, there is a more pervasive problem, no leadership. Obama never once visited a VA hospital or invited disabled veterans to the white house. contrast that with dozens of visits from black lives matter. He appoints a secretary and goes golfing. Unless you bust the unions and waive civil service rules from va employees, it will not get better.

12-13-2016, 10:55 AM
The care I got(get)was excellent from the va until this last visit,"o"has got them just barley operating.He has taken a lot of the benefits and now they just have barley enough to open the doors to take care.The funds are not there like they use to be.

12-13-2016, 12:17 PM
well, I'm heading to Fort Wayne VA this Thursday and we shall see. All in all I think I'm still getting excellent care, Now on the list for a kidney transplant, fully covered and all expenses paid for for both myself and my wife, same for the doner if need be. Going thru the series of shots at present, also seeing an ear, nose & throat spec. outside of the VA which they cover. No idea how my care could be any better, the Nurse for my primary care Dr. knows me on a first name basis, and remembers who we are when we call, for both myself and my wife.

12-13-2016, 12:20 PM
I often wonder how many screw up would be reported from regular hospitals if they got all the talk of the town!

12-13-2016, 04:50 PM
Love how its all Obamas fault, guess it was his fault the first time I went to the VA in 92 and they were just as bad. Or they were just as screwed up in 2002 when I went back after avoiding them for a decade.

2002 I had called 'oh you need to be in the system', I had to go prove to the VA I was actually a veteran even tho I was getting a check each month and had been for 10 yrs. They would mail me the paperwork, after 3 mo nothing, called again, yeap they would send it, again nothing for several months. Finally I called and got a new girl, you can always tell, they are actually helpful. I was told the secret was to go in person, and the woman would put me in the system on the spot so I would leave. That worker demanded to know who told me that, most likely to make sure such information was never given out again. Well finally I was 'in the system'. Well then it was only a 6mo wait for an appointment, for a referral, which was another 8 mo. Good thing it wasnt something serious, like being homeless.

And gotta love the VA, a model of efficiency. They still operate off of a paper file. I have fallen into some limbo as I do not live in the state that file was created, apparently you have to request it be sent somewhere else. Since I do not live there, its never looked at, but they dont have the file where I live, so dont really know I exist here. But can still go in, get appointments, etc. I got a letter out of the blue other day to verify my dependents, from a state I have not lived in, in 13yrs. Fill it out and send it back or they drop my son from the system as my dependent. Just in case he was hit by an asteroid or something.

Or the 2 times they had overpaid me, one from 2003, so obviously not Obamas fault. I had been getting paid $25 a mo for a woman I was no longer married to, I had called them, but you have to fill out a form. Just never did. They figured it out when I filed an appeal. My appeal, well that would be 18mo min, but being overpaid, that took em 2 weeks. I owed them $1600 bucks, send in this form to appeal the decision, only they took the money before I was even told I owed them. I just didnt get a check for several months. Well I learned my lesson, so when I got divorced second time, I was Johnny on the spot with the paperwork. I got an email several months later telling me what exactly they would look at it. Then another 6 mo later let me know they had overpaid me since we were divorced, pay up NOW. They wont turn it off without the paperwork, but sat on the paperwork a year, still my fault. I sent in the appeal, not heard anything in a year. Rejected? Approved? So I check to make sure ea month at the bank, so I know theres actually money before I pay any bills.

And whats sad, my son gets CHAMPVA, which is actual insurance. My only option as the actual disabled vet, is the VA hospital in Murfreesboro.

12-13-2016, 05:52 PM
sorry for your problems. My experience starting in 2001. I had cancer, unable to leave the house, wife called County Veteran Service Officer, who came to my home. Maybe what you should have done?? Who knows! Got my first check next month. Received a letter to report to the Marion Hospital before the month was over, I was now able to leave the house, had a Dr, examine me, was now fully in the system, and declared disabled. Have been going to the VA ever since for all issues, received hearing aids, 4th pr now, glasses, can't remember how many pair. Receive a full pension check once a month. Have all kinds of check-up, even had my Dr. call me once at 8pm just to see how I was doing. sure can't complain about anything, Oh Ya, get full travel pay as well and if I need to stay overnight they take care of my wife as well.

12-13-2016, 10:35 PM
This ^^^^^^ is one of the best uses of federal taxes I can think of. I'm not being sarcastic. I would feel much better and much more proud of my country, if all veterans received the kind of care jcwit is getting.
There is no excuse for that not to happen.

12-14-2016, 10:13 AM
I live in NE Ohio and am I'm NOT a vet, but in talking with friends & family that are and that use the VA system my area is fortunate to have one of the good ones. A clinic in Youngstown at least gets very good marks for taking care of the vets in their area. Unfortunately as this story and countless others prove, it's not the same everywhere.

Having worked for the US Postal Service part time for 4 years while in school I had an exposure to what life is like under civil service and it's for sure not a system that awards initiative, efficiency and helps the best rise to the top. As others have said, gold brickers are unfortunately WAY to common and The Peter Principle of being promoted to incompetence is sadly pervasive. There are some very good folks that work their buts off to make it work, but it's an uphill battle with too many deadbeats and too much red tape. Hopefully Trump will be enough of a bull in the China shop to change that culture.

12-14-2016, 01:54 PM
I don't know about the US but up here in Canada I have found that a letter to either my political rep (province or federal) is usually enough to build a fire under some lazy SOB and things happen.

12-15-2016, 02:22 PM
VA hospitals are good and bad seems to be just the way it works. I have been in several some good and some I would not return if I was dying. Currently I don't use the VA as the individual they assigned me to and i didn't see things the same and I went and found a private doctor and have never looked back.
The VA is too big, too many political agendas going on, staff is over worked many times, the human part is gone in most VA centers. They never expected the patient count to get to large so fast, seems they didn't factor in a 15 year war with causalities, aging vets needing care, huge drug use, mental issues, etc.
I hope some day they VA gives veterans a card that can be used at any doctor the vet chooses and care of our veterans gets to the point no matter where you go you are priority one and are treated as such

lefty o
12-15-2016, 02:37 PM
Love how its all Obamas fault, guess it was his fault the first time I went to the VA in 92 and they were just as bad. Or they were just as screwed up in 2002 when I went back after avoiding them for a decade.

2002 I had called 'oh you need to be in the system', I had to go prove to the VA I was actually a veteran even tho I was getting a check each month and had been for 10 yrs. They would mail me the paperwork, after 3 mo nothing, called again, yeap they would send it, again nothing for several months. Finally I called and got a new girl, you can always tell, they are actually helpful. I was told the secret was to go in person, and the woman would put me in the system on the spot so I would leave. That worker demanded to know who told me that, most likely to make sure such information was never given out again. Well finally I was 'in the system'. Well then it was only a 6mo wait for an appointment, for a referral, which was another 8 mo. Good thing it wasnt something serious, like being homeless.

And gotta love the VA, a model of efficiency. They still operate off of a paper file. I have fallen into some limbo as I do not live in the state that file was created, apparently you have to request it be sent somewhere else. Since I do not live there, its never looked at, but they dont have the file where I live, so dont really know I exist here. But can still go in, get appointments, etc. I got a letter out of the blue other day to verify my dependents, from a state I have not lived in, in 13yrs. Fill it out and send it back or they drop my son from the system as my dependent. Just in case he was hit by an asteroid or something.

Or the 2 times they had overpaid me, one from 2003, so obviously not Obamas fault. I had been getting paid $25 a mo for a woman I was no longer married to, I had called them, but you have to fill out a form. Just never did. They figured it out when I filed an appeal. My appeal, well that would be 18mo min, but being overpaid, that took em 2 weeks. I owed them $1600 bucks, send in this form to appeal the decision, only they took the money before I was even told I owed them. I just didnt get a check for several months. Well I learned my lesson, so when I got divorced second time, I was Johnny on the spot with the paperwork. I got an email several months later telling me what exactly they would look at it. Then another 6 mo later let me know they had overpaid me since we were divorced, pay up NOW. They wont turn it off without the paperwork, but sat on the paperwork a year, still my fault. I sent in the appeal, not heard anything in a year. Rejected? Approved? So I check to make sure ea month at the bank, so I know theres actually money before I pay any bills.

And whats sad, my son gets CHAMPVA, which is actual insurance. My only option as the actual disabled vet, is the VA hospital in Murfreesboro.
just because you get a check from the gvmnt, doesnt in any way shape or form mean your in the VA hospital system. didnt file the paperwork so you didnt get the spouse allowance, and your surprised they took out the money.
the VA health care system is far from perfect, but a big part of the complaints you hear about come from those who are not reasonable, want their hand held, and dont do what is required of them.

12-15-2016, 04:20 PM
just because you get a check from the gvmnt, doesnt in any way shape or form mean your in the VA hospital system. didnt file the paperwork so you didnt get the spouse allowance, and your surprised they took out the money.
the VA health care system is far from perfect, but a big part of the complaints you hear about come from those who are not reasonable, want their hand held, and dont do what is required of them.

So a veteran who already gets a check from the VA, should then have to prove to the same VA hes a veteran? How does that make any sense at all? Its not like there are 2 VA's. Theres the 'department of veteran affairs'. And they wouldn't even accept my DD214, it had to be 'certified' at the county clerks office, thats a civilian county clerks office. How would they know better than the dang VA? Not like they examined it or called anybody, just cost me $10 for them to stamp it 'certified'. And its perfectly acceptable for a govt agency to take 2 weeks to do the same paperwork it takes them a year to do? Exact same paperwork. Then while they never asked once in 10 yrs if I still had any dependents, asked me within a few months of submitting paperwork on dependents, if I had any dependents. Thats pure incompetence.

Lets see there was the shrink I went to see not long after I got out, his advice to me was 'go become a mercenary'. Needless to say I did not return, but what they wanted. Or the homeless director who made all sorts of promises, then dodged phone calls for weeks. Yes I was homeless at the time, I just had to wait 8 mo. There was the doctor I saw when I had a sinus infection and broke down and went to the VA. He never actually looked in my nose, I was there maybe 5 minutes, said it was allergies, I have never had allergies. It eventually cleared up. There was the shrink who tossed a book on the desk and said 'pick one' as in a med. I picked one I had seen on TV, he wrote a script and that was the end of it. Went and seen someone else and they couldn't believe it was even prescribed. One of the side effects was diabetes, just what I need. Went in not to long ago for my back, threw it out again. I have been to real doctors for it, they generally you know look at your back. Not the VA, never even had me lift my shirt, heres some meds, now get out. Or the day I went for an appointment, went to the desk, they looked at my card, typed some stuff in the computer 'ok we will tell them you are here'. Hour later doc happened by 'didnt know I was there', put it in the computer to fix it. Then they bounced my travel claim for missing the appointment, and if you miss to many they wont give you anymore. The place is an idiot parade.

Like I said I knew somebody who got a job there, and they told me how screwed up everything is. So its not a case of 'those who are not reasonable, want their hand held, and dont do what is required of them'. If I go in, hand them my card, they type it in the computer then promptly forget Im there, its fixed 2x and still screw it up, how am I being 'unreasonable'? Is it unreasonable to want to speak to an actual doctor, not some intern who has trouble with english, and has no idea who you are before they look you up in the computer? One you will never see again, and get to start all over next time, and the time after that and the time after that? Appointments that often were less than 10 min, 'but gee he doesnt seem to be getting any better'. So fine they win, I quit going. Wasnt worth the hrs drive over, try to find a place to park. So now i have no health care at all. Teach me to fight for this country.

lefty o
12-15-2016, 07:06 PM
ok, well your in the vast minority of people. and you being a vet know how the game is played, its set up the same way the military is, you have to jump through hoops to get anywhere. why would you expect anything different. and yes, just because you get a C&P pension, does not mean you are in the health care system.

12-15-2016, 08:39 PM
Right^^^^^^^^Now then I just got back from the Fort Wayne VA about 30 minutes ago, care was super as always, has 6 more pre cancerous things burned off my scalp, also saw my primary Dr. and Nurse. Called Monday the 12th, got in today and am now scheduled for a ultra sound and a mammogram, yes, men get breast cancer too.

Friends call me Pac
12-21-2016, 09:09 PM
I said I'd tell how this week's appointment went. I actually took note of times & what all went on. My appointment was at 13:30 so I showed up at 13:00 as per normal military hurry up and wait procedure

13:02 I was completely signed in at the kiosk using my VA card and had appointment schedule in hand. First thing on the print out was lab work at 13:15. I sat down and started reading a magazine as I waited.

13:18 I am called back to the lab. 3 minutes late compared to what the printout says. I have blood drawn and pee in the cup. Then it is back out to the waiting room. The next thing on the schedule is the doctor at 13:30

13:20 I am called back in by a nurse to check vitals & stats. Then back to the waiting room.

13:40 doctor meets me in the waiting room, introduces himself and shakes my hand. Then we head to his office. I spent 17 minutes in his office talking about various things concerning my health.

14:00 I opened my truck door, fired her up and went squirrel hunting.

I was happy with my visit today at my VA facility. Exactly 1 hour from start to finish. Same great care as normal. As a bonus this is the same doctor I have been seeing for 3 years now. A bonus on top of that bonus is the fact that he is right here from my own state. We fish the same waters and have quite a bit in common. Conversation is easy and we shared a tip about the closet lake.

12-24-2016, 12:15 PM
Pop's 91, WWII Marine, never applied to VA for anything until last year. He drove a school bus until he was 84, finally gave up cutting hay 3 years ago. Sadly, he's a lifetime Democrat( he bled for democracy so guess he earned the right to vote for socialism - lotsa family arguments on that !) Locally the VA has a small facility for minor stuff, I guess.
He still had to be taken to the Salem VA to prove to somebody else he was not mobile, pretty much an all day deal for us. Saw a doc for 10 minutes, did get some bathroom stuff within a week and the've promised to install a ramp. Has to be taken back in January to be measured for a wheelchair, meanwhile using a loaner from the local VFD. While there, Pops, my disabled brother and me, plus an old Air Force vet with a cane, were stuck on an elevator between floors for 45 minutes. My first experience with the VA, everyone except the (foreign?)doc were nice folks . Obviously some efficiency issues , at least in this area. Many local vets are happy with their care. IMHO many of these facilities should be kept but changes from the top down are needed. And why can't the government just give all vets a card to access care within 50 miles of home or so anyway ?
Did fill out some paperwork last year on the homebound vet pension deal where they say they will pay the difference between whatever the current ceiling is and income($974 a month SS before deductions in his case). But he included the few dollars a month the wife and I give him as income and got turned down.
Took 4 months to get copies of his records as he had no proof he served beyond his PH and old pics in uniform.
Lot of folks get good care but the system sure is more cumbersome than need be. Col. West might could fix that, I'd hoped Ben Carson would get that job.

12-24-2016, 01:29 PM
I had to drop my health insurance in 2011 and went to the Phoenix VA. Sharon Helman was in charge then, the one that got fired. I had 3 doctors in 4 months, 2 I did not know I was assigned to and neither did the clinics I went to. Had a doc at imaging ok my narcotic scrip since I had no doctor on file. Wrote to Sharon, all the e-mails and notes from the clinincs were either deleted or changed. Sharon wrote me a letter that it never happened.
Things were tolerable until this year with only about 5 or 6 appointments and such screwed up. In May went to my doc for pain in the right side of my neck. Requested Patients Choice so could go to an outside doc. A couple of months ago went to the doc after having to call about 6 times to move the paperwork along. Got to the appointment, receptionist asked me for my x-rays that VA said I would bring. Told her they were no good as they x-rayed the wrong area and VA said I would get them done at their office. The office manager came over and asked how they were supposed to know if my thyroid was bad or not. Told her I could guarantee it is not bad since it was removed in 1975! She said they would get with VA and call me. This took several months then got a call to rescedule an appointment so they could get my thyroid surgery done. Explained it again, another couple of months go by, get a phone reminder of my appt. in 2 days so call the number. Appt. was for the same office to have my thyroid removed. Call and explain it all again. Still waiting. Got a card to call my VA primary care doctor to schedule an appt., she is leaving at the end of the year so the VA will call me when I am reassigned. There was much more that went on, like no treatment other than a back brace for my back and no treatment for the pain in both knees.
The only good thing about the VA is that I went on Medicare in November. I had both knees injected with cortisone yesterday by the civilian surgeon that operated on my right knee just before I dropped my healthcare in 2011. Knees feel good, side effects are not good but will get thru them.