View Full Version : Heaven on a plate.

12-11-2016, 11:16 AM
Big plate of deer liver and onions. I had to hold back so I could have a cold liver sandwich today.
I soaked in milk, dredged in flour and fried until blood stopped on top. Carol did not fry the onions quite enough, need to get brown for sweeter. Still good.
I hated beef liver my mother made long ago. She cooked the life out of it to make leather.
No luck the last day of ML. Never seen a deer anywhere. We have 6 days of doe left this month.

12-11-2016, 05:18 PM
the 3 ways ive eaten liver and really liked it was. 1. sliced thin when frozen and stir fried in a wok with soy sauce and onions and a sweet oil. 2. fried in lard or oil with onions, sliced thin of course and then finish off with a milk gravy and bacon bits in the gravy. 3. this way is really really good. sliced thin and fried in olive oil with onions and a lot of paprika and i mean a lot of paprika. these are all good ways to eat liver but the last one will make a liver lover out of most people.

12-12-2016, 12:19 AM
Nothing will make me love liver... it was cheap when I was growing up so mom made it once or twice a week BLECH

12-12-2016, 12:44 AM
Liver and onions for me, only one in family who will eat liver. Get it when we are at a cafeteria, wife will not cook the stuff.

Lloyd Smale
12-12-2016, 06:39 AM
Agree with the others. Sorry pal but I wouldn't feed it to my dog. My dad on the other hand would probably be willing to take a trip down there and join you.

12-12-2016, 08:24 AM
No liver for me, thank you.
Fried deer heart, on the other hand, yummy...dale

12-12-2016, 08:31 AM
I have to fight my daughter when deer liver is on the table. I will have to try the o/oil and paprika.:drinks:

12-12-2016, 08:37 AM
I see many like that, lady here stuck her nose up until she tasted it, she took half a liver home with her.
I think the secret is to caramelize the onions good. I will have to try that recipe.

12-12-2016, 03:01 PM
When I was young, I kind'a hated liver. But Dad and Mom both loved it, so we had it periodically. And I learned to love it! Liver and onions are twins that will ALWAYS go together. I also love chicken livers, but as stated, they can't be fried to be like leather, but they DO have to be "done." Delicate balance there! I've never eaten deer livers, but have given quite a few away. With the venison before me, it was hard to even think about eating the livers. Maybe I've been missing something?

And my cholesterol is high and since I've become relatively inactive, I don't need to eat organ meats (liver, heart, brains) since my ratio between good and bad cholesterol has been shot. Even so, you guys sure know how to make a guy HONGRY!

Rick N Bama
12-12-2016, 03:48 PM
I also love chicken livers, but as stated, they can't be fried to be like leather, but they DO have to be "done."

I like Chicken Livers as well and since the heart Doc says no, I only have them maybe once or twice a year. Ironically the best place in my neck of the woods is right across the road from a Tyson Chicken processing plant.

12-12-2016, 03:53 PM
Love liver and onions as long as it is from young deer.

12-12-2016, 04:15 PM
best liver I ever ate was fresh shot deer liver. Cut it fairly thin about 1/4 inch then strip the white sinue out of it, flower it seasoned with salt and pepper, slice up one or two big white onions and get a big cast iron frying pan good and hot. Hit it with a good splash of oil, fry the onions until golden brown,. push the onions together and set aside on the edge of the stove, hit the pan with more oil, then as soon as the oil gets good and hot, flash pan fry the liver until just browned, one side, turn it once, until medium rare, throw the onions back in on top, stir them around to flavor the browned flower, and serve with fried potatoes. That liver cooks about 30 seconds to 1 minute total time. It tastes like strips of steak.

12-12-2016, 08:05 PM
I like Chicken Livers as well and since the heart Doc says no, I only have them maybe once or twice a year. Ironically the best place in my neck of the woods is right across the road from a Tyson Chicken processing plant.
I don't know about docs. Your body makes cholesterol. Not what you eat. Actually it is a vital thing you need. It can get out of whack but I think it is genetics. Some smoke 110 years but another has one cigarette and gets cancer. They give you poison pills to reduce blood fats and you die from the pills.

Wild Bill 7
12-12-2016, 09:09 PM
Once I left home I promised myself NO liver, gizzards, hearts, or any other innerds. We had liver and onions once a month and I usually went without dinner that night. Fifty plus years without has been wonderful. All I can say is just more for all of you who like that stuff. ������ LOL.

12-13-2016, 10:15 AM
I draw the line too. I watched TV where they eat guts with boolits in the chamber yet. Then one place they ate spinal cords. Balls and bull penis is something they can keep. Eyeballs are crazy.
Somewhere in the world a gut pile will be dumped in a pot.

12-13-2016, 09:57 PM
The wife and I have liver and onions every now and again, love it if done right. We used to eat brains and I do enjoy the flavor but am scared of CWD now so none for 20 years. I miss the butterfly steaks out of the back of mulies and elk, bone in, but that went the way of CWD too.

12-14-2016, 12:20 PM
The wife and I have liver and onions every now and again, love it if done right. We used to eat brains and I do enjoy the flavor but am scared of CWD now so none for 20 years. I miss the butterfly steaks out of the back of mulies and elk, bone in, but that went the way of CWD too.
That is a big worry now. I stay away from spines and brains. There are counties in WV where you can't take a whole deer out, only meat. None where I live yet. I still stay away.

Eddie Southgate
12-19-2016, 07:44 PM
I'll eat any kind of liver any time . Doc said no my bad Cholesterol is well above 200 . I said yes so she put me on meds . Best meal in the world is a couple of slabs of Calf liver w/ onions , mashed potatoes , Spinach , boiled eggs and corn bread . Vinegar ,salt, and pepper on the greens and lots of butter on the bread with a slab or two of raw onion . I think I'll go cook up a mess now, done made me hungry talkin about it.
